Is andrew camarata married

Personal Life, Parents and Family Details :, is andrew camarata married. This shows him atsubscribers, but as of today it issubscribers. He is absolutely magnificent at preparing and presenting videos, and now his older dog Levi has a new buddy — a darling puppy named Cody.

The down-to-earth property maintenance specialist was busy building his New York-based excavation and property maintenance empire when he caught the attention of millions of global viewers on YouTube. The New York native followed in the footsteps of his father, Andrew Camarata Senior, who was a well-known mechanic and craftsman in his community. The young Andrew worked alongside his father from a young age, learning how to fix engines, repair heavy-duty machinery, and keep excavation tools running. Andrew went to college to study Computer Science, a short-lived interest that ultimately drew him back to his first passion with increased motivation. Although his Computer Science course may have been fleeting, he also adopted two Golden Retrievers around this time—Levi and Daisy. In , Camarata founded his own business—a New York-based excavation and renovations company called Camarata Property Maintenance.

Is andrew camarata married


Paul Maggioncalda Sep 5, at pm. His father, Andrew B Camarata is an expert mechanic and craftsman. I am now old and fat!


Andrew Camarata, a man who transformed his love for heavy machinery into a thriving business, has carved out his own niche in the digital landscape. His YouTube channel serves as a demonstration of his craftsmanship, entrepreneurial spirit, and genuine passion, featuring projects related to demolition, excavation, renovation, and all aspects of property upkeep. As he captured the hearts of viewers across the globe, curiosity naturally arises about his personal story, journey, and of course his net worth. In his formative years, he followed a relatively typical high school trajectory, completing it up to 12th grade. While some students thrived within the confines of rigid lesson planning, his independent spirit sometimes led him down a different path. His pivotal moment came when he discovered a trade school program offered by his high school. This unique opportunity allowed him to explore hands-on skills, starting with computer repair.

Is andrew camarata married

Andrew Camarata is a handyman and businessman based in America, famous for his YouTube work videos. The thirty-five-year-old uploads videos of himself carrying out property maintenance on the platform. Over nine hundred thousand people subscribe to his YouTube account. Every video gets around twenty-five thousand to one million views on his channel. Andrew Camarata is an American YouTuber and heavy equipment operator who has gained a massive following on social media for his videos showcasing his work on various construction projects. Born November 12, , in New York, Camarata has always been passionate about heavy equipment and machinery. Andrew Camarata has become a well-known figure on social media for his entertaining and informative videos about heavy equipment and construction projects. He has garnered a large following due to his expertise and passion for his work, as well as his engaging personality and sense of humour. Camarata will remain prominent in heavy equipment and construction for years with his continued success on YouTube and other social media platforms.

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Keep up the good work. John kordish Sunday 11th of September Devanand Bernadine Sep 8, at am. Edward Pfefferle May 4, at am. Inspired by heavy-duty machinery? My equipment consist of a tractor and mower and flatbed trailer and a dually pick up. Tom Rinks Sunday 27th of March When is Andrew going to get him an electric garage door opener. You look like your having a lot of fun. Tony Duarte Mar 2, at am.

Initially, Andrew Camarata gained widespread attention while diligently working on expanding his excavation and property maintenance business in New York. His expertise in blue-collar professions became the focal point of his YouTube content, resonating with a global audience and earning him millions of followers.

Neither is a Golden Retriever and Daisy might belong to a friend. I am just amazed at your at your talent and workmanship. Hi Andrew, My husband and I have been watching your videos since late last year and been enjoying them. Larry Jul 4, at pm. His father, Andrew B Camarata is an expert mechanic and craftsman. Hence only one machine for most jobs. Never stop doing what you love! You are the bomb! Shepards Sep 8, at am. I suspect you get a lot of business from referrals. Andrew now uploads everything from footage of his team pouring concrete for a driveway, to repairing chainsaws, to buying a new pick-up truck, to cleaning up a tire dump. But still, miss driving the plant. Home here in Derbyshire, England. Hello Andrew, I have watched what I believe all of your videos and totally enjoy all of them.

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