Jackie macmullan basketball a love story

Account Options Ieiet. Basketball : A Love Story. Crown This is the greatest love story never told.

Account Options Ieiet. Basketball : A Love Story. Crown , This is the greatest love story never told. It has passion and heartbreak, triumph and betrayal. It is deeply intimate yet crosses oceans, upends lives and changes nations. This is the true story of basketball.

Jackie macmullan basketball a love story

Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Rate this book. Basketball: A Love Story. A sweeping and revelatory history of basketball, drawing upon hundreds of hours of interviews with the greatest players, coaches, executives, and journalists in the history of the game. In an effort to tell the complete story of basketball in all its fascinating dimensions, celebrated journalists Jackie Macmullan and Rafe Bartholomew have compiled nearly a thousand hours' worth of interviews with a staggering number of basketball greats. They've talked to hundreds of legendary players, such as Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, and Magic Johnson, and spoken with renowned coaches, including Phil Jackson and Coach K, as well as numerous executives, commissioners, and journalists. Most impressive was the extraordinary quality of the interviews. Again and again, players spoke candidly about secrets and told stories they'd never before discussed on the record. The book that grew out of those interviews is an extraordinary project and quite possibly the most ambitious basketball book ever written. At once a definitive oral history and something far more literary and intimate, this is the never-before-told story of how basketball came to be, and about what it means to those who've given their lives to the game.

Klores: Ruklick was great. But Jackie, when I mapped out my path here, if I look at my notes from five years ago as to how I'm viewing this, scene by scene, story by story, that's almost what happened exactly.

Good afternoon. And having been involved in this project with you a little bit, I just want to know, how on earth did this come out of your brain? Klores: Well, you weren't involved a little bit. You were instrumental, actually. In many ways, it's been a pleasure, actually. Klores: You know, I wanted to do a multipart piece on basketball for many years. Maybe around the time I was doing "Crazy Love" or finishing it.

Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Rate this book. Basketball: A Love Story. A sweeping and revelatory history of basketball, drawing upon hundreds of hours of interviews with the greatest players, coaches, executives, and journalists in the history of the game. In an effort to tell the complete story of basketball in all its fascinating dimensions, celebrated journalists Jackie Macmullan and Rafe Bartholomew have compiled nearly a thousand hours' worth of interviews with a staggering number of basketball greats. They've talked to hundreds of legendary players, such as Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, and Magic Johnson, and spoken with renowned coaches, including Phil Jackson and Coach K, as well as numerous executives, commissioners, and journalists. Most impressive was the extraordinary quality of the interviews.

Jackie macmullan basketball a love story

Account Options Ieiet. Basketball : A Love Story. Crown , This is the greatest love story never told. It has passion and heartbreak, triumph and betrayal. It is deeply intimate yet crosses oceans, upends lives and changes nations.

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And when I listened to her and your interview, I just flashed on, I love this word: tomboy. The speakers were the members of the dream team and other important figures involved with this event. Klores: The paint. To tell this story, acclaimed journalists Jackie MacMullan, Rafe Bartholomew and Dan Klores embarked on a groundbreaking mission to interview a staggering lineup of basketball trailblazers. Paperback —. MacMullan: Pat Riley is another star in this book, by the way. Klores: Yeah, I did nothing. The book that grew out of those interviews is an extraordinary project and quite possibly the most ambitious basketball book ever written. So now they finally win in Boston. John Chaney didn't want to play for the Globetrotters. And when Title IX finally went into effect, they got left behind. Each and every one. They said, "You got to speak to Dick," meaning Dick Ebersol. But once you get on a court with a girl, there's two things that are going on, you know. We don't have the funds for this.


Download Hi Res. Sign up and save Entice customers to sign up for your mailing list with discounts or exclusive offers. This is a good trait that can be used to help someone understand something that they didn't see. It has passion and heartbreak, triumph and betrayal. In an effort to tell the complete story of basketball in all its fascinating dimensions, celebrated journalists Jackie Macmullan and Rafe Bartholomew have compiled nearly a thousand hours' worth of interviews with a staggering number of basketball greats. It's different. And after that, they left. To tell this story, acclaimed journalists Jackie MacMullan, Rafe Bartholomew and Dan Klores embarked on a groundbreaking mission to interview a staggering lineup of basketball trailblazers. The list is way too long to rundown some of the key names included, but odds are if you name ten random big names in basketball history, a majority of them have interview excerpts in this book. I especially enjoyed the early history of the professional game with its Wild Wild West vibe. I thought I was going to do a scene on the paint, but I didn't, but I got so much stuff, I did a scene called Little Big Men, and that's a scene about seven great guys 6-foot-1 or less. So he really liked some of my films, and I told him this. And she opened up doors, and then you said to me, you said to me that you spoke to your friend at The Washington Post, Sally [Jenkins], and she said, "Well, you can't do this unless you get It's gone. He was not a fan of the Hall of Fame.

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