Jam republic members

Street Woman Fighter. Street Man Fighter. Physical: Street Dance Girls Fighter.

Jam Republic Official Accounts: Website: jamrepublicagency. Kirsten Facts: — Her ethnicity is South-African. At 13 years old, she became a world champion by winning the junior division at the Hip Hop International World Championships as a member of a dance crew called Bubblegum. She is currently enjoying her travel around the world to teach and share her love for dance. Latrice Facts: — Her nationality is Australian.

Jam republic members

We are a talent agency that aims to help our artists find professional work around the world through our trusted network. We're known for creating iconic music video choreography that's flooding your screens - and we work with the best in the business. Looking to inspire and elevate your community? Invite our talented artists to share their expertise and passion through workshops and events. Engage new customers and boost your brand's reach with our paid partnerships across multiple social and commercial platforms. Amplify your audience reach and engagement with special guest media appearances from our top-tier artists and personalities. Our artists are from all corners of the globe and as a team, we are highly-skilled in a wide range of dance styles. We bring creativity and innovation to any project. We have a wide-range of clientele and they turn to us for more than just dance. We do event planning, music video production, and live television performances. Our team is dedicated to providing the latest industry insights, trends, and strategies to help you achieve your creative vision. Our portfolio showcases the depth and breadth of our talent and expertise, and we have worked with some of the biggest names in the industry. We are more than just a talent agency; we build communities and networks in pursuit of excellence, and supporting each other through collaboration. We are small but mighty team based all over the world and united by our passion and strive to push boundaries and exceed expectations in everything we do.

Features Choreography By Kirsten Dodgen.

The crew stands out not only for their exceptional dance skills but also for their diverse international composition. Formed by mentors who scouted talent from South Korea, New Zealand, and Japan, Jam Republic boasts a fusion of styles and influences that make them a standout force in the dance world. Team Jam Republic consists of 7 members when completed. On Episode 4, Kim Minjung unfortunately had to leave the crew from a shoulder injury. On Episode 5, Nika also had to leave the crew from a family emergency and had to fly back to New Zealand. Which leaded to 7 to 5. Jam Republic's journey on Street Dance Girl Fighter 2 began with their formation from impromptu battle, immediately capturing the audience's attention.

The crew stands out not only for their exceptional dance skills but also for their diverse international composition. Formed by mentors who scouted talent from South Korea, New Zealand, and Japan, Jam Republic boasts a fusion of styles and influences that make them a standout force in the dance world. Team Jam Republic consists of 7 members when completed. On Episode 4, Kim Minjung unfortunately had to leave the crew from a shoulder injury. On Episode 5, Nika also had to leave the crew from a family emergency and had to fly back to New Zealand. Which leaded to 7 to 5. Jam Republic's journey on Street Dance Girl Fighter 2 began with their formation from impromptu battle, immediately capturing the audience's attention. Episode 2 marked the crew's rise to popularity, thanks to their foreign visuals and unique clothing style that set them apart from the competition. Episode 3 was a rollercoaster, junior members introduced themselves to there mentors in a KBBQ restaurant.

Jam republic members

Who's your pick so far? The second season of Mnet's " Street Woman Fighter " lineup has been named, and dance enthusiasts are already expressing their excitement! Eight of the strongest dance crews in South Korea aiming for the top global ranking decided to participate in the show, raising high expectations. Check them out! In fact, they're a top-tier crew who received love calls from celebrities around the world, including Justin Bieber, Rihanna, and Jennifer Lopez. While there are crews who established their names in the dance world in the long run, the crew BEBE who captivated the MZ gen with their unique choreos will also join to cement their status even stronger. In particular, they are known for making dances for Kai and CL, and the team, led by Bada was also the one who created aespa's hits, "Next Level" and "Savage.

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His talent shines not just in live performances but also in commercials, notably for Taco Bell, blending artistry with commercial appeal. We look forward to seeing more of Dom in the coming years! His experience and reputation has led him to be one of the greatest choreographers of his time. With 14 years of experience, her strong passion for Hip Hop has led her to become a well-respected instructor in Singapore today. She is currently enjoying her travel around the world to teach and share her love for dance. Kitty has force to be reckoned with and trained in many street dance styles. His rising influence was marked by wins on "Street Man Fighter", educational workshops, and significant TV and advertisement appearances. Deep N Dap. Brian Puspos is definitely a household name when it comes to dance. April Creative Manager Singapore.

Jam Republic Official Accounts: Website: jamrepublicagency. Kirsten Facts: — Her ethnicity is South-African.

Yeni Cho. Episode 2 marked the crew's rise to popularity, thanks to their foreign visuals and unique clothing style that set them apart from the competition. Shiggy was born in Osaka, raised in Los Angeles. Aiki DuLock. Swag is already a seasoned veteran in the dance industry. Her ascent in the dance world exemplifies the power of passion, dedication, and talent, marking her as a rising star to watch. Each dance crew has between 5 to 7 members. Emma started dancing at the age of 4 and dance has always been a safe haven to express emotions and feelings through movement. As part of MNET Street Woman Fighter 2, Jam Republic's crew not only had the opportunity to showcase their individual talents but also to collectively represent the agency on a widely-watched platform. Ibuki Imata A native of Osaka, Ibuki started dancing when she was 7 years old. Network We are a dance network and working with us, is working with dance studios all over the world. Choreography by Kirsten Dodgen. His affiliation with top studios, including Hyfidelity and The Palace Dance Studios, marks him as a pillar in the dance community. Team We are small but mighty team based all over the world and united by our passion and strive to push boundaries and exceed expectations in everything we do. Street Dance Fighter Wiki Explore.

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