homestuck mage

Homestuck mage

Here there be classpects. Send me a chat about classes, aspects, homestuck mage, trying to figure out your own title, theory, whatever, homestuck mage. Catching Elephant is a theme by Andy Taylor. Mages are the active knowledge class, paired with Seer and inverting to Heir.

This contains examples of characters from the comic and thus, spoilers. An example: Sollux Captor, a Mage of Doom. Sollux was very far from his role. He was able to know the death and the destiny of his session, and with that information he had to act and do something so their friends could all reach their goals. He was an active player and he had to demonstrate it. Another example: Meulin Leijon, a Mage of Heart.

Homestuck mage

Those born with the Role of the Mage are naturally insightful. Introspection and learning more about themselves is as important to them as learning the ins and outs of what has become important to them. They have an idealized view of how the world around them should work, and will strive to make their Reality pleasant and bearable for themselves, even when it may not be the best path for others. Due to this, while eager to share their knowledge and interests with those they trust, they may become reclusive if they fall to the clutches of self-deprecation and lack of agency. At their best, they are deep, optimistic and great teachers to those willing to learn. At their worst, they can be fatalistic and isolate themselves from their peers. Mages find their Aspect coming quite naturally to them, they barely need to try to understand their strengths and weaknesses. As such, they will use the insight they know is there to lead others and change fate in ways that suit them. Their struggle is that of their desires and wants versus the inevitability of reality around them. Confident and stubborn Mages will push forward with all their might and not let anything stand in their way of what they want, but if they become disillusioned with the way things are, they may fall prey of complacency and acceptance against their better desires. And yet trying to change the unchangeable may come with a heavy price for them. Striking a balance between what they can do and what they want to do is vital for them, lest they push themselves too hard.

At their best, they are deep, optimistic and great teachers to those willing to learn. Sollux homestuck mage very far from his role.

Mages are those who actively seek knowledge of their Aspect, or actively seek knowledge through it. A Mage will often begin their journey with a rather harsh start, as Mages are those who most often suffer in order to fully understand their Aspect. This rough start is often a call to adventure and seek out these answers, though the way this call presents itself is often rather intimidating and sometimes downright terrifying. As such, Mages are known for being extremely resilient - always capable of taking as many punches and blows of many kinds throughout their life, if only for the sake of knowledge. While their passive counterpart, Seer, are those who sit down and invite this knowledge from the world and people around them, Mages are ones who actively experience and sometimes even chase after their Aspect in order to gain that knowledge.

This contains examples of characters from the comic and thus, spoilers. An example: Sollux Captor, a Mage of Doom. Sollux was very far from his role. He was able to know the death and the destiny of his session, and with that information he had to act and do something so their friends could all reach their goals. He was an active player and he had to demonstrate it. Another example: Meulin Leijon, a Mage of Heart. That is something a player must not do.

Homestuck mage

Those born with the Role of the Mage are naturally insightful. Introspection and learning more about themselves is as important to them as learning the ins and outs of what has become important to them. They have an idealized view of how the world around them should work, and will strive to make their Reality pleasant and bearable for themselves, even when it may not be the best path for others.

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If one goes out on a limb, one may also speculate that it is the counterpart to heir, being one who causes others to be affected by [aspect] , as Sollux does with his virus, causing others to be affected by doom, or Meulin could do or could have done with shipping, causing others to be affected by heart. Rather, they are seeking to influence their Aspect with other people, and manipulate it in a way that helps to benefit others. In this case, you could count on Life, Blood and Breath players, Heart players will just fill them with more of it and can cause the mage to ignore their Call. Dirk is seemingly unable to do this, but his status as a Prince may account for that. Every story needs a protagonist. Jack Noir , along with Jade Harley, was unable to pick up the source of his scent , as if the Breeze was protecting him. Calliope's theories aren't always accurate , and Calliope's understanding of gender may be based on the concept of her own species' duality, so what she may understand as gendered traits may be according to personality traits contrasting her and Caliborn. So, a Mage of Mind is one who knows decisions, thoughts and judgement and also knows through logic and memories. Yet another interpretation is that a Maid is one who gives [aspect]. If they are someone who is often shown to be so helpless and looks to others for help, how do they ever manage to make friends?

This contains examples of characters from the comic and thus, spoilers. An example: Sollux Captor, a Mage of Doom.

They are the friends who will be there to help the Page when they need it - the ones who will help the Page reach their potential. Eridan destroyed the Matriorb, thus destroying their hope for continuing the troll race, but his actions become important for building new relationships and creating a new hope for the future of trolls as they join the humans in the B2 session. A possible speculation into Seer powers could be one who understands [aspect] or one who understands through [aspect] for others , with their active counterpart being the Mage class. Filed under CaA answers Mage Mage class protip: art reposting sucks it makes it harder and harder to reverse image search for the original when you flood google results with pinterest and mspabooru if you won't search for the source at least don't make it harder for those of us who do ie don't repost it Anonymous. It shares this quality with the Maid, Rogue and Page outfits, although it's currently unclear whether the other classes have similarly equipped outfits. One historical reference for the term 'maid' is "unmarried lady of noble birth who attends a queen or princess," think Maid Marian of Robin Hood fame which could place this class among the highly-active royalty derived classes like Lord and Prince. Then, we have the Aspect of Rage. For the Witch of Breath themself, there is a bitter sweetness to be found in this fountain of fortune. Due to these unfortunate circumstances, Mages are often marked with personalities of being extremely emotional people. The Page is often someone with few friends, but many acquaintances. Being one of the Visionary Classes, Mages are the Active counterpart to Seers, and similar to them, their strengths lie in Knowing things. For some, this chase, or maybe hunt, can be how the Mage fully forms their bond with their Aspect, as well as becoming more knowledgeable of it.

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