Ingilizce sayfa 106

Look at the photos. What kinds of places do you see?

Dinleme Metni : Objective: To review language of the unit. You can wear this hat for the story parts ofthis book. Students watch the video. Stop after each sentence for the students to repeat. Listening: Nick: Good morning, grandma.

Ingilizce sayfa 106


She went to the police station to visit her friend.


İngilizce 6. What does your farher do? My father is a teacher. What can he do? He can teach students new things. What is your dream job? Hayalindeki meslek ne?

Ingilizce sayfa 106

Match the pictures to the sentences. Where were you? Choose the correct word and fill in the blanks for yourself. Listen and find: Was Michael on holiday last week? Cevap: Yes, she was on vacation. Evet, tatildeydi. Listen again and tick the correct sentences. Fill in the table below for yourself. Then, choose a row and make sentences as in the example. Work in pairs.

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Grandma: Where are you now? I have some questions for you. Sue: I am at the shopping centre. Grandma: She is at the park. Students watch the video. I may go to the game store b. Lisa was busy all the week. Mark the sentences as True T or False F. Danny : We should go to Mr. Grandma: Good bye, Tom. Grandma: Oh! Tom: Oh, really! He stayed at the post office at nights. Teacher : Who is Mr. Grandma: Good bye, Nick.

İngilizce 6. What is your dream job? Hayalindeki meslek ne?

She goes to the bakery to buy some bread. Now work in pairs. Ann: Where is the museum? What do you do in these places? Did you know B- I went to the game store to buy. Danny : We should go to Mr. I should go to the bakery e. Is Sue with you? I can go to the cinema c. Where should you go to see a doctor? They go to the movie theatre to have fun. My friend and I like going to the game store to look at the new computer games after school.

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