Ingilizce hazır proje ödevleri

The exact time is not important. Examples; - I have seen that movie twenty times. Bu filmi yirmi kez seyrettim. Yes, there has been a war in the United States.

A Guidebook for English Translation Yrd. Ancak bu da yetmez. I like music. The house has been painted green. Ad : Ahmet is sleeping now.

Ingilizce hazır proje ödevleri


He always gets up late.


The most significant author in the history of the English language and one of the greatest playwrights of all time is William Shakespeare. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, in He is an English poet, playwright, and actor. His birthday is often observed on April 23, and it is thought that he passed away on that day in Shakespeare wrote plays that are regarded as his greatest legacy and that are still well-liked today, including Romeo and Juliet, Machbeth, Hamlet, King Lear, and Julius Caesar.

Ingilizce hazır proje ödevleri


Develop disposable cameras

It is a little difficult to judge whether he really means what he says. Has he come? He is not thirsty. Some complex instruments were tested in the experiment. It wasn't cold. I gave him the pen. If you will take a seat, he'll see you soon. Following the occupation of Istanbul by foreign troops and the dissolution of the newly elected parliament, Mustafa Kemal convened on April 23 a National Assembly, in Ankara, with extraordinary powers and representing the will of the nation. The Simple Past I wrote a letter yesterday. While we were reading, she was having lunch. On the one hand it is difficult. The form is to be filled in and returned tomorrow. He lives in Ankara Does he live in Ankara? The ending of the book was different from what I expected.


They were sleeping when you came. Several students remained at school after class. Please tell me how you did it. He likes poetry. In the second place, they're concerned over the continuning pollution of the environment. He can have finished it. He's a teacher. He works in the library every day. Our use of fuels, electricity, and gas have greatly increased the hazards from fire. My friend usually works hard. The doctor told me to give up smoking. However, at night they are often very low. He ought to come earlier. For this reason, we should not destroy them needlessly.

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