

The hit animated series Bleach is a staple of the Shonen genre, and it tells the tale of Ichigo Kurosaki and his battles against the forces of evil. Fighting by his side are his armpit hair removal epilator Orihime, Uryu, Chad hisagi, and Rukia, hisagi, though some secondary characters hisagi get their chances to shine. He doesn't appear much at first, but he had a role to play in the battle for the fake Karakura Town, hisagi, and we see him again hisagi the desperate battle against the Hisagi. He's not a scene-stealer or the star of the show, but he's got his fans, and now is the time to get to know him better.

He served under the late Captain Kaname Tosen , until the latter betrayed the soul society. He now serves under Captain Kensei Muguruma. However he angrily shares his co position with Mashiro Kuna who he can't stand. Shuhei Hisagi was born on the day of August 14th, and his parents are never seen or shown. Approximately years before the current story line of the series, a young Hisagi and several of his playmates fell prey to a Hollow attack in the Rukongai district. Luckily, it wasn't long until they were saved by Captain Kensei Muguruma , and the 9th Division. After defeating the unnamed Hollow, Kensei attempted to cheer Hisagi up albeit with a slightly scary smile and sergeant demanding manner and had asked the kid for his name.


He shares his position with Mashiro Kuna. Additionally, he has the number "69" tattooed on his left cheek inspired by Kensei Muguruma , who saved him from a Hollow when he was young , as well as a blue-striped tattoo running across his left cheek and over the bridge of his nose. He wears a choker around his throat and matching armbands on both upper arms. These have explosive properties which he exploited in his fight with Findorr Calius. During his academy days, Hisagi's hair was much longer, hanging down to his neck in the back and approaching his chin in the front. Hisagi is an extremely mature and calm individual, a state that is slightly at odds with his somewhat punk-like appearance. He usually takes responsibility and tends to avoid violence when possible. He is often in the company of the 3rd Division lieutenant, Izuru Kira , and frequently hangs out with 6th Division Lieutenant Renji Abarai as well. He also fears his sword's power, because to him, it is something of a sign of respect to battle for justice as well as a testament to the true strength of one's character. This philosophy is taught to him by his former captain, given the latter's "follow the path with the least bloodshed" creed, indicating a reasonable closeness between the two. It also seems that while battling, he becomes a darker person and seeks to instill fear in his enemies while in battle. Yet despite his rather serious front, Hisagi is prone to moments of comic relief where he also seems to be secretly perverse mainly in the omake materials while even having a gloomy side to his personality. In what little free time he has, he likes to practice on a guitar that he found on one of his missions to the Human World and brought back to Soul Society. As members of his division find his practice annoying, he tends to do it in the mountains of Rukongai. He receives proper guidance at last in the handling of the instrument from Yasutora Sado after the Ryoka invasion , and also dreams of starting a band.

As autumn leaves swirl around her, Senna clashes with Jai, who comments on her attacking without warning before punching her away, hisagi.

Despite the ninth squad lieutenant having proficiency with the weapon, its abilities largely pale in comparison to those of other Shinigami. This is why his captain, Kensei Muguruma, urges him to achieve Bankai. Kazeshini's Shikai command is "reap" and, appropriately, upon utterance Kazeshini transforms from a basic katana into two twin-bladed kusarigama. One of the blades on each kusarigama is inverted, and the two weapons are tethered together via a chain. The chains can also be used to immobilize opponents.

Bleach came to an end some years ago, but the series has yet to die out. Recently, the latest volume of Can't Fear Your Own World went live in Japan, and the collection includes several bonus sketches. One of the drawings depicted Shuhei Hisagi's Bankai, and the technique is as ominous as you might have guessed. After all, the power-up seems to put Hisagi in a noose, and that is perhaps the most tame part of the Bankai. As you can see above to the right, Hisagi's Bankai is a foreboding one. The Soul Reaper is seen donning a tattered uniform, and its ripped sleeves give a good look at Hisagi's toned arms. To his left, the fighter is seen holding a sword with blades facing towards and away from him. A chain can be seen leading from his belt forward until he fades from frame, and another cord can be seen extending from Hisagi's neck upwards as if it were a noose. Finally, the Soul Reaper has a second double-bladed sword in his right hand, and Hisagi's shadowed face makes him look like a stereotypical reaper. The sketch came with a blurb describing the technique, and fan-translators relayed its information.


In Tite Kubo's Bleach , few characters embody the virtues of duty and respecting one's own power like Shuhei Hisagi does. In the grand scheme of things, Shuhei Hisagi may seem rather inconsequential, since he didn't defeat any Espadas or Sternritter , but his life story is an inspiring one, and more Soul Reapers could stand to follow his example. That was when then-Captain Kensei Muguruma arrived and dispatched it with his Shikai, and the tough-talking Captain scolded the crying Shuhei.

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When he asks what happened to her usual energy, a smiling Senna tells him to shut up. As one of the projectiles hits the ground and creates an explosion, Renji, Hitsugaya, and Rangiku emerge from the dust cloud. He usually takes responsibility very seriously and tends to avoid violence when ever possible. Hisagi questions if it's still good for that friend to be a Human and Ukitake tells him not to say things like that. Flying towards each other, the two clash in a flurry of sparks. Asking if Hitsugaya talked about anything while he was here, Rukia asks Ichigo if he can remember anything he said. At the Kurosaki Clinic, Ichigo holds up Hitsugaya's haori. Stopping, Ichigo asks her if this is it, prompting her to say it is four stones from the end. Kira mentioned that Hisagi failed the entrance exam for the academy twice. Telling him to shut up, Ichigo promises Senna he will get her out of here.

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He later recovers and returns to Soul Society with the other healed Shinigami to fight the Reigai with the captains. Yet despite his rather serious front, Hisagi is prone to moments of comic relief where he also seems to be secretly perverse mainly in the omake materials while even having a gloomy side to his personality. As Urahara states this is not good, Senna leaps into the air, prompting Ichigo to tell her to wait. As Rangiku, saying she merely mentioned it and everyone got involved, tells him to leave it to them, Hitsugaya tells Ichigo to hurry. Apologizing to him, Tomoya's father thanks Ichigo and Senna. Creating another chakram, Jai attacks Ichigo. As the fallen Kazeshini feels his strength leave, he asks Shuhei what they will do once he returns to normal. Tosen then simply states that his fear for the past years is that he would assimilate with the rest of the Shinigami and die a pointless death. This is ambiguous, and some peripheral Bleach material suggests that he does have one. Hisagi then apologizes and Ukitake tells him not to worry about it, stating that having friends is a good thing even if they tread a different path. When Rangiku Matsumoto proceeds to call Mayuri's technology "merchandise", one of Mayuri's Holograms fires lasers from his eyes at the floor where Hisagi is standing and chastises Hisagi for referring to the creations of the SRDI as mere merchandise, though Hisagi counters that he is not the one who said this. Demanding to know when she entered her Gigai, Ichigo asks what she is, prompting her to state she is a Shinigami. Jumping off, they move to the bridge and see a large circle of light in the water.

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