jack baki

Jack baki

Hide Ads Login Sign Up. Jack "Jack Hammer" Hanma. Edit Character Information. Remove from Favorites Add to Favorites.

The half-brother of Baki and son of Yujiro is largely stoic and softspoken. What sets him apart from the rest of the cast is the consistent brutality of his fights. Despite being one of the best strikers in the series, Jack primarily distinguishes himself from the cast through his emphasis on biting opponents. Many of his fights have seen him chomp off pieces of his opponents before finishing them with strikes. In the months following the Maximum Tournament, Jack teams up with Kureha Shinogi to undergo a series of bone-lengthening surgeries. Unlike real-life procedures of this nature, this results in him growing several inches. Jack is one of the strongest characters in the Baki series and has a number of notable victories to his name including wins against Gouki Shibukawa and Mohammad Alai, Jr.

Jack baki

The manga series Baki the Grappler and its sequels feature a large cast of fictional characters created by Keisuke Itagaki. It follows teenager Baki Hanma as he trains and tests his fighting skills against a variety of different opponents in deadly, no rules hand-to-hand combat. His goal is to eventually defeat his ruthless father Yujiro Hanma, who is touted as "the strongest creature on earth" and whom he despises. Many of the characters are fighters trained in various forms of martial arts with skills that reach superhuman levels. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. Download as PDF Printable version. At the age of thirteen, he decided to take his training into his own hands and left the coaches to perform more intense training in the footsteps of his father, Yujiro Hanma. He later meets with his father and becomes disillusioned as to his father's true character, and afterwards, aims to defeat and kill him. Baki first fought in the no-rules arena run by Mitsunari Tokugawa at fifteen, and went on to become its champion without losing once.

Kureha is also a surgical genius able to do surgical wonders, jack baki, such as restarting a heart barehanded without piercing the skin, but uses humans as test subjects.

I never once planned to live a long life! I've long been ready to exchange the strongest body ever for death. Jack's driving force is wanting to defeat his father, Yujiro Hanma, to avenge his mother who was raped by him. Jack turned into a monster without balance who only cares about becoming stronger to take revenge. Jack with his super steroids make him beyond unstable and he prefers to behavior like a wild animal rather than a true fighter. Not to mention how he bites his opponents during their fights making him even more animalistic. Due to his super steroids Jack tends to act like a giant rabid monster of a man as he does not hold back on his opponents.

Like his brother, Baki Hanma , he has since childhood wished to surpass his father in strength and martial ability. In the English dub of the second anime series, his name has been changed to Jack Xamma because of dub issues pronounced "Zah-mah". Jack's driving force is wanting to defeat his father, Yuujirou Hanma , to avenge his mother who was raped by him. After taking super steroids that made himself beyond unstable, Jack turned into a monster without balance who only cares about becoming stronger to take revenge. Jack is an incredibly determined and stubborn person; he just doesn't know when to quit. His overtraining would be suicidal, if not for a mad scientist's steroid cocktails being part of his regimen. He's had his skeleton surgically restructured multiple times to get bigger. Even having half his face bitten off by Pickle and waking up in the hospital twice, the second time from a severe coma, he still gets up and goes right back to it. Also, it can be said that he is sometimes too confident in his strength. He trains too much for his body to handle, forcing him to resort to steroids and other medical methods in order to keep his strength growing steadily.

Jack baki

To gain the skills he needs to surpass his powerful father, Baki enters Arizona State Prison to take on the notorious inmate known as Mr. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer Animation Action Drama.

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He fights Yamamoto Minoru in the first round, before losing to Doppo. The Ogre smiles and announces that Jack has a great right to fight him. He reappears in Baki: Son of Ogre, in the military base, searching to fight Pickle. He is the star of the spinoff manga Baki Gaiden: Gaia. Don't have an account? After being defeated by Izou Motobe , Jack reforms himself and understands he will never be as strong as he wanted, focusing only in brute force. Start a Wiki. After Izou Motobe had shattered all of his teeth, Jack possess now titanium-made teeth. She posed as "Jane" and acted as if she was attracted to Yujiro's fighting skills and traveled with him during the Vietnam War. The Canadian fighter just turns around and tells Baki he wants to see him in the finals. One of his main techniques is biting, and he can bite hard enough to easily crush wood with his teeth. Before entering the ring, Jack meets Yujiro in the hallway. During the credits of the second to last episode, he is seen on a flight back home sitting across from Regan. He lost despite managing to dislocate two of Katsumi's joints.

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After the failure of the special forces of police, he hires Oliva to finish the job. However, seeing Baki being beaten by Yujiro in their fight, Emi suddenly realizes her mistake and begins to fight Yujiro herself. After the Maximum Tournament, Jack has Kureha Shinogi perform surgery to lengthen his bones where multiple of his bones were broken and he had his limbs lengthened in 8 places. Baki Rahen add Supporting. Manga The Festival Has Begun!! He defeated Baki with a shoulder throw and began to roam the city freely, learning to speak Japanese and eventually interrupting Baki and Yujiro's fight in order to ask Baki for a rematch. By William Davis. At this point Gaia starts walking into the arena while Jack starts leaving. He doesn't know a lot of techniques and often fights head-on. As Baki departs, it is revealed that he is raising three children on his own. Gallen clearly begins to lose the fight, which Jack ends with a powerful nukite aimed at the ribs and a brutal punch to the heart.

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