

So, headcanons, I was reading over some question things for characters and headcanons and thought of putting my own one together this is by no means an extensive list, just a few ideas I had to waste time with later, headcanons. I love everything you've written for Seraphina Picquery and Cat Grant!!!!!!!! Hi, sorry I never replied to this headcanons now. Hi i was wondering if you could do a imagine of Julien deport izombie where my chacter the sister of mayjor are in a relationship please and headcanons you.

He uses this to their utmost advantage and it results in chaos every time. When Jessie and Delia aren't cuddling, they usually sleep like this. Jessie's used to sleeping small and sharing space with other people squishing on tiny beds or park benches with James and Meowth so she drifts to the edge of the bed and curls up. Delia on the other hand hasn't shared a bed with anyone in years and takes up a lot of space and is a cover hog good thing Jessie handles being cold well. Delia's love language is physical touch so she tends to follow Jessie wherever she is on the bed just so she can feel her there. This usually leads to Delia having way too much room on her side. My firm and very sincere belief that Tim Drake and Damian Wayne are the brothers that completely affirm each others paranoia fuelled contingencies for really inane situations.


As books and movies are made into sequels and franchises, it can be fun to keep track of how characters grow and change, how their timelines intersect, who is related to whom, and all that. For all that is explained in a book or on a screen, there is often the urge to imagine aspects of beloved characters beyond what is seen or read. As part of this kind of intense fandom, one learns the distinction between what is canon and what is headcanon. Just try to keep it down. The show's on. The two terms are separated by about years of use. Canon originated in the church, dating from before the 12th century. In its earliest English use, the term referred to a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council. Other canons expressly forbade clergymen to party, frequent taverns and inns, and play dice medieval people loved games of chance. It was made clear that clergymen should never attempt to imitate laymen in any way. They also could not live, breathe, or die like laymen.

They just seem like they're brother and sister to me! Given the amount of history between James, Lily, headcanons, and Snape, many headcanons suggest headcanons James is not Harry's father, but Snape is due to an affair Lily and Snape had.

Used by followers of various media of entertainment, such as television shows, movies, books, etc. Headcanon may be upgraded to canon if it is incorporated into the program or story's universe. In my headcanon, John and Mary bicker like siblings when they're around each other They just seem like they're brother and sister to me! Used by many Hetalia fags to describe something that hasn't yet happened in original canon but has happened in their head. Their own personal canon. My headcanon says that Momma America was Native American actually.

It is commonly used by fans of various forms of entertainment, such as TV shows, movies, and books, to express their unique interpretations that are not part of the official storyline but resonate with them. Headcanon acts as a personal addition to the established canon of a media property. For instance, in the TV show Adventure Time, many fans had a headcanon that Princess Bubblegum and Marceline were romantically involved. Headcanons often revolve around the ships romantic pairings that fans support, but they can also be used to explain inconsistencies in the story or fill in gaps about characters, locations, and lore. Here is an example sentence illustrating the use of headcanon:. It just makes perfect sense.


Headcanon or head canon, head-canon is a fan 's personal, idiosyncratic interpretation of canon , such as habits of a character, the backstory of a character, or the nature of relationships between characters. The term comes from the fact that it is the canon that exists in a fan's head. This can be affected both by professional tranformative works, such as art, movies and audiobooks, and by fanworks such as fanart, fanfiction, cosplay, manips, vids and podfic. Headcanon may represent a teasing out of subtext present in the canon, or it may directly contradict canon.

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Adjust the time to how long it takes you. Missing Letter A crossword with a twist Play. You were the one to break the kiss; you rested your forehead against his, releasing a soft chuckle. Words Commonly Mispronounced. As part of this kind of intense fandom, one learns the distinction between what is canon and what is headcanon. I also like to use banners to separate characters. My example:. Anonymous asked: Hope you're doing well, buddy! As centuries passed, angels' biblical roles moved beyond their responsibilities as messengers, and angels of judgment and angels of death began to appear. Genuinely I think I got possessed for this part and I just started typing words. You finally plucked up the courage to ask her out, and it was then that she told you about the job offer with the Shelbys. Sometimes people put their own headcanons above the actual canon of what was actually shown. The best way to do this is through docs.

Used by followers of various media of entertainment, such as television shows, movies, books, etc. Headcanon may be upgraded to canon if it is incorporated into the program or story's universe.

I also saw you take requests right now! For the first time in a while, writing Scarabia actually came way easier. Your stomach churned something fearsome and you had a runny nose and cough to boot. Funniest thing ever. The prejudices around what she did made it impossible for people to see who she truly was. You have all your headcanons. I like to schedule things personally, but adding to the queue is way easier. This was fun to write and hmmmm I really wanna be taken care of by the Octrio. For more information about my version of this world and the type of reader you can expect, please do a quick read of THIS post. The idea of canon as a term for what is codified by a text is often attributed to Ronald A. Basic Outline: Make a basic outline after you have your formula down and your characters selected. Character select that shit, homies; you can do all your favorites or every character in the series. Disclaimer: All characters in this series are aged up. That's weird. Basic Idea: Finds out when he sneaks into the school during a storm and sees you.

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