henry kissinger wikipedia

Henry kissinger wikipedia

Henry Alfred Kissinger [a] May 27, henry kissinger wikipedia, — November 29, was an American diplomat, political scientist, geopolitical consultant, and politician who served as the United States secretary of state and national security advisor in the presidential administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford between and He served in the U.

Kissinger was born in Germany in As a German Jew, it was not safe for him to stay in Germany after Adolf Hitler came to power, and he left for the United States in Kissinger was Richard Nixon's most trusted advisor on foreign affairs. He was in government during the Cold War and promoted what he called "realpolitik" in dealing with the Soviet Union and Communist China. He was a major force behind the ceasefire in the Vietnam War. Under Kissinger, the US opened up relations to China, which is considered one of his biggest successes.

Henry kissinger wikipedia

Henry A. With his distinct German accent, sharp wit, voluminous writings and belief in the peacemaking power of realpolitik, Dr. Kissinger was one of the most influential foreign policy and national security practitioners of the post-World War II era and remained active in national security for more than 70 years. From the age of 20, when he joined the U. Army, to nearly his death, Dr. Kissinger continued to travel to Washington to offer testimony on U. Before his government service, Dr. Kissinger served on the faculty at Harvard University, where he ran the International Seminar from to Kissinger is the recipient of a number of awards and recognitions. In , he was awarded a Bronze Star from the U. Army for meritorious service. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in , the same year a Gallup Poll of Americans listed him as the most admired person in the world. As the architect of a lasting era of peace, stability, prosperity and global order, he made a substantial impact on generations of citizens, from the U. Kissinger is one of our Nation's most accomplished and respected public servants.

April 3, None Nelson Rockefeller —

American diplomat Henry Kissinger — played an important and controversial role in the Vietnam War. Starting out as a supporter, Kissinger came to see it as a drag on American power. In , Kissinger leaked information about the status of the peace talks in Paris to the Nixon campaign and was rewarded with being appointed National Security Adviser under Richard Nixon. As National Security Adviser, Kissinger sought initially to find a way to end the war on American terms. During his tenure, Kissinger came to differ with Nixon as Kissinger was more in favor of seeking an end to war as expeditiously as possible with minimum damage to American prestige. In October , Kissinger reached a draft agreement that Nixon at first rejected, leading to the Christmas bombings of December

The Kennedy School announced the new professorship two weeks after Kissinger died in November One of the most influential figures in U. A spokesperson for the Kennedy School declined to comment on criticism over the professorship. Several students, however, criticized Kissinger's history of polarizing decisions made during his time as Secretary of State, including the carpet bombing of Cambodia in the s and 70s. MPA student Khaled M. Emam Jr. Kissinger left on the U.

Henry kissinger wikipedia

Nel fu insignito del premio Nobel per la pace. All'inizio degli anni settanta si rese protagonista di una innovativa politica estera, raggiungendo alcuni importanti successi per gli Stati Uniti , che gli valsero un grande prestigio internazionale e una crescente influenza all'interno dell' amministrazione Nixon. Affermazione di Henry Kissinger durante un'intervista rilasciata a Oriana Fallaci nel Oltre a Heinz i Kissinger avevano anche un altro figlio, Walter La loro era una tipica famiglia ebraica borghese. Lasciarono la Germania nel in seguito alle persecuzioni antisemite dei nazisti. Per proseguire gli studi serali d'inglese, durante il giorno lavorava come operaio.

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He continues to be a highly influential figure in thinking about global affairs. National Library of Brazil ID. On September 11, , Allende died during an army attack on the presidential palace that was an element of a military coup launched by Army Commander-in-Chief Augusto Pinochet , who then became president. We had long passed that threshold". Takeyh writes that while rapprochement with China was a worthy goal, the Nixon administration failed to achieve any meaningful concessions from Chinese officials in return, as China continued to support North Vietnam and various "revolutionary forces throughout the Third World", "nor does there appear to be even a remote, indirect connection between Nixon and Kissinger's diplomacy and the communist leadership's decision, after Mao 's bloody rule, to move away from a communist economy towards state capitalism. Toggle limited content width. Historian Jeffrey Kimball developed the theory that Kissinger and the Nixon administration accepted a South Vietnamese collapse provided a face-saving decent interval passed between U. In response to celebrations of the attack by some Arabs in Germany, he issued a statement denouncing Muslim immigration into Germany: "It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts, because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that. Kinobox person ID. Buchen — Schlesinger — Donald Rumsfeld —

Henry Kissinger , the former Secretary of State known for his realist approach to foreign policy during the Nixon and Ford administrations, has died.

ISBN Kissinger : Yes, China has been a very important element in the mechanics of my success. Bob Hill, who was Ambassador then in Buenos Aires , a very conservative Republican politician—by no means liberal or anything of the kind, began to report quite effectively about what was going on, this slaughter of innocent civilians, supposedly innocent civilians—this vicious war that they were conducting, underground war. Global Statesman Though successful in academia, Dr. Allende from coming to power, and the means by which the United States Government sought to effect that goal, implicate policy makers in the murky realm of foreign affairs and national security best left to the political branches. Geburtstag von Henry Kissinger". Freebase Data Dumps. Namespaces Item Discussion. Dodis ID. When I consider the list of those who have been so honored before me, I can only accept this award with humility. November 29, aged Kent, Connecticut , U. In , Kissinger published On China , chronicling the evolution of Sino-American relations and laying out the challenges to a partnership of "genuine strategic trust" between the U.

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