international basketball federation

International basketball federation

FIBA defines the rules of basketballspecifies the equipment and facilities required, organizes international competitions, regulates the transfer of athletes across countries, and controls the appointment of international referees. A total of national federations are now international basketball federation, organized since into five zones: AfricaAmericasAsiaEuropeand Oceania.

This group continued to operate until June , when it was forced to cease operations. These players played at least 1 game in the NBA. This article related to a basketball competition is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history.

International basketball federation


Mansfield Hawks.


FIBA defines the rules of basketball , specifies the equipment and facilities required, organizes international competitions, regulates the transfer of athletes across countries, and controls the appointment of international referees. A total of national federations are now members, organized since into five zones: Africa , Americas , Asia , Europe , and Oceania. The tournament structure is similar but not identical to that of the FIFA World Cup in association football ; these tournaments occurred in the same year from through , but starting in , the Basketball World Cup will move to the year following the FIFA World Cup. A parallel event for women's teams, the FIBA Women's Basketball World Cup , is also held quadrennial; from through , it was held in the same year as the men's event but in a different country. The association was founded in Geneva in , two years after the sport was officially recognized by the IOC. Before , basketball was under the umbrella of the International Amateur Handball Federation.

International basketball federation

FIBA is the international governing body of basketball. The Congress takes place every two years. A mid-term congress takes place in the middle of a four-year cycle, an extraordinary congress may be held at any time, within three months of a request to the Secretary-General, with the support of one-fifth of the members of FIBA. The elective congress takes place at the start and end of a particular four-year cycle, and its functions include the election of the FIBA President and members of its Central Board. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history.


Argentina 1. Sheikh Saud Ali Al Thani. China February 11, Robert Elphinston. Serbia 5. International women's youth basketball. Leon Bouffard. United States 5. Retrieved 11 May

It takes place every four years and is considered the flagship event of FIBA. The tournament structure is similar, but not identical, to that of the FIFA World Cup ; the current format of the tournament involves 32 teams competing for the title at venues within the host nation.

United States 3. Note: The Under Championship is no longer held. Archived from the original on April 26, Men's basketball leagues. Archived from the original on 3 February Siouxland Bombers. List of films Trading cards. Arizona Daily Star. China Belgium 1. Spain 6. Andreas Zagklis. Point Shooting Combo. Archived from the original on 18 December Tools Tools.

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