jodi arias trial pics

Jodi arias trial pics

These picture were not taken on the same day. They were not taken in the same year.

PHOENIX AP - Jurors at the sentencing retrial of convicted murderer Jodi Arias saw a series of gruesome photos that showed her boyfriend's dead body crammed into a shower at his house with his throat slit. Lawyers warned jurors that they would see graphic crime-scene photos and sexually explicit images that Arias and former boyfriend Travis Alexander took of each other after a tryst but before Arias fatally attacked him. He urged jurors to sentence Arias to death. The opening statements came as a jury was seated and testimony began in a retrial to determine whether Arias lives or dies for her crimes. It was less of a spectacle than the initial case in early , when onlookers from around the country traveled to Phoenix and lined up outside court for the trial that became a tabloid TV sensation.

Jodi arias trial pics

Arias, 41, is serving a life sentence for stabbing Travis Alexander 27 times , slitting his neck, and shooting him in the head in his own bathroom in June The couple had been dating for five months before splitting up the previous year because Alexander reportedly felt guilty about the sexual nature of their relationship as a devout Mormon. However, they had reportedly stayed in contact with each other and a camera found in the washing machine in his Arizona home after his death revealed pictures of them having sex on June 4, the day he was killed. Moments after, photos showed him bleeding on the bathroom floor with blood gushing from his throat. In a new episode airing on Thursday, Taking the Stand will look back at the unprecedented 18 days Arias took the stand to claim that she was acting in self-defense in Alexanders' murder. As she faced the death penalty, Arias had claimed that Alexander, a year-old salesman and motivational speaker, was possessive despite her own reported obsession with her ex. The jury convicted her after being shown pictures of the bloodstained towels that she had allegedly attempted to clean and the bathroom covered in Alexander's blood after his brutal slaying. When friends found Alexander's body after becoming concerned for his welfare, they immediately pointed toward Arias who he had reportedly said was stalking him. Yet Arias, then 26, at first denied having seen Alexander on the day that he died, then claimed two men had killed him in a home invasion, before changing her story again to self-defense. He reportedly became quickly smitten with the beautiful and seemingly carefree, aspiring photographer. Arias and Alexander began dating in early and she moved from California to Mesa, Arizona to be closer to him. She is amazing. It is not hard to see that whoever scores Jodi, whether it be me or someone else, is gonna win the wife lotto," he wrote.

Jennifer Willmott, an attorney for Arias, told jurors her client acted in self-defense after Alexander 'lunged at Jodi in anger' in his suburban Mesa home after she dropped his new camera.

By Lydia Warren and Snejana Farberov. Dozens of grisly images revealing the horrific scene after devout Mormon Travis Alexander was found stabbed to death have been shown to the jury in the murder trial of his 'obsessed' ex-girlfriend. The photos show his blood-splattered bathroom, a bullet shell lodged in dried blood and his blood-soaked clothes after Jodi Arias allegedly stabbed him 27 times, sliced his throat and shot him once in the head. Her murder trial began last week and will resume on Tuesday after an extended weekend break. As p rosecutor Juan Martinez displayed the pictures to the jury, year-old Arias reportedly broke down in tears and reached for tissues.

Jodi Arias could face the death penalty if convicted of murdering her ex. The four month long trial gripped the nation with testimony filled with lurid details of the couple's sex life, Mormon religious beliefs and practices, and the gruesome details of the day Arias stabbed, shot, and slashed Alexander. Take a look back at the nine most shocking moments of the Jodi Arias trial. Arias giggled and cooed at Alexander as he described his sexual fantasies to her, showing less resistance to his sexual requests than she described to the jury during her testimony. He then convinced her to sleep with him to cure him of his "deviant urges," she said. It was a picture of a little boy She also said that he once sent her a package in the mail containing items of clothing: a t-shirt and pair of underwear emblazoned with the words "Travis's" and a pair of Spiderman-themed children's underwear. She claimed to have thrown away the Spiderman underwear. Arias said that Alexander, a Mormon elder, skirted his church's teachings on chastity by engaging Arias in oral and anal sex, which she said he told her were technically not against Mormon rules. Her comment refers to former president Bill Clinton's famous denial that he had sex with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, claiming they only had oral sex and not intercourse.

Jodi arias trial pics

Travis Alexander was stabbed 27 times, shot in head and had his throat slit. The gruesome scene was introduced on the second day of Arias' trial, along with a slew of evidence, including a man's bloodied T-shirt. Defense attorneys for Arias portrayed Alexander as a controlling and abusive lover to the Arizona woman who killed Alexander in self defense. Evidence emerged today showing they exchanged electronic messages filled with sexually crude references about each other, and the jury heard a recorded phone call between Arias and Police Det. Esteban Flores where Arias said the couple was so distrustful of each other that they shared their online passwords. Reason we did that [is] because we thought, 'What can we do to reestablish trust?

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Jodi is fortunate to have you as a loyal supporter. Missed: Alexander, a motivational speaker from Arizona, was found several days after the killing. Saying she killed him; where in this does she say she premeditated it? Jodi Arias does not appear in any of these pictures. The defense has suggested that Alexander had been controlling and jealous, eventually leading to her killing him out of self defense. Alexander's mother and other family members buried their faces in their hands, sobbed, and stared at the ground to avoid seeing the gruesome crime scene photos. Here a bloody sink near to his body is pictured. If you are not willing or able to engage in a respectful discussion then this is simply not the place for you to post comments. They were on multiple camera cards, computers, phones belonging to Jodi Arias and Travis Alexander. And of course Jodi did not have the physical ability to lift Travis body into the shower.

PHOENIX - Jurors at the sentencing retrial of convicted murderer Jodi Arias saw a series of gruesome photos that showed her boyfriend's dead body crammed into a shower at his house with his throat slit. Lawyers warned jurors that they would see graphic crime-scene photos and sexually explicit images that Arias and former boyfriend Travis Alexander took of each other after a tryst, but before Arias fatally attacked him. He urged jurors to sentence Arias to death.

Leave a comment Cancel reply. He said, Jodi Arias took all these pictures on June 4, Even with respect to the ridiculous gas can theory, if Jodi filled multiple gas cans en route to kill Travis, then certainly the incredible power of the state of Arizona would have shown the jury a surveillance film of her filling gas cans at a gas station. I wish I knew more to figure out who the real killers are. Arias has acknowledged killing Alexander but claimed it was self-defense after he attacked her. I agree with you, Heather, that it is completely unacceptable that the crime scene was not secured and fully investigated. Jurors couldn't agree on a sentence then. She admitted killing him. In January , a judge denied a motion asking for the death penalty to be rejected. And of course Jodi did not have the physical ability to lift Travis body into the shower. Arias, sporting shoulder-length hair and wearing a beige blouse, often looked at the jury while her lawyer laid out his case. Shower : yellow tiles.

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