hanging houses spain

Hanging houses spain

Written By: The Planet D. Updated On: April 14, When we heard about the hanging houses in Cuenca, Spain we were intrigued to go and check out this world heritage site for ourselves.

It sits in the craggy countryside of Castilla La Mancha and the city almost looks like another of the rocky outcrops. It is famous for its gorge and the fabulous 'hanging houses' which overhang the gorge. Cuenca is about kilometers from Madrid. Spain This Way Comment: Cuenca is a beautiful town in a dramatic setting. Its hanging houses overlooking the gorge are an impressive sight.

Hanging houses spain

The Hanging Houses are thought to have been originally built in the 15th, but were slowly added to, up until the 18th century. Renovations also took place in the s. There were many of them built around this time period, but today only a few remain. The three that can be visited are the most iconic, with wooden balconies clinging to the edge. The Hanging Houses are so amazing as they appear to defy gravity, clinging to the edge of a vertical cliff, over the Cuenca Gorge. Standing over the ravine like ancient skyscrapers, some stand at around seven stories high. As well as dramatic clifftops, ravines and gorges, the region is famous for its old windmills. It displays a collection of paintings and sculptures by Spanish artists from the abstract generation of the 50s and 60s. Head inside the Hanging Houses and you get one of the most incredible views of the Cuenca Gorge, the Puente de San Pablo bridge and the dramatic rock formations around. Conversely, if you want the best view of the houses themselves, the best view is from the Puente de San Pablo bridge. Today around 55, residents still live in these buildings. Connect with like-minded people on our premium trips curated by local insiders and with care for the world. Culture Trip launched in with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful — and this is still in our DNA today. We are proud that, for more than a decade, millions like you have trusted our award-winning recommendations by people who deeply understand what makes certain places and communities so special.

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To describe Cuenca as dramatic would be an understatement. Everything surrounding the city is verdant green, and everything within the city is solid stone that has witnessed thousands of years of history. Not only is the journey a bit longer and more costly than most Madrid day trips, but the hanging houses illuminated beneath the stars are worth it on it their own. Cuenca is completely vertical and everything seems to be on top of something else. Cuenca is small, but packs a lot of punch in historic architecture and extraordinary views from seemingly every angle, making it a perfect city to meander and get lost. Perched precariously over a rocky cliff side, they seem almost to defy gravity.

Built by the Moors in a defensive position at the heart of the Caliphate of Cordoba, Cuenca is an unusually well-preserved medieval fortified city. Taking full advantage of its location, the city towers above the magnificent countryside. Cuenca werd gebouwd door de Moren in het hart van het kalifaat van Cordoba. Nadat de stad in de 12e eeuw was veroverd door de Castilianen, werd het een koninklijke stad en een bisdom, rijk aan belangrijke gebouwen. Hieronder vallen de eerste gotische kathedraal van Spanje en de beroemde Casas Colgadas hangende huizen , opgehangen aan steile kliffen met uitzicht op de Huecar rivier. De oude binnenstad van Cuenca is bijzonder omdat het een middeleeuwse vestingstad is waarvan het oorspronkelijk stadsbeeld nog intact is, samen met vele voorbeelden van religieuze en seculiere architectuur uit de 12e tot de 18e eeuw. Source: unesco.

Hanging houses spain

The Hanging Houses are thought to have been originally built in the 15th, but were slowly added to, up until the 18th century. Renovations also took place in the s. There were many of them built around this time period, but today only a few remain.

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Ta Catedral is another Gothic Spanish Cathedral that you will find in almost every town. Charming, dramatic and full of things to pique your sences! Just behind the Church of St. March 15, at am. Congratulations for the post. Before seeing the Casas Colgatas with our own eyes, we expected to see rows of giant houses dangling precariously over a gorge. What an intriguing destination! It is amazing to see all of these incredible World Heritage Sites, but we need some activities. Puente de San Pablo St. Drawn in by the Paco de Lucia melodies floating out from the kitchen, we stopped for a coffee and a morning snack. At the edges of the Ciudad Antigua quarter enjoy the views over the gorges. March 5, at pm.

Written By: The Planet D. Updated On: April 14,

It is not usually among the most visited, but it has a lot of history in its streets. How have I never heard of this gem until now? Like Like. Take your time to check out the views, but make sure to make your way to the northernmost point of Cuenca. This has some later additions and inside has a number of interesting features including a Plateresque arch, and various carvings. Occasionally I peek inside and ooh and aah and wonder how, but after a few years travelling in Europe, they all mostly start to blend together. You had me at mazelike medieval tunnels!!! Cuenca looks so romantic — I definately have to go there to visit the hanging house! Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly. Parador de Cuenca looks and sounds so luxurious! March 12, at pm. The massive collection is spread throughout five levels, offering several unique panoramas from behind the wooden balcony rails.

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