January 17 astrological sign
January 17th speaks the story of too much stress, pressure, and shady opportunities that seem to come out of nowhere.
After you're done reading up on this zodiac sign's unique personality traits, catch up on this month's Capricorn horoscope. For a fuller look at your year, check out our astrologer's Capricorn horoscope predictions. The last earth sign of the zodiac, Capricorns and their unique spirits are powerful, to say the least. I've worked with thousands of clients over my nearly year-long career as a professional astrologer , and I can confirm that there's something that makes Capricorn extremely special. Perhaps it's their fearless ambition?
January 17 astrological sign
Under the tropical zodiac , the sun transits this area from around December 22 to January Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn along with Aquarius. Capricorn's opposite sign is Cancer. The Gregorian calendar has fixed days in a year and does not accommodate difference in the actual solar year. Therefore, the festival is celebrated on either of January 14 or 15 every year, when, per the Indian astronomical calendar, the Sun actually enters the Capricorn sign. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools. Download as PDF Printable version. In other projects. Wikimedia Commons. Tenth astrological sign of the zodiac.
Successes of people born on this date get achieved only with a lot of energy and effort, on their own two feet and with their own two hands, and they will often become a part of something bigger and find a group to belong to, so they can feel they january 17 astrological sign to a community of their own.
Capricorns born on January 17 have incredible physical and emotional endurance and grasp the correlation between mental and physical energy. They trust their intuition more than their intellect. They continually put themselves "out there" to prove their abilities are undiminished. Despite their conservatism, January 17 people have an odd collection of friends. They enjoy looking outside of their realm of experience to find people who can show them life-lessons they may not otherwise learn. Romance is often unfulfilling; they demand loyalty, holding lovers to almost impossible standards.
January 17th speaks the story of too much stress, pressure, and shady opportunities that seem to come out of nowhere. Just like these individuals have an opportunity to win at every lottery game they play, they will also feel stressed out and lost, unsure if they deserve anything their luck might bring. They are individuals of a higher frequency, easily separated from the usual Capricorn grounding and led to higher spheres of knowledge and belief. The sense of liberation in those born on the 17th of January needs to be controlled but always acknowledged. The biggest problems for each Capricorn born on this date is in their inability to see beyond the fences and beyond their own inner world. There is a sensation of detachment found in this date, as if a person had trouble with everyday life and every authority figure they meet, even the one they carry within.
January 17 astrological sign
What sign is January 17? People born on this day are Capricorns. They are in the third decan of Capricorn, near the end of the season.
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Summary Capricorns are perfectionists. You Might Also Like. They're just as goal-oriented in love as they are in work, and they'll often have a plan or set of qualities that they're searching for in a mate. Because Capricorn doesn't have time for petty games, this sign values honesty and transparency. Sign up for our Newsletter! This imagery speaks to Capricorn's bifurcated abilities: Capricorns are skilled at navigating both the material and emotional realms. Readers' Choice. Generally, the most compatible signs for Capricorn friendships and romantic relationships are fellow earth signs Capricorn, Virgo , Taurus , as they speak the same emotional language, and water signs for their emotional connection Cancer , Pisces, Scorpio. Read more. By: Jill M. Mobile Newsletter chat subscribe. They excel at whatever they do but are apt to make great architects, entrepreneurs, professors, or any kind of financial planner or accountant.
As a Capricorn born on January 17th, charm and grace are one of your biggest weapons. You love words and impressing others with your knowledge.
However, because of their unwavering focus, Capricorns can sometimes be perceived as cold, unemotional, or even cutthroat — but that's only because Capricorn has perspective. She has regularly written forecast columns for Astrology: Your Daily Horoscope. Intuitive and connected to the higher spheres of intellectual, they are smart and inspired to share the wisdom they gain with the rest of the world. After you're done reading up on this zodiac sign's unique personality traits, catch up on this month's Capricorn horoscope. With all sorts of obstacles in their way, their path is always taking them upwards, until they find faith and their God within. Capricorn weaknesses. They scale the steepest mountains — Capricorn rules the knees, making it easier for this sign to climb — while simultaneously building up their psychic fortitude. This speaks to the goat aspect of their sea-goat symbol. Learn more about what has in store for Capricorn in our annual astrology forecast. There is a sensation of detachment found in this date, as if a person had trouble with everyday life and every authority figure they meet, even the one they carry within. They have big picture, long-term goals and they absolutely don't want to be bogged-down by annoying details or superfluous information. They could discover it to be anything, from bioenergetic healing to particle physics, and it is impossible for anyone but themselves to say where they connect to the Universe to gather pure information.
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