jeri ryan playboy pictures

Jeri ryan playboy pictures

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June 8, Retrieved January 4, According to statements she has made in interviews, Ryan's main hobby is gourmet cooking. TV Guide. Napolitano, Jo July 30,

Jeri ryan playboy pictures

Not even amusing by troll standards. Very hard to type, with a straight-jacket on it appears? Wrong person to threaten with a TOS threat! There was also a sexy pic of her but it wasn't new. It was the same as the cover of the defunct mag, Bikini. Or soon to be defunct anyway. Absolutely, if I get tossed any time soon, dont forget to boast about it, especially in alt. Thanks for that info. I assumed because she was on the front cover that she had done a spread. But has she done any nude pics? She's done some revealing pictures but no nudes. Such a loss to humanity :. Shes also in a insert booklet from Maxum magazine most sexiest or beautiful women or something like that wearing a NICE white dress.

I meant, I doubt that Trek's producers hold their cast members to morals clauses, since their intended audience PG 14 is old enough to tell the difference between the on-screen characters and the actors who play them. She had to concider her husband's carreer investment banking and how her actions would affect him, jeri ryan playboy pictures.

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Jeri ryan playboy pictures

Jeri Ryan burst into television prominence by wearing a formfitting costume on Star Trek: Voyager that many male fans pray she'll one day burst out of. Cast as Seven of Nine, Ryan is a no-nonsense Borg who is returned to her human form after the Voyager crew's encounter with the Collective leaves her stranded on the Federation starship. It's a challenging role that Ryan accepted only after the producers promised her that Seven was no intergalactic Barbie doll. In return Ryan has created a complex young woman trying to understand and regain her humanity even while Borg notions of efficiency and perfection linger in her head. And there's still the babe factor. In contrast to her stern TV persona, Jeri laughs easily. Each time she did, she kicked my leg under the table. I thought briefly of moving out of the way but decided I would rather get my kicks. Playboy: Last year TV Guide called you one of TV's sexiest stars, and a readers' poll named you favorite performer--male or female.

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