hexes and jinxes

Hexes and jinxes

Whenever I mention that I practice witchcraft, I get questions about hexes and curses without fail. Regardless of how you feel and what you belief, it never hurts to learn the theory behind these spells.

What are jinxes, hexes, and curses? And if you have been, what can you do about it? Occult author and paranormal investigator J. Allen Cross provides clarity on all these questions below. Read on to find out everything you need to know about jinxes, hexes, and curses.

Hexes and jinxes

Everything you never wanted to know about Curses, Hexes, and Jinxes! If this does not resonate with you, that is okay as well. There has been a lot of questions I have seen from people asking how they can tell if they are hexed, what is the difference between that and a curse, and more importantly, what to do about it. These are really great questions so I thought I would share my knowledge on this and hope it helps those that need it. This is part of what makes these spells so dangerous, they can be cast by your unclouded desire, and by anyone, not just witches with the knowledge and means to do so. I mean, of course a curse cast by a witch is going to be much more focused and effective, but the evil eye is a powerful thing and needs nothing more than a strong anger to turn its gaze towards you. PSA this is not common at all, most people go their whole lives without either cursing or being cursed. The amount of anger and focus it takes to unconsciously curse someone is extremely high and most people are unable to get to that level, even in a state of anger. While it can happen, and by everyone, it is a very rare thing. JINX : So a jinx is more of an annoyance than anything, rarely doing any actual harm, just mildly disrupting your life.

Coat the candle in any of the hex-breaking oils or waters listed at the end. To become hexes and jinxes sponsor and pick up some sweet rewards, please visit my Patreon page.

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You know Willy turned out to be behind those regurgitating toilets back in the summer? One of his jinxes backfired, the toilet exploded and they found him lying unconscious in the wreckage covered from head to foot in -" -- Arthur Weasley OP A jinx is a spell cast to cause damage or other negative effect. A jinx is similar to a curse, but typically not as powerful or cast with such negative intention. Jinxes are part of defensive magic, although Umbridge tried to teach that spells should never be used in this way, even in self-defense or as part of a legitimate attack. She used the textbook Defensive Magical Theory by Slinkhard:. A jinx is removed or undone by a counter-jinx. Tags: defensive spell spell damage. Editor: Jeanne Kimsey.

Hexes and jinxes

Today's blog is all about curses and hexes, what they are, how they work and should they be cast. These three forms are debated a lot on a daily basis by many magickal communities and how they should be approached. Some of those practicing believe that its best not to curse, hex or even jinx, no matter how strong the urge is, while others will perform negative magick on those they believe deserve it. So what's the difference between a curse, a hex and a jinx? A curse is the most harmful out of the trio.

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An uncrossing is a way to remove magical hexes and bindings. PedroAbilleira Jinxes tend more to be bad luck - "I jinxed myself when I said it would be a good day". Light uncrossing incense rue, cinnamon, hyssop, bay leaf. RSS feed. I remembered when my dad sensed that our neighbor was cursing our home. Casting something so big, that is intended to create such a drastic downfall of another person, also comes with a cost, and a consequence. Allen Cross is a practicing witch whose craft was shaped by his mixed family culture. Simple Candle Buster Take a black taper candle. When trying to identify hexing symptoms for yourself or another, keep an eye on what is abnormal. Now let me slow your roll for a moment.

Whenever I mention that I practice witchcraft, I get questions about hexes and curses without fail.

Impediment Hex [25]. This will help guard against all that nasty energy hurting you. Cleanse yourself, your homes, and your objects. Categories : Hexes Spell types. Leave a comment Cancel reply. Essential oil of bergamont. If someone is under a true spiritual attack, there are two basic options. Comments I remembered when my dad sensed that our neighbor was cursing our home. Check out American Brujeria on Amazon. Published by romeo Please remember the context for these spells before you choose to use them. Cast protection spells around yourself and those you care about, it never hurts.

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