halo meddlers

Halo meddlers

Following the activation of the Halo Array and the ensuing Reintroductionthis refers to humanswhom the Forerunners more pointedly those allied with the Librarian regarded as their rightful successors. In particular the term is applied to humans who carry the requisite Lifeworker halo meddlers geas that allow them to activate Forerunner technology; [3] indeed, a great deal of the Forerunners' abandoned technology barberia utebo be activated only when used by a Reclaimer, halo meddlers.

A spacefaring vessel , belonging to an unknown species, crash landed on Halo Installation 04 around 40, BCE. Around 60, years after the firing of the Halo Array, [2] this vessel crash landed on Installation 04 in Sector Twenty-six hours later, monitor Guilty Spark arrived at the crash site and noted the crew had not attempted to exit the vessel. He marked seventeen atmosphere leaks along the hull of the ship that had been caused prior to the crash. An analysis showed these gases to be similar to those that comprised Installation 04's atmosphere. Guilty Spark hoped to get answers from these lifeforms, since he had many questions. Sometime prior to the crash, the ship started broadcasting a distress signal repeated every

Halo meddlers

The former piece comes from my thoughts that the HGN is still one of the better comic treatments that Halo has got while the latter will be more or less an archiving of a story I previously wrote, but with some fixes and additions to go with it. Thanks for understanding! I enjoy the characters of the Librarian and the Ur-Didact, but there is no better description of these two besides meddlers. Perhaps the Librarian more than the Didact deserves that title, but both decidedly have a hard time leaving things the way they are. Both have meddled in the affairs of humanity and the galaxy for thousands of years, yet there comes a point where one or both may find their agendas grind to a halt. What of their roles in the Halo universe then? Upon awakening from his imprisonment on Requiem in by the Master Chief, the Ur-Didact resumed his long-delayed war on humanity. If he were to have his way, the rest of humanity on Erde-Tyrene Earth and any species who opposed Forerunner supremacy would join their fate. The Librarian stopped him and locked him within a Cryptum on his fortress world of Requiem in the hopes meditation within the Domain would cleanse his mind of the madness clawing at him. Unleashed upon an unsuspecting galaxy, the Ur-Didact went on to compose the people of New Phoenix on Earth, a total of 5 million souls, before being defeated by the Master Chief and Cortana. His current whereabouts and form are unknown. Implanting her geas on humanity, the species has slowly developed the means to advance their civilization to the stars.

More importantly, Regret already produced one gigantic explosion in his Slipspace wake, decimating a rather large city in the process; this is undoubtedly an intentional plot point, halo meddlers. Along with implanting the geas necessary to utilize Forerunner relics, the Librarian planted "seeds" that halo meddlers to some of humanity's most important technological achievements. Question 2: Where did Truths forerunner ship "dreadnaught' land?

Iris Video Transcripts. I dare not cease the mission. Not now, not until I've done all I can. Each one of these souls is finite and precious. The empire of the Forerunner was indeed vast. Beneath the surfaces of countless worlds their artifacts and installations lie buried, for the most part untouched by the passage of time.

Gasgira , also nicknamed Skimmers , [1] are a species commanded by the Harbinger during the Battle for Zeta Halo. The Gasgira are diminutive, swift creatures that share a number of physiological traits with the Xalanyn , though the lack of information regarding their differences makes it difficult to confirm. Their hands are tridactyl three-fingered , and all four of their feet bear one large toe at the front and a smaller toe at the ankle. Much like the Xalanyn, their feet bend backward in a hyperextended position that enables perpetual levitation rather than terrestrial locomotion, so they make use of thrusters made up of unknown, exotic material. They wear armor on their torso, head and thrusters, red for standard variants, white for ultra variants, or maroon for alpha variants, depending on rank.

Halo meddlers

Needle-based weaponry [1]. Needler [1]. Subanese crystal projectile weapon [1]. Needlers , sometimes known as Needler pistols , [7] are a class of single-handed, fully-automatic infantry specialized weapons developed by the Covenant that launch Subanese crystalline shards capable of homing in on targets.

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Mr Munchy scottassen hotmail. Already have a WordPress. Once the firing of the Halos had passed, the surviving species re-inhabited the Galaxy. Seems like Bastion is as good an access point as any. I believe its quite safe to say near there is the location of the Ark. The fact that, initially, it automatically identified Ash as a Reclaimer on sight which never once happened when Forerunner technology came into contact with Covenant species supports the theory that the human species as a whole, rather than some specific members of it, were deemed Reclaimers by the Forerunners. The theory surrounding shots from the Halo 3 trailer of the Ark having a dock for the ship truth takes to earth at Halo 2's close would match this description well. Spark survived the explosion of his Installation. Saint's Testimony Shadow of Intent Johnson used his Spartan Laser to blast Spark's protective casing, exposing him to fire. Why, oh why, would they give them these names? In the trailer we see wreckage on the horizon which, it is not a stretch to assume, is the remains of the "space elevator" once anchored in New Mombasa. It would then be fair to say that Guilty Spark was defunct and ignored protocol. No longer does this become a question of whether or not to aid humanity, but one of self-preservation and protection of the galaxy. You can help Halo Alpha by updating it.

The Precursors were a Lovecraftian - esque race of beings preceding and possibly mythologized by the Forerunners , who believed them to be theoretical "Transsentient" beings, having the ability to travel among galaxies and accelerate the evolution of intelligent life.

In turn, Sesa told Spark the history of the Covenant. After the reunion, Johnson was nervous at the sudden appearance of hundreds of Sentinels, but Spark reassured him they meant no harm and were part of a primary task force, although he couldn't discern their objective, as he was not the Ark's Monitor. ZeeWulf cmdrwedge yahoo. Surrounding rock and dirt were evaporated- but this object wasn't even scorched [. It might be teleportation it's amazing what the Forerunners were able to do , or as elpolloguapo suggested , it could be some kind of propulsion system or a "separate" entrance and exit way. In the trailer we see wreckage on the horizon which, it is not a stretch to assume, is the remains of the "space elevator" once anchored in New Mombasa. This may be due to certain programming parameters. Don't have an account? He loves to learn and to take records; even if he has to force it out. The Ur-Didact and Librarian offer a compromise.

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