Jayne mansfield and sophia loren photo

InJayne Mansfieldan American actress and model known for her publicity stunts, attended a dinner in Beverly Hills at the exclusive Romanoff's restaurant hosted by Paramount Pictures to officially welcome Italian actress Sophia Loren to Hollywood. A photograph of the two women, jayne mansfield and sophia loren photo, with Loren casting a sideways glance at Mansfield's cleavage, was distributed world-wide and became an international sensation. Loren had achieved considerable success in Europe as an actress.

Perry Farrell. Service rating : Beautifully framed picture Product : Fast and easy experience. Carefully packa Hepburn Monochrome. Service rating : Beautiful photographs, love the art work. Product : Love the photographs, beautifully Nick Cave, Wandsworth.

Jayne mansfield and sophia loren photo

It seems nearly everyone is familiar with this photograph of Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield. In many ways, this is the definition of a truly iconic, memorable image. Like most iconic photographs, the story behind the image is just as incredible as the image itself. This photograph, taken by Joe Shere, ran in numerous magazines and newspapers in , and continues to appear in publications even today. This exhibition was one of the first museum shows to recognize the formidable influence of Hollywood portraiture and Hollywood documentary photography within the larger history and evolution of Fine Art Photography. While collaborating on the exhibition, Joe Shere mentioned that he had worked as a photographer in Hollywood for well over 50 years. He said that although he took countless behind-the-scenes photographs during his career, the image of Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield will be the one photograph everyone will remember. This has, of course, proven to be true. As always, luck can be a crucial element to catch that indelible and unpredictable moment. After I got to know Joe better, he told me about his brother, Sam, also a photographer who was retired in Florida at the time. Joe told me his brother, Sam, also made a famous photograph. I couldn't imagine what Sam's famous picture could be. Joe said, "Did you ever see a photograph of the Hindenburg Airship exploding? His photograph, taken that fateful night in New Jersey, became a record of a major moment in the history of American photojournalism.

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This photo of Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield was taken 57 years ago, but it still looms large. Very large. In fact, it may be the most famous side-eye in paparazzi history: Loren, the breakout Italian beauty at the Beverly Hills party designed as her Hollywood baptism reacts to the antics—and assets—of va-va-voomy Jayne Mansfield. All these years later, Loren spoke to EW on the phone from her home in Switzerland. EW : This photo was taken when you were still very new to Hollywood.

She explained the setting 57 years ago, saying, "Paramount had organized a party for me. All of cinema was there, it was incredible. And then comes in Jayne Mansfield, the last one to come. For me, that was when it got amazing. She continued, "She came right for my table. She knew everyone was watching. She sat down.

Jayne mansfield and sophia loren photo

But many credit this photo of Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield. Newcomer Loren had just skyrocketed to stardom in Europe when she became the most photographed performer at the Cannes Film Festival. The Beverly Hills party two years later was meant to officially welcome Loren to Hollywood. But the Italian bombshell found her spotlight unexpectedly stolen by Mansfield. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly , Loren confirms that, yes, she was thinking exactly what it looks like she was thinking. Paramount had organized a party for me. All of cinema was there, it was incredible. And then comes in Jayne Mansfield, the last one to come. For me, that was when it got amazing.

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Look at the picture. Archived from the original on April 1, Although Loren is frequently asked to autograph a copy of the photograph, she refuses, preferring to separate herself from the incident instead. Look at the picture. List of Partners vendors. Use profiles to select personalised content. TV Article. We've sent you a confirmation email. The New York Times. His photograph, taken that fateful night in New Jersey, became a record of a major moment in the history of American photojournalism. I don't want to have anything to do with that. Contents move to sidebar hide. EW : This photo was taken when you were still very new to Hollywood. Where are my eyes?

In , Jayne Mansfield , an American actress and model known for her publicity stunts, attended a dinner in Beverly Hills at the exclusive Romanoff's restaurant hosted by Paramount Pictures to officially welcome Italian actress Sophia Loren to Hollywood.

Loren was captured in several images staring at Mansfield's exposed breasts. April 15, And then comes in Jayne Mansfield, the last one to come. Famous restaurant owner Mike Romanoff catering at the time to all the top Hollywood stars put the word out to the studios and ALL photographers in Hollywood, that Sophia Loren and Jayne Mansfield had a reservation for lunch that day. Iconic Limited Edition Photography. She knew everyone was watching. Newsletter Sign Up. Look at the picture. No, no. Sophia Loren And Jayne Mansfield quantity. Use profiles to select personalised content.

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