hoyt richards young

Hoyt richards young

But little did the world know that he was deeply involved in a terrifying cult. Entertainment Reporter.

He did things like serve as the delighted sandwich meat between Christy Turlington and Naomi Campbell on the New York party scene. You want stories? Hoyt has them. Some are incredible, like how a kid from Princeton turned down an offer—and a fat payday—to fly to Europe for a photo shoot because he had an econ exam that day. But not all of them are upbeat—like the mental image of Hoyt having his head shaved by angry Eternal Values cult members tired of his preferred status.

Hoyt richards young

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer Intersection Hoyt Richards is an award winning actor, writer and producer who was born in Syracuse, New York. He is is the fourth of six children. A high school scholar-athlete, who excelled at football and track, Hoyt graduated from Princeton University with an Economics Degree. A football injury led him to New York to see a shoulder specialist -- where he was discovered as a fashion model. Hoyt had a long successful modeling career before turning his efforts to acting, writing and producing. He is considered by many in the fashion industry to be the world's first male supermodel. Hoyt moved to Los Angeles in to pursue his growing interest in the entertainment industry. In , he created a production company, Tortoise Entertainment. Tortoise has released two films to date, "Dumbbells" and "Intersection. As screenwriter, Hoyt has placed in the top 30 of Slamdance Screenplay Competition twice, he's a Golden Script finalist and an Academy Nicholl Fellowships quarter-finalist. Contact info Agent info Resume.

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Six-foot-one with a chiseled jaw and a dimple, a forelock of gray-blonde hair cascading rakishly over one brow, he makes an immediate impression: That guy must be someone. And he was. He was, no doubt, the first male supermodel. As successful as Richards was professionally, however, he harbored a harrowing secret. For years, he was enmeshed within a shadowy religious sect called Eternal Values, which kept him psychologically enslaved with convoluted forms of love and abuse, reassurance and disapproval. At the end of the summer between his junior and senior years at Princeton, Hoyt Richards was discovered by a modeling agent and cast in an ad campaign for Jeffrey Banks. He was John Richards Hoyt back then—the professional name change would happen later.

In the s, supermodel Hoyt Richards was moving in the same circles as stars like Cindy Crawford and Madonna; but he had also become enthralled by a doomsday cult. Hoyt Richards has been called the first male supermodel. In the s and 90s he jet-setted around the world doing shoots for Versace and Ralph Lauren, and moving in the same circles as stars like Cindy Crawford, Christy Turlington and Madonna. But outside of working hours he was involved with a cult called Eternal Values. They believed there would be a catastrophe at the turn of the century and the group would have a crucial role to play. See all episodes from The Outlook Podcast Archive. Stories exploring the destructive power of cults and the people who survive them. True stories of ordinary people and the extraordinary events that have shaped their lives.

Hoyt richards young

In the late s, Hoyt Richards appeared to be living a picture-perfect existence. He appeared on the covers of countless magazines, one of which ran a splashy fifty-eight-page photo spread dedicated entirely to him. Before he was jet-setting between exotic shoot locations, he attended Princeton where he played football. Yet behind his easy athleticism, Ivy League education and impossible good looks, Richards was living a shocking secret life —one that began years earlier on Nantucket. He was one of six children born to a family from the Main Line, Pennsylvania, who spent their summers on Nantucket.

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FAQ 5 Powered by Alexa. They party-hopped every night, with von Mierers constantly hunting for more beautiful people to draw into his fold. Then one summer, when Richards was sixteen, he was approached by a stranger on Nobadeer Beach. Von Mierers was a charismatic type, with blond hair and striking good looks. He had quite a temper. He ran his house like a ship. It took three tries, but he finally escaped. Hoyt had a long successful modeling career before turning his efforts to acting, writing and producing. Discover Indie Film 8. As screenwriter, Hoyt has placed in the top 30 of Slamdance Screenplay Competition twice, he's a Golden Script finalist and an Academy Nicholl Fellowships quarter-finalist. The peer pressure element of the group psyche is designed to suppress your critical thinking.

He did things like serve as the delighted sandwich meat between Christy Turlington and Naomi Campbell on the New York party scene.

The resentment boiled over, so that when Richards started questioning some of the Eternal Values prophecies, particularly that the apocalypse might not be coming in the year , the cult made his life a living hell. You want stories? The BoTree Hotel. Bandwidth Short. Since then, he has since appeared in over a fifteen independent films including such award-winning projects as the comedy, Hit and Runway and the dramas, Taxi Dance and The Disciple His family spent long stretches in Nantucket, where he would join siblings, cousins and friends in typical seaside adventures at Nobadeer Beach. Expand below. The American interior designer collaborates with the lifestyle brand on a range of home furnishings More. The BBC programme was re-broadcast in August Later on, at Princeton, he majored in economics and played varsity football.

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