Imdb state fair

An Iowa imdb state fair finds adventure, love, and heartbreak when they spend a week at the state fair. Abel Frake : Wayne's got a girl. Sign In Sign In.

A brother and sister find romance and good clean fun at the state fair in Dallas. Margy Frake : What had gotten into me, anyway? The things I used to like, I don't like anymore. I want a lot of things I've never had before. Sign In Sign In.

Imdb state fair

Sign In. Jeanne Crain Margy Frake. Dana Andrews Pat Gilbert. Dick Haymes Wayne Frake. Vivian Blaine Emily Edwards. Charles Winninger Abel Frake. Fay Bainter Melissa Frake. Donald Meek Hippenstahl. Frank McHugh McGee. Percy Kilbride Dave Miller. Harry Morgan Barker as Henry Morgan. William Marshall Marty. Phil Brown Harry Ware. Robert Adler Ring-Toss Spectator uncredited.

Mae Marsh Ring-Toss Spectator uncredited. Outwitting the police, she breaks into the semi-upscale home of David Stratton John Forsythimdb state fair stuffy, by-the-book political candidate hopeful twenty-three years her senior whose wife and daughter are conveniently

Harry Ware : Biggest boar in the world, I bet. Margy Frake : All depends on how you spell it. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. State Fair Passed 1h 40m. Comedy Drama Musical.

Sign In. Edit State Fair Wayne Frake Bobby Darin Jerry Dundee Pamela Tiffin Margy Frake Ann-Margret Emily Porter Tom Ewell Abel Frake Alice Faye Melissa Frake Wally Cox Hipplewaite David Brandon

Imdb state fair

It looks like we don't have any synopsis for this title yet. Be the first to contribute. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. The farm family Frake heads for the Iowa State Fair. On the first day, discontented daughter Margy and her brother Wayne meet attractive new flames, as does Father's prize hog Blue Boy.

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Tony Zoppi The Masher uncredited. Phil Tead Fire-Eater Barker uncredited. Marty Phil Brown Girl on Carousel uncredited Eddie Dunn Edit page. Staff Picks: What to Watch in March. Twentieth Century Fox. User reviews 43 Review. Ticket-Taker uncredited Alice Fleming Undetermined Secondary Role uncredited Steve Olson Undetermined Secondary Role uncredited 'Snub' Pollard Louise Dresser Melissa Frake. Dana Andrews movies: Film noir actor excelled in both major and minor crime dramas. He also talks about the Dallas Mavericks season kicking back up again!

Harry Ware : Biggest boar in the world, I bet. Margy Frake : All depends on how you spell it. Sign In Sign In.

He was Ed Stanbridge Undetermined Secondary Role uncredited. Henry King. Hog uncredited Tom Fadden He later explained that he didn't correct the oversight because he figured the ghost singer also needed to earn a living and he didn't want to deny his colleague employment. Sign In. The music and songs make it even more enjoyable, and the beauty of Jeanne Crain in this film would make your eyes water. Marc McClure Boy at fair. On his way home to New York City for Nycc! Coleen Gray : Actress in early Stanley Kubrick film noir, destroyer of men in cult horror 'classic' Actress Coleen Gray , best known as the leading lady in Stanley Kubrick 's film noir The Killing and — as far as B horror movie aficionados are concerned — for playing the title role in The Leech Woman , died at age 92 in Aug.

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