In fraganti murcia

The crime was a reprisal for the assassination a few hours earlier of Lieutenant Castillo of the Assault Guard, in fraganti murcia, who was well known for his commitment to the Socialists, whose militia he had trained. Calvo Sotelo was the most important victim and practically the last before the Spanish Civil Warof the wave of political violence that broke out in Spain after the triumph of the Popular Pampers prices at walmart in the February elections that caused deaths between February and July deaths were caused by leftists, in fraganti murcia, by rightists —half by Falangists: 61— and 84 by the forces of law and order. The victors in the war proclaimed Calvo Sotelo as the "protomartyr" [5] of their " Liberation Crusade ". Monuments were erected in his honour the most important one, located in Madrid's Plaza de In fraganti murciawas personally inaugurated by Generalissimo Franco in and in practically all Spanish cities, a street or a square was dedicated to him.

National Police agents have detained in flagrante to the members of a specialized group, presumably, in giving 'overturns' to drug trafficking organizations. In the operation, 13 people have been arrested and six searches have been made in which three firearms, bulletproof vests, emblems and clothing similar to those used by the FSE have been intervened, almost Those arrested, who operated in different parts of the country, also engaged in other criminal specialties, such as robberies, illegal arrests, drug trafficking or money laundering. Among those arrested is one of the most active butroneros in the Community of Madrid. The investigation began at the end of last year after learning of the illegal activities of an organization that would have stolen 2. In addition, they were related to a violent robbery committed in a house in Madrid and another assault perpetrated in Murcia.

In fraganti murcia


They came close to shooting Special Judge Iglesias Portal, but his police escort prevented it. In the article he said the following: [17]. If it supposes that it will find the regime defenseless, in fraganti murcia, it is deluded.


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In fraganti murcia

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The atmosphere could not have been more tense. The first to arrive at the house, accompanied by his wife, is Arturo Salgado Biempica, secretary and friend of Calvo Sotelo. In fact, it was he himself who, replying to Casares before the Cortes, had distorted the meaning of his words, interpreting them —or allowing them to be interpreted— as an immediate threat against his life. They finally agreed to meet with the PSOE executive and the rest of the workers' organizations of the Popular Front on July 16, one day before the military uprising began, so as not to overrule their representative at the first meeting, but the UGT envoy stated that he could not make any agreement without consulting his executive. The assassination of Calvo Sotelo provoked the last indecisive or indifferent military men to join the rebellion, giving it the definitive impetus. On the bench in his back, two men carried their guns. But in no way could it have been the straw that broke the camel's back We were all overcome by the fever of the approaching event and the joy of being gathered around the man who enveloped Spanish hope as in a halo materialized in light and fog. When the judge interrogates them, he realizes the seriousness of the case because they tell him that the arrest of Calvo Sotelo in the wee hours of the morning was carried out by a detachment of Assault Guards who had arrived there in an official van, whose number they do not remember, and that they were under the orders of a captain of the Civil Guard who showed them their documentation. You don't want a state of alarm? Casares Quiroga


The first step of the investigation is to order the First Criminal Brigade to bring to court the assault guards who were on duty that night in the Pontejos barracks, after having found out that several vans had left the barracks during the early hours of the morning. Others had fled, or were hiding in the capital. They agree to redouble their efforts to find Calvo Sotelo. From the very detailed report of Dr. Ian Gibson, for his part, questions Bayo's account of Major Burillo's actions, since that night he was on duty at the General Directorate of Security p. You can continue; I know that you are going to pursue a policy of persecution, extermination and violence against everything that means right wing. How appalling! He also certified that death was instantaneous due to "bulbar syncope of traumatic origin" and that the corpse did not present any wound or bruise that could indicate that there had been a struggle in the van, denying a sensationalist report that appeared in the press. We cannot tolerate it any longer! Every day, on the part of the majority groups, on the part of the newspapers inspired by you, there is the excitement, the threat, the exhortation that the adversary must be crushed, that a policy of extermination must be carried out with him. Necessary Necessary. Dogma, like any other, unquestionable". One of these companies, domiciled in Madrid but with a non-existent address, whose manager was supposedly a person with multiple antecedents who is currently in prison, had a share movement of more than three million euros. The atmosphere could not have been more tense.

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