is sehun gay

Is sehun gay

Is sehun gay is no denying that more and more people are loving K-Pop personalities each passing day, However, along with the growing popularity, some idols continue to experience bashing and bullying online. On Friday, Feb. The "Love Shot" singer, initially, shared that he could not fall asleep after he watched a heartbreaking film. So, Sehun decided to spend time with his devoted supporters by starting a love broadcast late at night.

Sehun surprised his fans by starting the live broadcast late at night. During the live stream, Sehun shared that he had just finished watching a sad movie and couldn't fall asleep, so he had decided to spend time with his fans rather than spending the time alone. On this day, Sehun read the comments his fans left on the live chat and responded to some of the questions. In one instance, a fan, rather a netizen, asked Sehun, " Are you gay? Sehun laughed, then read the comment aloud by responding, " I read a comment that's funny. I wonder why you think I'm gay? After the Instagram live, Sehun's fans took it to social media such as Twitter to express their feelings about the rude question.

Is sehun gay

Men can be touchy with other men and not be gay. Why would you ask that? He probably saw multiple questions like that and that's why he answered Now, can we respect his stance and not call him a liar which I already see ppl doing? People are calling him a LIAR? This is so fucked up. Some of them say, they are just joking If he was, do people honestly think he would flippantly come out on an IG live? Unfortunately, his livelihood hangs in the balance if he were to answer yes. Did anyone think any idol will tell yes to that question and do a career suicide. Things like bullying , Cheating , drugs such rumors have ended so many careers. This wil be on top of the list of scandals ,being in a homophobic country accepting on vlive. People should just stop asking such things on vlive. I have seen questions like " Touch ur hair if u r gay " , " Touch ur nose if u like this person ". Like seriously.

The EXO member kicked off by reading some comments that his followers wrote on the live chat. The idol, then, responded to a number of queries.


There is no denying that more and more people are loving K-Pop personalities each passing day, However, along with the growing popularity, some idols continue to experience bashing and bullying online. On Friday, Feb. The "Love Shot" singer, initially, shared that he could not fall asleep after he watched a heartbreaking film. So, Sehun decided to spend time with his devoted supporters by starting a love broadcast late at night. The EXO member kicked off by reading some comments that his followers wrote on the live chat. The idol, then, responded to a number of queries.

Is sehun gay

In , Baekhyun broke the internet with his dating news. When the posts gained some major attention, SM Entertainment made the announcement that the two were in fact dating. They said that the two had started off as close friends and had a good sunbae-hoobae relationship but over time that had developed into something more. The news came as a big shock and the couple received a lot of congratulations. Fans continued to watch their relationship grow over the coming year.

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Meanwhile, Sehun was listed as one of the idols with the hugest followings on Instagram recently. Following the Instagram live, supporters of Sehun quickly expressed their dismay regarding the rude question raised on his latest broadcast. On Friday, Feb. Unfortunately, his livelihood hangs in the balance if he were to answer yes. After the Instagram live, Sehun's fans took it to social media such as Twitter to express their feelings about the rude question. Things like bullying , Cheating , drugs such rumors have ended so many careers. Some thought that it was a "purely unethical question" to ask while others hope that the gay rumors should stop as the EXO member already responded to it. Quote from NightChamp. EXO members Chanyeol and Baekhyun also made it to the list with Actress Roh Yoon Seo channels a 'springtime girlfriend look' in new pictorial for Lee's '24 Spring collection. People are calling him a LIAR? It's HIS private life anyway Posted by Sophie-Ha Friday, February 19, Sehun surprised his fans by starting the live broadcast late at night. I have seen questions like " Touch ur hair if u r gay " , " Touch ur nose if u like this person ".


Men can be touchy with other men and not be gay. If he was, do people honestly think he would flippantly come out on an IG live? Sehun surprised his fans by starting the live broadcast late at night. Now, can we respect his stance and not call him a liar which I already see ppl doing? Your browser has JavaScript disabled. Some thought that it was a "purely unethical question" to ask while others hope that the gay rumors should stop as the EXO member already responded to it. This is so fucked up. Actress Roh Yoon Seo channels a 'springtime girlfriend look' in new pictorial for Lee's '24 Spring collection. Actor L's alleged ex-girlfriend spills details of bad breakup. The K-Pop idol, then, asked the viewers why some of them think that he is gay. The EXO member repeated the question and responded by saying that he is not.

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