
Forgot your password? The Javazon Amazon is a glass cannon character legado skywalker extremely high single-target damage output through Charged Strike and area javazon effect clearing speed through Lightning Fury and Pierce, javazon. She is the fastest boss-killing character in the game and can be extremely useful in javazon areas like The Secret Cow Level and the Chaos Sanctuary, making her fairly versatile, javazon.

The Javazon is an umbrella term used to describe a number of Amazon Builds that focus on the use of Javelins and Javelin and Spear Skills. In terms of Javazons, there is much versatility in terms of specialization, much like Bowazons. There are many types of Javazons that require far different variation in build, yet still go by the same name. However, all Javazons generally have some traits in common: the use of Pierce to maximize the damage of their javelins against groups of monsters. Javazons are characterized by their very high damage output against both mobs and single enemies, their fairly durable defense and their ability to fight well even without good gear though it certainly aids them considerably. Typically, javazons use Lightning Fury to kill large groups of enemies, Charged Strike to take on single, powerful enemies, and Jab to deal with lightning immunes. With proper gear and skill point distribution, Javazons are perhaps the best crowd-killers in the game and excel in open spaces.


The Javazon is, as the name indicates an Amazon focused on using the Javelin weapons. As such she prefers to engage enemies from afar, though she is capable of taking on enemies in melee as well if the situation calls for it. Thanks to her long range playstyle as well as her passive abilities, she is one of the hardest to kill characters out there. This guide was written and tested for single player playthrough across all difficulties using patch 1. This guide will assume that the player has to rely solely on the items he finds when playing the character. The build will be aiming towards character level 84 as that is where usually the single player playthrough ends. The Javazon makes use of the power of Lightning Fury to take down groups of enemies literally lightning fast, without being threatened herself. To help her get into a favourable position, the Javazon uses the Valkyrie as a meat shield to hide behind, as well as a lure to get her enemies close together to get the most destruction with every throw. With each Javelin she can unleash deadly lightning storms that will raze entire armies to the ground, her faithful Valkyrie companion takes care of any enemies who manage to avoid the bolts that spread across the battlefield, and she has access to some of the most useful passive skills the game has to offer. While other common monsters fall prey to her easily enough, lightning immune monsters become a slight problem. With her most powerful skills being purely lightning based, she has no choice but to engage these enemies with normal attacks javelin throws are a waste, save your javs for Lightning Fury instead. However, this is where her passive skills come into play. Thanks to her various skills, she is easily able to dodge enemy projectiles and avoid even the most powerful attacks. Like a stinging insect, no matter how much the opponent tries to swat her away, she is always there, poking and attacking until the enemy is worn down.

Increased Attack Speed speeds up your attack animations.

The Javazon effortlessly plows through densely packed mobs with Lightning Fury , while simultaneously boasting unrivaled single target Damage with Charged Strike. From Cow culling to Boss melting, this lady is a meat grinder. She really puts on a show with Lightning Bolts scattering across the screen! Lightning Immunity tends to be the easiest Immunity to break with Conviction Aura from an Infinity -equipped Mercenary. Along with Crack of the Heavens , Infinity allows this build to destroy absolutely everything.

The Javazon effortlessly plows through densely packed mobs with Lightning Fury , while simultaneously boasting unrivaled single target Damage with Charged Strike. From Cow culling to Boss melting, this lady is a meat grinder. She really puts on a show with Lightning Bolts scattering across the screen! Lightning Immunity tends to be the easiest Immunity to break with Conviction Aura from an Infinity -equipped Mercenary. Along with Crack of the Heavens , Infinity allows this build to destroy absolutely everything. This positions the Lightning Fury Amazon as an ultimate powerhouse in the late-game. However, because most Hell areas contain Lightning Immune monsters, farming options are limited without Crack of the Heavens or Infinity. In spite of this, this build is among the strongest starting options due to Lightning Fury 's insane clear speed. This build guide assumes you have a Character at Level 75 before transitioning to it. Patch 2.


Forgot your password? This page shows the recommended skill point progression and priority for the Javazon, as well as the typical Javazon playstyle. Note that the skill point list refers to the total number of skill points, not the character level, to best account for the 12 bonus skill points granted by quests. This section goes over your ideal skill build. You can see it pictured immediately below in our skill calculator, and then we also provide you with a listed progression. The Javazon playstyle revolves around using her main attack, Lightning Fury , to clear screens of monsters quickly in a few throws thanks to its interaction with Pierce. For any left over monsters or tankier monsters like bosses, Charged Strike is used to deal high single-target damage.

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Act 2 Desert Mercenary. This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. Beware of encountering both at the same time! This variant is the point of comparison for all other variants. However, in many cases, skipping these mobs is best. Vitality determines Health total, Stamina total, and Stamina recovery. For more information on the mechanics involved, check out our in-depth Resource: Breakpoints. Dexterity determines what Weapon your Amazon can use, Block chance, and attack rating. This Passive Skill greatly boosts the effectiveness of Lightning Fury. This can mean sacrificing overall power level for a more secure playstyle. Charged Strike damage and survivability are the focuses of this variant. This guide was written and tested for single player playthrough across all difficulties using patch 1. The Act 2 Desert Mercenary can be hired from Greiz. Javazon Stat Points and Attributes 4.

Using the Lightning Fury Skill to deal with crowds of enemies from a distance, and Charged Strike to deal with Bosses and Elites in melee combat, this build can clear any type of content in just a couple of seconds. You can start the game with this build, but I personally recommend you use our Poison Javazon Build instead, and then respec into this one.

Fortitude Treachery Chains of Honor. For High Mob Density Farming:. This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. There are many types of Javazons that require far different variation in build, yet still go by the same name. Lightning Fury. Achieve Level 9 Pierce with Razortail equipped. Sign in to edit. Along with Crack of the Heavens , Infinity allows this build to destroy absolutely everything. However, dedicating more than 10 skill points into Critical Strike is probably a waste as the level progression slows down considerably past level 8. Her mobility is limited, too, as is generally the case for Amazons. Farming Spots. Lightning Fury 2. Teleport cast speed is affected by the Faster Cast Rate Breakpoint that you achieve with your gear. By lucky coincidence, it also happens that lightning immune monsters are usually not very physically tough, e. Evade 6.

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