hp memes

Hp memes

Hp memes Potter, as one of the biggest book and movie franchises in the world, definitely has its fair share of funny moments. Due to its large audience and general popularity, hp memes, the internet has taken it upon itself to create a plethora of Harry Potter memes.

On occasion, you are bound to run into something that was supposed to be funny, but it ends up making you see things differently. Memes can have that effect, too, as these are made based on franchises that can have multiple interpretations. The Harry Potter series deviated quite significantly when it came to interpreting the books to the movies. This caused a whole set of changes, and there were even some glaring clashes between the two mediums. To highlight that people have created memes granting us the opportunity to interpret the differences is only grazing the surface.

Hp memes

I n the big wide wizarding world, Harry Potter memes are truly the gift that keeps on giving. The enduring phenomenon of Harry Potter has given us many things, from a slew of inspirational quotes to a beloved Broadway play. But one of the greatest gifts that the franchise has bestowed on fans is source material for a seemingly never-ending stream of memes. Luckily, the movies based on J. After all, with a franchise as beloved as Harry Potter , it seems only natural for fans to continually be looking for ways to reference the series in everyday interactions. Especially in ways that are laugh-out-loud funny. Malfoy Tom Felton steps forward and is forced into one of the most awkward hugs ever depicted on-screen, a moment so hilariously uncomfortable that it instantly cemented its spot in the annals of Harry Potter meme history. Felton himself has even commented on the cringe-inducing embrace. Pretty proud to say I'm probably the only kid that ever hugged Voldemort. Even if it was awkward voldemorthuggedme. Now, the Voldemort hugs Draco meme has become a litmus test for gauging just how awkward a situation is. When that weird relative comes to Thanksgiving

Quirrell had Voldemort attached to the back of his head, while Gilderoy Lockhart was a total moron, hp memes. When that weird relative comes to Thanksgiving


I n the big wide wizarding world, Harry Potter memes are truly the gift that keeps on giving. The enduring phenomenon of Harry Potter has given us many things, from a slew of inspirational quotes to a beloved Broadway play. But one of the greatest gifts that the franchise has bestowed on fans is source material for a seemingly never-ending stream of memes. Luckily, the movies based on J. After all, with a franchise as beloved as Harry Potter , it seems only natural for fans to continually be looking for ways to reference the series in everyday interactions. Especially in ways that are laugh-out-loud funny. Malfoy Tom Felton steps forward and is forced into one of the most awkward hugs ever depicted on-screen, a moment so hilariously uncomfortable that it instantly cemented its spot in the annals of Harry Potter meme history.

Hp memes

What else can we say about the famous Harry Potter, the boy, who became the One for the children all over the world? There was said enough but there always will be the Joker having plenty of hilarious Harry Potter memes. The films starring Danielle Radcliff give a lot of material: we personally saw those comic facial expressions when pausing a movie to make a cup of tea.

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He also did nothing while Umbridge repeatedly mistreated his pupils. His unusual friendship with Harry made it heart-wrenching to see the little elf bite the dust, but only so far as the books are concerned. Within his first two years at Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall had seen both sides to Harry Potter and most assuredly had altered her opinion on which parent he was going to take after. Via instagram. Sometimes fan theories can inadvertently reach genius levels even if they were meant as a joke. The brightest witch of her age, indeed. Sally Wolfe. Rowling never had any intention for people to delve so deep into the series. Lewis himself has even said that he was worried he was going to be recast. If so, this gif is for you. Which one was your favorite? Need to organize them?

Harry Potter is one of the biggest franchises ever to exist, and the original movies are considered cult classics given the massive fandom they have spawned. Much like Lord Of The Rings and Star Wars , it makes perfect sense that these movies are still talked about to this day, and the activity of such fandoms on the internet is very evident. Fans of J.

Dobby is completely absent from the third movie to the sixth. Write to Megan McCluskey at megan. To highlight that people have created memes granting us the opportunity to interpret the differences is only grazing the surface. Due to its large audience and general popularity, the internet has taken it upon itself to create a plethora of Harry Potter memes. Ever felt dejectedly dedicated to seeing something through to the end? In , speculation was rife whether the Half-Blood Prince in the sixth novel would be Harry himself or Voldemort, and everyone turned out wrong when he was revealed as Snape instead. Here are 7 tips to revamp your ebook library! The Hogwarts Headmistress was a gifted Animagus who used her talent to make an entrance in the very first class she taught in Ron and Harry's first year. Rowling herself even approved this switch — on one condition. So we can see why Harry decided to narrow it down. In Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, the nature of animagi was elaborated upon and reached head-scratching levels in Goblet of Fire when Rita Skeeter was revealed as an animagus who turns into a bug to spy on people for stories.

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