Ingilizce kitabı 9 sınıf ders kitabı

Soru Havuzu 9. Students will be able to identify frequently used vocabulary for greetings and conversations in a simple recorded E9. Students will be able to introduce themselves and their family members. Students will be able to ask and answer about their personal belongings.

Carlos: Why do you think millions of people watch reality shows? Maria: People like seeing everything with a secret camera. I think it is the worst type of TV show. Though, these programmes are very popular and we cannot learn anything from these shovvs. At their vvorst, they are a very cheap way to make programmes and sometimes people make total fools of themselves. They sometimes cry, use bad language, get aggressive and even fight. And … Carlos: Sorry to interrupt you, but I have a question.

Ingilizce kitabı 9 sınıf ders kitabı

VE TİC. Cover picture related to the topic. Where can you read the movie reviews? I quite enjoyed it. I advise you to see it. There are a lot of action sequences in this film. You learn that you should believe in yourself. You can take your kids to see it. I loved the book but the movie was awful. It was so boring that I fell asleep while watching the film. It was about fight for food. It is a comedy movie. I liked it because this film is based on Indian educational system and I 4 think the jokes were funny. The film goes very smooth.

What do you have for breakfast?


Leave some food on your plate; Mexicans think it is rude 5 to finish ali the food. Keep your hands above the table; do not let them rest on your lap. Do not arrive on time for meals; being 30 minutes late is good enough and expected. Do not start eating until everyone gets their servings; it is also customary 6 to wait until your host takes the first bite. Dress smartly to show respect for others and alvvays arrive on time. Leave soon after the meal ends; fruit service signals the end of the meal. Do not finish all your food; this means you have more than enough to eat. Do not make any noise when eating, but you can burp to show that you think the meal is tasty 7 and well-cooked. Talk about the following questions and use at least three of the highlighted words in the text. What table manners are unique to your country?

Ingilizce kitabı 9 sınıf ders kitabı

Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. It has got many museums, palaces, art galleries, and architectural structures that are the symbols of Spanish culture. The most famous one is Plaza Mayor, a huge square built in as a marketplace. The city is so alive and dynamic; you can see flamenco performances in the streets until late night. Spanish cuisine also makes you feel hungry most of the time. Tortilla de Patata, known as the Spanish omelette, is one of the most famous dishes in the city. Rome is the capital city of Italy, and just like İstanbul, it lies on seven hills. The Colosseum, the most famous historical building in Rome, stands on one of these hills. The city has a unique Baroque architecture; one of these structures, the Pantheon, is the oldest of all Roman structures.

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My name is Thousands of workers worked to Take notes about their answers. He can do a runs very fast like a cat. Chikao : Hello! I can identify the subject of a text with the help of familiar words while listening. B: First of all, go straight ahead. Cheek kissing is uncommon in China. Languages: 5. A : Thank you very much. Background knowledge about the subject is given.

Writing a. Work in groups. Talk about the questions below.

Witness : Yeah, Japanese 5. I can scan reading passages about people to find out different abilities. Ahmet : Bye. As far as I remember a I can talk about my abilities. Is her mother a doctor? I was so unhappy that my tears were flowing from my eyes. She has a plan for the future. Maria: So , they are not reality shovvs. In my view That sounds great. The ground. Maya : Absolutely right. Tokyo is the capital city of

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