Is sheena douglass still married

Mystery Surrounding Sheena Douglass products. Reply Mystery Surrounding Sheena Douglass products. Night Owl UnstopPeable.

Splitcoaststampers's privacy policy. The info was sent to me last night by a fellow crafter, and having had a look, the problem is genuine. Briefly, there appears to be a serious copyright issue with a number of Sheena Douglass stamps,going back many years, and from what I'm reading, they appear to be based off photographs to which she does not have copyright for. As yet, there is no definitive list from Crafters Companion, but the advice is that items made with them should not be sold, or donated to charities to sell, until they have resolved this. HERE is a link which shows a number of the images that seem to be under investigation. Some of those images look like she just converted them to pencil sketch in Photoshop!

Is sheena douglass still married

Tell us a bit about yourself "My Mam was a keen baker and my Dad was a printer by trade. My parents would encourage me to draw and paint from an early age. In later years I studied art both in the UK and in California, USA where I lived for three and a half years, but the need to work took me away from studying for my final degree. I returned to the UK and from there my knowledge of art and crafts has been developed through self-teaching over many years. Like everyone else, I am never too old to learn new things and I am constantly evolving". I draw realistic stamps, dies, stencils and embossing folders and impart my knowledge of art and colouring to crafters worldwide. What is your preferred cardmaking style? One of my areas of expertise and my first love, is to take the products I design, weave a craft technique and a theme around them and get teaching. Education is my very favourite part of crafting. You just need the right tools, the right surface and the right education and all is possible in crafting. What is your go-to craft tool? Each is as essential as the other to produce the goods. What is the one item you couldn't live with out? I had fun sketching and doodling a design that I could colour in for the front cover Do you have a craft space at home?

Meet the maker - Sheena Douglass You'll all be familiar with Sheena Douglass and her crafting prowess but now she's joined the team, we couldn't wait to dig a little deeper. Splitcoaststampers's privacy policy. But ultimately, we wanted to get the best possible outcomes for our customers.

Club Inspire discounts will be applied at the checkout. A talented artist-turned-crafter, Sheena specialises in art and colouring and brings decades of experience and craft know-how, as well as inspiration and enthusiasm for all things creative. Encouraged to draw and make from a young age, Sheena studied art in the UK and California before turning her love for craft into her full-time profession. An artist, designer, and colourist, she turns to her love of nature to create beautiful and realistic stamps, dies, stencils, and embossing folders. Always looking to learn, evolve and develop her own skills, Sheena is a passionate educator and loves to share her knowledge and inspire crafters to try something new. Find out how to tune in here.

We use cookies as set out in our privacy policy. By using this website, you agree we may place these cookies on your device. Learn more. Having studied art in the UK and in California, Sheena has decades of experience in the art and crafts industry and began experimenting with different mediums from a very young age. Best known as an artist, designer and educator, Sheena has spent years drawing and creating realistic stamps, dies, stencils and embossing folders, while sharing her knowledge with crafters across the world. The renowned crafter has recently been presenting, creating new stamping products and creating content for her engaged online craft community across her social media platforms. Sheena will join Crafter's Companion as a craft expert on the craft company's digital platform, Crafter's TV, and will eventually work on producing products with the company. Her first show will be at 11am on the 12th of April and she will be the resident crafter every Wednesday, teaching, demonstrating and taking viewers' questions throughout every show across the day. Sara Davies, founder and creative director of Crafter's Companion, said: "I am so thrilled that Sheena has returned to our Crafter's Companion family.

Is sheena douglass still married

First and foremost I want to address the many thousands of Sheena followers worldwide who have been unwavering in their support over the past 15years or more. I began in this industry as a crafter, just the same as you and through my personal home crafting and background in artistic drawing I discovered that I had an ability to develop new concepts and a had a huge desire to share those ideas which would benefit crafters of all capabilities. My life in crafting from that moment forward has been steadfast; to bring those concepts and techniques to the wider public and educate you in the knowledge that each and every one of us is capable of making craftwork that they will be proud of. In attempting to deliver this to you I have shared and given everything of myself to the point at times of exhaustion. Because I know that crafting for the vast majority of us is a release; an escape.

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That's not what people think of when they see 'hand drawn. I guess they are in a very tough position, and have to be very careful what they say, in case of any future legal action that may be brought. Sponsored Ads. Originally Posted by wavejumper. I don't even know if I have anything by Sheena Douglas, so I should go through my stamps to check it out. It also spurred her to look further and she found that: Time Traveller "Steampunk Woman" is from a photograph taken by an Italian photographer who is absolutely furious that it was used without consent. Wavejumper, I'll be honest and say I'm not sure. Posts: 41, Likes: This blog is Useless Without Pictures. With this understanding, I have been able to push the boundaries of using these products even further than before for example by employing my now well-known use of vegetable glycerine to great effect. And tigers' stripes are unique like fingerprints.

Is she getting divorced already? One clip from the Vanderpump reunion trailer saw Scheana Shay get given court papers that were filed on the same day of filming. So, is Scheana getting a divorce and are she and Brock still married?

Having worked in similar industries I can say yes, it's common, and yes, it's very much not right or legal. We rely on the companies doing due diligence - getting WIP's from their artists, giving them reasonable workloads, checking up on suspect designs and choosing honest folk. Manage Preferences Your Privacy Choices. Thank you, kazeka , for the update. We currently have around 60 suspect Sheena Douglass stamps and that number would appear to be still climbing. I did quite a bit of this many years ago and would like to get messy with that again at some point. I can draw no better than I could in 4th grade, and I have an imagination to match Posts: 3, Likes: Posts: 3, My understanding is that like Elizabeth Kartchner, she comes up with concepts and works with designers at AC who create the actual product. For that I am more than disappointed with myself. I had fun sketching and doodling a design that I could colour in for the front cover

3 thoughts on “Is sheena douglass still married

  1. Very much I regret, that I can help nothing. I hope, to you here will help. Do not despair.

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