Irelia counter

Irelia top on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Irelia top counters against top champions with a minimum of games, irelia counter.

Irelia is a popular and formidable champion in League of Legends. She is known for her strong early-game presence and early-game damage. She has strong all-in potential and can run many champions down from the get-go with her Passive and basic attacks. Learning to counter Irelia in the top lane is crucial for any top lane main because they will often find themselves playing against her. In this Moablytics guide, we will discuss 5 good champions that you can pick into Irelia.

Irelia counter

When Irelia strikes enemies with spells she gains stacking bonus Attack Speed. At maximum stacks she also gains bonus damage on hit. Irelia dashes forward to strike her target, healing herself. If the target is Marked or dies to Bladesurge, its cooldown refreshes. Irelia charges a strike that deals more damage as she charges. She takes reduced physical damage during the charge. Irelia sends out two blades which converge on each other. Enemies caught in between are damaged, stunned and Marked. Irelia fires a massive number of blades that explode outward upon hitting an enemy champion. Enemies hit by the blades are damaged and Marked. Afterwards the blades form a wall that will damage and slow enemies that walk through it. Darius gets a little mad back here when people disable JavaScript, so beware, things might not work properly. Many Irelia builds focus on rapid Hiten Style attacks. Attack speed reduction can help counter this. Be aware that having higher health than Irelia means that her Equilibrium Strike will stun you.

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No results found. Irelia Builds. Hide Top Lane Top Lane A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Best Picks Against Irelia. Worst Picks Against Irelia.

Are you constantly seeking the edge to dominate your opponents? Ready to gain that coveted rank and secure your position in the League? You will receive your eBook download link straight to your email. Irelia has an insane amount of damage, mobility, and carry potential. She is mostly played in the top lane, but you can also encounter her in the mid lane. She is a strong snowballing champion with insane solo kill potential. Irelia depends hard on her first 1 or 2 items while falling off significantly in the late game. That is why she has to play aggressively to get the lead before enemies stabilize. To better understand how to avoid mistakes when dealing with her, you have to study her abilities closely.

Irelia counter

The greatest picks outside of lane to counter Irelia include Zeri, Sivir, and Aphelios. Even if these Irelia counter picks are not used in the same position as you, it's not a good idea to take her into these matchups. They will very likely crush Irelia. Be aware of Irelia's power in the early game. She is a formidable opponent from the get-go, often looking for an early kill to secure her advantage. Stay vigilant, maintain your health, and avoid risky moves during the laning phase. Irelia thrives in skirmishes, especially around chokepoints due to her mobility and damage reduction. She tends to get ahead in the game when fighting in objective pits, so be strategic about your position and avoid unnecessary confrontations. Irelia's Passive, when fully stacked, significantly boosts her fighting capabilities.

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If her W is up she will use it to tank your Q, if you see her standing still with W while your Q is channeling charge it all the way. Phrxshn's Guide To Malphite[ It is easy for her to beat you once she gets blade now so wait until you have completed Trinity in order to re-engage her. Her kit counters Mini Gnar in every single possible way. Ornn Build by m1dge Ornn Player. Against irelia, the first waves are key. She also has a ton of early power and a good Irelia can be extremely aggressive if she isn't respected. Braum the Heart of the Freljord. Sylas Mid. Deny her lifesteal and get herself damaged by having Bramble, one of the strong kind of items against her. Don't go E level 2 because you have no shield. This is a very snowbally lane so try not to die to her. This makes it riskier for her to go to trade with him. Stay safe till 6, if she engages you with E then press R and her E is gone so she is free kill basically, aim your Q behind you if you think she will press Q.

Irelia top has a The best Irelia players have a

Gnar the Missing Link. Akali the Rogue Assassin. If she never gets to the minion wave, she can never fight you. Take Conq or even phase rush if scared. Table of contents. Lvl 6 a lot of irelias want to all in so either flash it or call your jgl. Ahri Mid. Irelia wins against Trundle You beat here on level 1 and can outplay her on level 2 of you dodge her stun, but if she hits it, bite her and run away! Wait for your jungler and play defensively, freeze waves. She destroys you in lane can't walk to minions, can't take even trades, can't play safe she shoves the wave tower dives you and you are dead. Don't press Q until she dashes away.

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