hacker news books

Hacker news books

The year is coming to an end.

Mine would be The Utopians trilogy[1], I recommend it to anyone looking for a good sci-fi read. Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents I'm a person that struggles with boundary-setting and have spent numerous years in relationships that have left me as less-than I was before. Imagine people-pleasing to an absolute fault, and being more of a chameleon that adapts to avoid conflicts. This has led to problems of identity, and deriving my sense of worth through others which isn't healthy. Fortunately, I do not have the same problems professionally and part of my people-pleasing skills have been put to good use there. However, history continued and continues to repeat itself to this day.

Hacker news books

Read 70 comments. Read 35 comments. Read 42 comments. Read 66 comments. Read 40 comments. Thinking, Fast and Slow. Read 36 comments. Read 17 comments. Working Effectively with Legacy Code. Read 48 comments. Read 27 comments.

But what if we have a network of interrelated beliefs?

Hacker News is a forum spawned from the Y Combinator startup incubator. Hacker News book threads happen every couple weeks, with commenters adding their favorite books in response to questions like:. In DDIA, you will learn about highly technical details like database internals, the intricacies of system clocks, and data replication. See top ideas from Designing Data-Intensive Applications. The E-Myth Revisited particularly popular with the developer turned consultant crowd on Hacker News, those developers looking to start and grow their own company. If you want to learn about startup growth, check out High Growth Handbook. See top ideas from The E-Myth Revisited.

Hi all, creator here : I launched Shepherd. Then I crunched that data and broke it by genre, age range, and when it was published. Thanks, Ben P. Semaphor 3 months ago next [—]. The idea is cool, but I have some suggestions. I just ran out of time to do that this year this is the first year I've done this. I will also rethink what data I show for as I want to better show which authors picked which books visually. Get a better source for the book data: I wish there were a better source; book data is a nightmare. There is only one source of book data and that is the publishers through a format called ONIX. The publishers have no idea what they are doing, and so they stuff the book's "description" full of marketing crap as well as abuse the BISAC-defined genres :.

Hacker news books

Now that the decade is coming to a close, what where the most personally influential books you read? Which impacted you the most either personally or professionally? The ones you learned the most from? Fascinating implications of each. Because I'm so future-focused, reading this book helped me understand people who are very present-focused. Also great advice on shifting your focus when needed. I read it 7 years ago, but still think about it almost every day. Scan to the end of my notes, to see. If you know more books like this, please recommend them to me. I adore this subject.

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They thought about the task some more and dropped it… like magic. The songs he had written by Was not aware of the 4th book. The man certainly has a storied past, for better or worse. Malone of the 'Daily Gazette'. It's eye-opening, though rather short. Kind of a bummer. The third possibly is that there's an inherent bias. It also claims that people have natural preferences for each mode of thinking, which is super interesting as it suggests that the tasks that brains are best at performing will vary from person to person I guess this is obvious, but perhaps gets lost when we start comparing to computers. Get the hardcover edition if you can, it's much less unwieldy during back-and-forth flipping, among other benefits.

To vote on existing books from the list, beside each book there is a link vote for this book clicking it will add that book to your votes. To vote on books not in the list or books you couldn't find in the list, you can click on the tab add books to this list and then choose from your books, or simply search.

I have many ideas for these -example qualitative scoring systems the idea of which comes from Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman's book ' Thinking, Fast and Slow '. What the blog gets absolutely right is that I placed too much faith in underpowered studies. Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces. One of those problems is that information that is repeated often will start to "feel" true, even if it is false. I wouldn't go so far as to say it was the norm for most people at most points in history, but considering the populations of the above civilisations it wasn't uncommon either. Yes, this involves a lot of fear, misogyny, etc. We use the first system most of the time, and only use the second system when we really need to. I wanted to love this, and want them to be right. High Output Management. Again, very dreamy and weird. Or brokenness. The others are called concubines I think.

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