ivan konstantinovich aivazovsky

Ivan konstantinovich aivazovsky

Over half of Ivan Aivazovsky's some 6, paintings are maritime subjects and of these the most enduringly powerful are his turbulent seascapes that made him the success of the late Russian Empire, ivan konstantinovich aivazovsky.

Although the name of Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky is unfamiliar in the west, he was one of the most respected painters of the nineteenth century in his native Ukraine and Russia. Born into an Armenian family on 17 July , the young artist grew up in the Black Sea port of Feodosiya, a city founded by Greeks in the 6th century BCE and subsequently controlled by the Republic of Genoa, the Mongols, the Ottoman Turks, and Russia before becoming independent as part of Ukraine. His father set an example of international civility, speaking several Middle Eastern languages that facilitated his business as a local merchant. Unfortunately, the economic recession of the s undermined that enterprise, and the young Aivazovsky began working in the local coffee shops to help support the family at an early age. Despite the poverty of his childhood, Aivazovsky seems to have shown a facility not only for language, much like his father, but also for both music and drawing. According to local legend, he often decorated the walls of the coffee shops where he worked, thus attracting the attention of city leaders.

Ivan konstantinovich aivazovsky

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky was a Russian Romantic painter who is considered one of the greatest masters of marine art. Baptized as Hovhannes Aivazian, he was born into an Armenian family in the Black Sea port of Feodosia in Crimea and was mostly based there. Following his education at the Imperial Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg, Aivazovsky traveled to Europe and lived briefly in Italy in the early s. He then returned to Russia and was appointed the main painter of the Russian Navy. Aivazovsky had close ties with the military and political elite of the Russian Empire and often attended military maneuvers. He was sponsored by the state and was well-regarded during his lifetime. The saying "worthy of Aivazovsky's brush", popularized by Anton Chekhov, was used in Russia for describing something lovely. He remains highly popular in Russia in the 21st century. One of the most prominent Russian artists of his time, Aivazovsky was also popular outside Russian Empire. He held numerous solo exhibitions in Europe and the United States. During his almost year career, he created around 6, paintings, making him one of the most prolific artists of his time. Related works from the web Artworks not sourced from our partners' collections. The Ninth Wave Hurricane at the Sea

Armenia: Cradle of Civilization.

Throughout his lifetime, Aivazovsky contributed over 6, paintings to the art world, ranging from his early landscapes of the Crimean countryside to the seascapes and coastal scenes for which he is most famous. Aivazovsky was especially effective at developing the play of light in his paintings, sometimes applying layers of color to create a transparent quality, a technique for which they are highly admired. He is most remembered for his beautifully melodramatic renditions of the seascapes of which he painted the most. Many of his later works depict the painful heartbreak of soldiers at battle or lost at sea, with a soft celestial body taunting of hope from behind the clouds. His artistic technique centers on his ability to render the realistic shimmer of the water against the light of the subject in the painting, be it the full moon, the sunrise, or battleships in flames.

Over half of Ivan Aivazovsky's some 6, paintings are maritime subjects and of these the most enduringly powerful are his turbulent seascapes that made him the success of the late Russian Empire. However, as momentum for change grew in late th -century Russia, Aivazovsky's technical prowess and prolific output remained tied to his successful formula. His attachment to Romanticism remained especially apparent in his paintings of storm-tossed vessels dwarfed by natural grandeur, while his patriotic attachment to the Russia of old remained apparent in his paintings of naval victories. A younger generation of Russian artists, who engaged more creatively with a changing world, quickly eclipsed Aivazovsky in importance, but the market for his work remains buoyant to this day and his best seascapes still communicate a raw energy. Though mawkish to a contemporary eye, Chaos The Creation , painted in his early twenties when Aivazovsky was living in Rome, following his studies at the Imperial Academy in St. Petersburg, was acquired by Pope Gregory XVI who had it hung in the Vatican, despite controversy around its literalistic depiction of a divine presence. Whether mischievously pandering to literal-minded taste or reflecting the painter's own genuine belief, the painting was something of a blockbuster hit for the ambitious young man doing his European tour and proved to Aivazovsky that the sublime sells in the right context.

Ivan konstantinovich aivazovsky

Baptized as Hovhannes Aivazian , [a] he was born into an Armenian family in the Black Sea port of Feodosia in Crimea and was mostly based there. Following his education at the Imperial Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg , Aivazovsky traveled to Europe and lived briefly in Italy in the early s. He then returned to Russia and was appointed the main painter of the Russian Navy. Aivazovsky had close ties with the military and political elite of the Russian Empire and often attended military maneuvers. He was sponsored by the state and was well-regarded during his lifetime. The saying "worthy of Aivazovsky's brush", popularized by Anton Chekhov , was used in Russia for describing something lovely. He remains highly popular in Russia in the 21st century.


Aivazovsky — , the greatest Russian land- and waterscapist — best known for his renderings of the Black Sea. Constantinople Sunset Ivan Aivazovsky Following his education at the Imperial Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg, Aivazovsky traveled to Europe and lived briefly in Italy in the early s. He also renounced the medals which has been presented to him by the Sultan. Archived from the original on 25 November In , he traveled through the Caucasus; and in , he was invited to the grand opening of the Suez Canal in Egypt, thus becoming the first artist to paint that modern engineering accomplishment. Aivazovsy spent time in Berlin, Vienna, and Rome, where he lived for two years, and his Italian travels also took him to Venice, Florence, and Naples, while other trips included Holland, England, and six months in Paris. Archived from the original on 10 September Aivazovsky - Although the name of Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky is unfamiliar in the west, he was one of the most respected painters of the nineteenth century in his native Ukraine and Russia. After numerous familial conflicts, Konstantin left Galicia for Moldavia, later moving to Bukovina, before settling in Feodosia in the early s. The Many Faces of Ivan Aivazovsky. National Gallery of Armenia [61]. Anton Chekhov.

Throughout his lifetime, Aivazovsky contributed over 6, paintings to the art world, ranging from his early landscapes of the Crimean countryside to the seascapes and coastal scenes for which he is most famous. Aivazovsky was especially effective at developing the play of light in his paintings, sometimes applying layers of color to create a transparent quality, a technique for which they are highly admired.

It roils around us and the impression of motion is irresistible. Bowlt wrote that "the elemental sense of light and form associated with Aivazovsky's sunsets, storms, and surging oceans permanently influenced the young Kuindzhi. He would make good use of the opportunity, even though he found the Academy's training rigidly formal and its social protocols unfamiliar. Turner , who was living in Rome that year, and Turner greatly admired the technical precision in Aivazovsky's paintings. Retrieved 28 January In , he traveled down the Volga River; and in , at seventy-five years old, he journeyed to the United States where he made a point of visiting Niagara Falls as well as Washington, D. Archived from the original on 25 July Archived from the original on 29 December Aivazovsky's elder brother, Gabriel, was a prominent historian and an Armenian Apostolic archbishop. He was particularly fascinated by the Mediterranean Sea and the coastlines of Italy, Greece, and Turkey. Petersburg Academy of Arts for years of its existence] in Russian. Archived from the original on 13 July Order of St. Retrieved 1 February Retrieved 10 December

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