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Holomatter is a solid-light projection technology, used by Autobots operating on alien worlds. Holomatter projectors can create projected facsimiles of native species which are too small or fleshy for the Autobots to mimic with their mechanical altmodes. The avatar isn't just a friendly image to fool human beings; it's also the Autobot equivalent of a remotely operated vehicle, allowing Autobots to go places and perform actions that would otherwise be prevented by their size and the need to camouflage their true identities. Having an avatar in a location is like the Autobot being there themself. An avatar can function up to at least miles away from the controlling Autobot, even when separated by solid walls.


Holomatter is a solid-light projection technology, used by Autobots operating on alien worlds. Holomatter projectors can create projected facsimiles of native species which are too small or fleshy for the Autobots to mimic with their mechanical altmodes. The avatar isn't just a friendly image to fool human beings; it's also the Autobot equivalent of a remotely operated vehicle, allowing Autobots to go places and perform actions that would otherwise be prevented by their size and the need to camouflage their true identities. Having an avatar in a location is like the Autobot being there themself. An avatar can function up to at least miles away from the controlling Autobot, even when separated by solid walls. The avatar is created and maintained by "holomatter generators". They can cause the avatar to blink into sudden existence with no warning. Holomatter avatars can be intangible, or as solid as a real object. Much like Pretender shells before them, holomatter avatars carry a strong connection to the consciousness of its generating Autobot. Damage to the avatar can cause severe impairment to the controlling Autobot if their consciousness is not withdrawn in time. Holomatter disguises are also limited by their operator's understanding of the lifeform they mimic. All the Autobots operating covertly on Earth used holomatter avatars to act as their vehicle mode drivers. Infiltration 1 Through a lack of understanding of humans, the holomatter avatars of the Autobots wore a fixed smile which their human friends found creepy, and the male Autobots Bumblebee and Sunstreaker had female avatars. Infiltration 3. Ratchet was able to deliver a massive electrical surge at very close range through his holomatter avatar.

After Optimus Prime holoforms on Earth, holoforms, Hunter gave the Autobots a "crash course in Earth culture"; Jazz noted that the Autobots never realized that humans found the smiles of their avatars disturbing. Holoforms later avatar is a teenaged punk version of the former, adding twin-pronged eyebrows, studded fingerless gloves, spiky arm- and knee-pads, combat boots, and chains, holoforms.

A holoform allows a Transformer to interact with the human race without causing panic. It can also be used to complete missions that the Transformer is too large to carry out. It consists of the nanoform, with the human appearance manifested over the top. Once a mech or femme acquires their vehicle mode, they will need to scan a human to use as their holoform. For a few days, the holoform will be identical to the scanned human, but the mech or femme's personality will begin to change its appearance to make it more individual. Using a holoform can be tricky, however, as the Transformer is recieving two sets of sensory input.

Strip Poker. Aftermath 2 Airachnid onlined her optics and began to wake from her long night after yesterday's mission. Starscream is now a lone bot now, for working with the Autobots, and Primus knows what he's doing now. Airachnid pulled the covers off of her body and swung her legs off the berth. She began to stretch and loosen some of her joints, with a few satisfying pops, she signed with relief. She checked her internal clock, the time was AM. She entered the main Area to get some Energon, she looked and saw Ratchet working the console. Bumblebee's Holiday Hologram.


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The only ones I actually kinda liked were the TFA characters because they were basically meant to look like literal human versions of them, which I guess if you have to do it that's the way to go, but honestly the more time goes on the more I find the concept pretty embarrassing. Cyclonus —Stern, handsome woman of Middle Eastern or South Asian descent, dressed like a Victorian school teacher in various shades of purple. Wears a leather jacket, a red V-neck top, and jeans. Megatron —Elderly white man resembling a retired super-villain, with a scarred and lined face resembling the Decepticon insignia. Windsweeper II , Sep 27, Streetwise and Groove used their holomatter avatars to trick Sandra into coming with them, to help in their investigation of Spike. SaberPrime , Oct 1, Yes, my password is: Forgot your password? Wears an EMT uniform, minus the jacket. Ratchet was able to deliver a massive electrical surge at very close range through his holomatter avatar.

Holomatter is a solid-light projection technology, used by Autobots operating on alien worlds. Holomatter projectors can create projected facsimiles of native species which are too small or fleshy for the Autobots to mimic with their mechanical altmodes. The avatar isn't just a friendly image to fool human beings; it's also the Autobot equivalent of a remotely operated vehicle, allowing Autobots to go places and perform actions that would otherwise be prevented by their size and the need to camouflage their true identities.

If they're going to have human disguises they should either be holograms limited to sitting in the driver's seat of the vehicle mode or they should actually transform into human alternate modes like Sari from Animated or Alice from RotF. Cybertronian Homesick Blues cover only. Rewind —Blond, spiky-haired, young white male with goatee, wearing cargo pants and a black T-shirt for The Divine Comedy. The avatar isn't just a friendly image to fool human beings; it's also the Autobot equivalent of a remotely operated vehicle, allowing Autobots to go places and perform actions that would otherwise be prevented by their size and the need to camouflage their true identities. Holomatter could be detected by devices called "holomatter readers", which the Machination possessed. Optimus Prime —A well-built white trucker with a brown beard and a blue or red shirt and cap. For me its hands down Megatrons form. Human-built second-born intellects such as Screwball and Pox interacted with their organic CTCF colleagues through holomatter avatars, which could be easily and quickly customized to encompass a wide variety of contradictory and sometimes fantastical appearances. Jump to: navigation , search. Tailgate's later avatar is a pale female toddler with white hair, wearing a dungaree dress, long socks, and Mary Janes. Damage to the avatar can cause severe impairment to the controlling Autobot if their consciousness is not withdrawn in time. Basically Daniel Craig as James Bond. Wears a pale T-shirt, dungaree shorts, knee-high stripey socks, and Mary Janes. Having an avatar in a location is like the Autobot being there themself.

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