inaturalist india

Inaturalist india

Derived from the checklist at birdlife. Some of the entries were highly suspect e. Inaturalist india rufescensand not all names were reviewed, so please take a look if you know your Indian birds.

View Check List Page. Find a place. Flag This Place Embed place widget. Projects from India. Mygalomorphae, Theraphosidae, Poecilotheria This is an archive for the standardized images of the various Poecilotheria specimens used in my future pub Andaman and Nicobar islands A photo documentation of flora and fauna in the Andaman and nicobar islands India.

Inaturalist india

Photos L to R : Canarium strictum , by vijaykumar2 ; Equisetum by parul27 ; Lannea coromandelica by sonukumar. The ERA-India trial citizen science event, India Plant Watch, was held on January , with participants invited to join the project and document observations of any plants with photos on iNaturalist. Recording at least 20 plant observations was the challenge for each observer during the event. A small group of volunteer members joined the project and went plant watching over the weekend in multiple locations across India, recording a diversity of interesting native and non-native species. Overall plants observations of taxa rolled in from 31 observers. This included species besides others identified to genus or higher taxonomic levels. As the species were identified by others, observations of species became research grade observations. Besides many of the project members, a number of other people from the wider iNaturalist community helped in identification of the plants, with a total of 51 identifiers. Among these, a special thanks to our knowledge partner, Dr Navendu Page navendu , for giving some time to share his botanical expertise and help ID the plants. The first trial of the India Plant Watch project was held on 21st and 22nd January on iNaturalist. The project included observations with photos of any plant recorded anywhere in India on those dates by all who joined the project.

Delhi UT.

We end the 3rd week of the iNaturalist World Tour in India. The top observers in India are distributed across the country from ivijayanand , a rural physician based in Assam, northeast India near rejoicegassah , rohitmg , and others to chiefredearth who's posted observations from across the subcontinent. There's been noticeable activity on iNaturalist from India since at least This coincides with vijaybarve creating iNaturalist projects such as this one linked to the DiversityIndia site. But activity has ramped up appreciably since There have been numerous interesting projects from India using iNaturalist such as the Marine Life of Mumbai project by shaunak , pradip , and others and featured in this blog post. What can we do to get more people from India participating in iNaturalist?

View Check List Page. Find a place. Flag This Place Embed place widget. Projects from India. Mygalomorphae, Theraphosidae, Poecilotheria This is an archive for the standardized images of the various Poecilotheria specimens used in my future pub Andaman and Nicobar islands A photo documentation of flora and fauna in the Andaman and nicobar islands India. Bangalore Butterflies Project to get all the Butterfly records from Bangalore at single point. Please contribute all the records Bangalore Parks and Water Bodies Biodiversity This project aims to discover and track the wildlife present in parks and water-bodies of Bangalore Urban d

Inaturalist india

In what ways do Christmas beetles look different from duck-billed beetles or campfire beetles from emerald tip beetles? This is the place to visit. Take the example of Christmas beetles, which were once visible in large numbers in the Australian summer months and many citizens from Down Under have memories of this insect. The number has reduced. In collaboration with Invertebrates Australia, researchers at the School of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Sydney are asking people to take pictures of the Christmas beetle and upload the images to the iNaturalist app or website to monitor regions where the presence of the bugs has reduced drastically the project is called Christmas Beetle Count. Ken-ichi Ueda co-created the platform in and continues to run it with his co-director, Scott Loarie. In iNaturalist became an initiative of the California Academy of Sciences and a joint initiative with National Geographic Society in The platform is supported by several different organisations through the iNaturalist Network.


We aim to post a full report soon. Member of the iNaturalist Network Powered by iNaturalist open source software Documentation for developers. The biodiversity This, to me, is very much achievable if we, as a team, dedicatedly keep on uploading our observations. Other Check Lists for India Check lists for individual taxa that live here, e. Since July we are posting at least records per month and since June at least Gray-capped Pygmy Woodpecker Yungipicus canicapillus. Puducherry UT. I can clear the mystery on niccolasmiller : He is my younger brother and just in the last few days finally got around to adding some details to his profile. Stuff you've just added Insect-Plant Interactions in India To document all insect-plant interactions which are positive to the insect. Yellow-rumped Honeyguide Indicator xanthonotus. Posted by carrieseltzer over 4 years ago. Let us hope we keep this pace and do next K much sooner.

Source : Beetles Taxon Page on iNaturalist.

Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus. Are you planning to revise the figures again next month? Flickr Photos Loading Flickr photos This has been raised to and the current list of regions with low contributions figures as on 24th Sept are shared below :. Member of the iNaturalist Network Powered by iNaturalist open source software Documentation for developers. Since July we are posting at least records per month and since June at least The first trial of the India Plant Watch project was held on 21st and 22nd January on iNaturalist. Twitter Instagram. While th There's been noticeable activity on iNaturalist from India since at least The E. Pied Cuckoo Clamator jacobinus. Sind Woodpecker Dendrocopos assimilis. Add an Observation. Nakshatra Trees.

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