Isabella marie swan

She is initially an ordinary teenage girl, but during the series, Bella marries vampire Edward Cullenwith whom she has a human-vampire hybrid daughter, isabella marie swan, Renesmee Cullen. In Twilightyear-old Bella moves to her father's home in Forks, Washingtonmeets the mysterious Cullen isabella marie swan, and falls in love with seemingly teenage Edward Cullen. However, she soon discovers that the family is a coven of vampires. Bella expresses a desire to become a vampire herself, but Edward refuses to turn her.

In Twilight , she is a year-old girl who transfers schools from Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington to live with her father Charlie, where she meets and falls in love with a vampire , Edward Cullen. Bella is the daughter-in-law of Edward, Sr. As a human, Bella possessed a natural immunity to the mental powers of vampires. After her transformation into a vampire, she develops it into the ability to project a mental shield that protects others from the psychic powers of other vampires. Her Life and Death counterpart is Beau Swan. She is portrayed by Kristen Stewart in the movie adaptations.

Isabella marie swan


After beginning to have feelings for Edward Cullen, Bella is shown to dress in more stylish or isabella marie swan clothing, having a deeper V-neck shirt with embroidery in a cafeteria scene where she keeps sneaking glances at Edward. During free time, she preferred to sit home and read, in part because she was extraordinarily clumsy.


If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! In the Japanese dubbed version, she was voiced by Sayaka Kinoshita. She is 5'4" had brown for eyes as a human and hair color. Her hair became a more Auburn brown with slight highlights. She is very slender and pale as a human and vampire. She was clumsy as a human but became more graceful as a vampire. Her husband thought she was "so beautiful" when he saw her as a newborn. As a human, she wasn't very fashionable with the exception of her prom, 18th birthday, her wedding and honeymoon, but when she became a vampire, her sister-in-law, Alice, made sure that her closet was very fashionable. She is described as being clumsy, having a weak constitution, being nonathletic and hating anything physical. Bella is also described as a reclusive loner, insecure, and very sensitive.

Isabella marie swan

In the movies, Bella and her father Charlie apparently haven't seen each other in years. She went from going to Forks every summer as a kid to not seeing him at all. But in the books, when Bella stopped visiting Forks, she and Charlie would spend weeks together in California during the summer instead. After living in Phoenix and only visiting Forks in the summer, Bella had never seen snow until moving to Forks. She makes a comment to Mike in the first book about being surprised at what snowflakes look like in person after only seeing them on TV before. Unsurprisingly, Bella hates the snow just as much as the rain — she's vocal about her dislike for cold and wet weather. When Bella used to spend summers in Forks, she was friends with Jacob and his family. She wasn't as close with Jacob though. Instead, she tended to hang out with his older twin sisters, Rachel and Rebecca. Bella almost passes out when her biology class does a blood-typing project.

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Bella's adoptive sister-in-law: Rosalie Hale. Bella is furious and punches him in the face, succeeding only in breaking her hand. She later finds out that the killings in Seattle is caused not just by newborns, but an entire army of them. In Eclipse , she admits to herself that Angela will be one of the people she will miss the most after graduation. Though Charlie was shocked by the sudden information, he adjusts to it very quickly and demands to be told as little as possible about the supernatural in order to keep Bella and her in-law family in Forks. National Review. Bella insists that he would never allow himself to let that happen. Alice and Bella follow Edward to Italy, barely in time prevent him from showing himself in daylight to humans, an act that would result in his execution. She hates dressing up, saying that makeup "is a pain" and that she feels uncomfortable in impractical, elegant clothes; however, Alice does not care what Bella thinks and continues to persuade her to dress up and look glamorous. In New Moon , after a movie date with Bella, Jacob and Mike, Mike has seemingly given up on Bella, and tells her that "girls are cruel". She wears plain clothes that look comfortable and easy to live in, with not much care for her appearance in earlier scenes. Her nose is thin and her cheekbones are prominent. She also tries to not think about Edward's name, because it hurt too much. She forgives him, and they resume their relationship as if Edward never left. I mean, it's not like you don't look

Though many boys are attracted to her when she arrives, she falls in love with Edward Cullen , a mysterious boy she discovers to be a vampire. In an effort to keep her safe, he leaves the town of Forks. Bella is described as an understanding, caring, serious, shy, and intelligent person, with a very dry sense of humor, and is noted for being very clumsy, and also stubborn.

Several people, including Aro , Felix , and Edward, have commented that immortality fits her perfectly. On occasion, Jasper would use his power to calm Bella. Later that night, Bella cries about having to reject Jacob, while Edward comforts her through the night. Her fingernails are described as stubby from being bitten down. She was fluid even in stillness, and her flawless face was pale as the moon against the frame of her dark, heavy hair. Bella tries to make things right with Jacob, to which Edward strongly objects, stating that werewolves are unstable and that they could hurt her. Bella's relationship with her father is also very odd. This allows Bella to keep her father in her new life without putting him in danger. Bella adjusts to her new life extremely well, going as far as to think she was destined to be a vampire. Bella wasn't entirely fond of the idea, but nevertheless offered her blessing. National Review.

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