how to sketch a girl

How to sketch a girl

Children learning how to draw, particularly when it comes to bodies, sometimes just need to see some an example of how clothes can look, and how arms and legs are attached to them. This one shows just one way to draw a girl, wearing a simple dress and her hair up in pigtails, how to sketch a girl. The dress eliminates the need to draw two pieces of clothing like a top and pants and provides an easy place to get more creative too.

It includes proportions, line drawing and shading examples. You can see a preview of the main drawing stages in the image above but there will be additional examples in some of the steps. Drawing faces can be a challenge even for fairly experienced artists kids in particular. To make things easier this tutorial provides a somewhat simplified beginner friendly examples with proportions that can help you create a young looking face. It also gives tips on good overall drawing practices that. The lines in the examples haves been made darker just so that they are easier for you to see.

How to sketch a girl


Once done with this last set of details you can darken your lines by tracing over them if you feel that they are too light. Draw eyes, nose and a mouth. Make the eyes fairly large and space them far enough apart that you can fit a third eye in between them.


Drawing is a form of art that allows us to express our creativity and imagination. It can be a fun and relaxing activity, but it can also be challenging, especially when it comes to drawing human figures. One of the most common subjects in drawing is a girl, and learning how to draw one step by step can be a great way to improve your skills as an artist. In this article, we will guide you through the process of drawing a girl step by step, from basic outlines to adding details and shading. Before we dive into the steps of drawing a girl, let's first gather all the necessary materials. You will need a pencil, eraser, paper, and any additional tools you prefer, such as colored pencils or markers. Make sure to choose a good quality paper that can handle different types of media. Once you have your materials ready, it's time to prepare your workspace. Find a comfortable spot with good lighting and make sure your drawing surface is clean and flat. This will help you focus on your drawing and avoid any distractions.

How to sketch a girl

This twelve step tutorial shows how to draw a girl in a cartoon style. It includes detailed illustrated examples along with proportions and drawing instructions. Drawing people even in a simplified cartoon style can be a bit of a challenge. To make things easier this tutorial breaks up the drawing into 12 stages that show how to draw and place the different parts of the head and face. As the character in the examples has quite a bit of details this tutorial is longer and more detailed than most other ones here on EasyLineDrawing. It should still however be fairly easy to follow and understand even for beginners. If drawing on paper you should definitely start with a pencil as you will need to erase certain parts of the character in between the different steps. To make erasing easier you should also make fairly light lines. The lines in the examples dark just so that they are easier to see.

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This particular example will have a fairly generic lighting setup. The lines that define the neck can be fairly straight followed by the slightly curved shoulder muscles and rounded shoulders. Going down from the head add the neck followed by the shoulder muscles and shoulders as shown in the example. Position the collar bones so that their outer ends point towards the upper parts of the shoulders and give them slight downwards curves on their inner ends. Time needed: 30 minutes How to Draw a Girl Draw a circle for the head. Once done with this last set of details you can darken your lines by tracing over them if you feel that they are too light. Only one eye is shown in the example but you can draw the second eye in pretty much the same way. Drawing faces can be a challenge even for fairly experienced artists kids in particular. You will want to place the smaller splits along the forehead in between the larger ones. Add a hair line with bangs. Very slightly above the eyes give a hint of the eyelids with a pair of curved lines one above each eye that appear slightly flattened in the middle. These will be located as follows:. Children who enjoy drawing pictures of themselves will always benefit from having more options and ideas to choose from. In this particular drawing the eyes will be very slightly exaggerated in size to further emphasize that this is a child and to give the girl a cuter appearance.

Learn how to draw a great looking Girl Sitting with easy, step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial. Begin by outlining the girl's face.

The lines that define the neck can be fairly straight followed by the slightly curved shoulder muscles and rounded shoulders. Add a pocket and ground line. Be sure to also leave some room above it for the hair added in a later steps. Your drawing should look something like the above once done. Skip to content. For this particular drawing you do not need any of their inner details as the ears will most by covered by the hair in later steps. Search for: Search. The bottom lip can be defined by a pair of curves that start the middle and then begin to curve in the opposite direction near the edges of the mouth. Girls that prefer to draw themselves in shorts, but might want see how pigtails are added, could use a little of both projects. Also leave a pair of highlights on the the lower lip.

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