john q public air force

John q public air force

Whatever the John Q. Public community represents as the clock rolls over toit started more modestly.

Tony Carr John Q. Public is an independent writer, journalist, commentator, and analyst specializing in military and defense issues. After serving for more than 22 years on US Air Force active duty, during which he flew Cs in combat, commanded a flying squadron, and served in multiple key advisory and staff posts, Tony retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in and started the John Q. Public project. Through the project, he pushes the Air Force toward institutional reform by bringing transparency, rigorous reporting, and a critical voice to issues impacting airmen, airpower, and the overall organization. JQP Blog has evolved into a leading, credible voice on Air Force matters and a respected outlet for original reporting and hard-hitting analysis of issues touching national defense and military affairs, earning regular citations in a range of publications both online and offline.

John q public air force


JQP Blog has john q public air force into a leading, credible voice on Air Force matters and a respected outlet for original reporting and hard-hitting analysis of issues touching national defense and military affairs, earning regular citations in a range of publications both online and offline. In the year ahead, watch for more analysis and commentary on Air Force reform, which is the subject providing the fuel that powers the JQP community. Uww registrar firings are not the road to a superb Air Force.


Tony Carr John Q. Public is an independent writer, journalist, commentator, and analyst specializing in military and defense issues. After serving for more than 22 years on US Air Force active duty, during which he flew Cs in combat, commanded a flying squadron, and served in multiple key advisory and staff posts, Tony retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in and started the John Q. Public project. Through the project, he pushes the Air Force toward institutional reform by bringing transparency, rigorous reporting, and a critical voice to issues impacting airmen, airpower, and the overall organization. JQP Blog has evolved into a leading, credible voice on Air Force matters and a respected outlet for original reporting and hard-hitting analysis of issues touching national defense and military affairs, earning regular citations in a range of publications both online and offline. Tony also does considerable work advocating on behalf of veterans, appearing in print, online, and occasionally on television and radio networks to advance the shared cause of American servicemembers and contribute to the safeguarding of their heard-earned compensation and benefits against the pressures of budget austerity. He also works as an independent strategy consultant and serves on the Military Advisory Board of the Project on Government Oversight, a prominent nonprofit group focused on government accountability. You can reach him for comment or to provide tips or story suggestions at john.

John q public air force

According to an internal document obtained by John Q. Public, a retired Air Force O and former commander of Air Mobility Command AMC has been accused of sexual assault by an active duty O-6 who says she was assaulted while under his command. The bulletin, which originated in the AMC command center, describes a complaint lodged earlier this year — first under restricted reporting rules and later as an unrestricted report. According to the internal memo, the alleged victim was scheduled to be interviewed by investigators from the Office of Special Investigations on Thursday. If that interview yields credible evidence that an assault took place, publicly noticeable movement in the case is likely to follow swiftly. This first report does not mention why the victim took as long as she did to step forward. While a case like this is about pursuing the truth of events and potentially affirming the dignity of the victim of a horrible criminal act, it also has obvious public implications for an institution that has struggled with the issue of sexual assault and is seen by many to cultivate an unacceptable double standard, with senior officers passing judgment on lower ranking airmen and officers while subject to undue political pressure and lacking appropriate impartiality. As this case may end up showing, senior officers are often harboring closeted misconduct skeletons of their own.

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Senior-level responses to these cases demonstrate the infection of entire major commands with the disease of self-serving and politically correct management, which cannot coexist with true leadership. This was a community manned mostly by officers in public trust positions. JQP Blog has evolved into a leading, credible voice on Air Force matters and a respected outlet for original reporting and hard-hitting analysis of issues touching national defense and military affairs, earning regular citations in a range of publications both online and offline. This latter subject area ties together every thread from throughout the year, and will form the core of JQP efforts in the year ahead. This is axiomatic, since nothing could be more unexceptional than the objectives that gave rise to this blog. Soon after, the news broke of the even more specious sacking of Blair Kaiser, a decorated combat commander with no recorded misconduct despite repeated investigative attempts by his own chain of command to smear him. Many decisions were made in under the partial influence of this community, and promises to cotinue this trend. General Mark Welsh came to his position as Chief of Staff with an obvious desire to shake up the Air Force and return it to its cultural roots. It shows that the Air Force human resource business has degraded to a point that puts effective human resource management — and therefore effective warfighting — beyond reach. Not uncommonly, these leaders and decision makers are impacted and even influenced by the ideas surfaced here — not so much by the articles themselves, but in the comments and exchanges that follow here and elsewhere. The Perry case was particularly distressing since it involved an ex post investigation to justify a firing rather than a firing based on evidence. Tony Carr John Q. Putting aside the alarming notion that a formal program should ever be needed for a military service to improve the climate of an entire command, gave us reason to believe that FIP might be missing the point. Public is an independent writer, journalist, commentator, and analyst specializing in military and defense issues. Public community represents as the clock rolls over to , it started more modestly.

Until the service is once again willing to hold itself accountable and wield its authority reasonably, enthusiasm for an external reform movement will persist.

Nothing gets under the skin of airmen more quickly than senior officers who extoll the virtues of shared privation only to climb aboard a corporate jet after a few platitudes and head back to a comfortable office manned by servants and personal entertainers to attend to every whim in ways that would have made Marie Antoinette blush. Air Force culture is warped and broken. These debate topics drew large readership over the past year, and promise to retain potency going forward. General Mark Welsh came to his position as Chief of Staff with an obvious desire to shake up the Air Force and return it to its cultural roots. As a result of its political failures, the service found itself with a manpower task to which it was manifestly unequal. This has infected everything, re-defining daily Air Force life in such a way that airpower is taken for granted rather than being rigorously cultivated and pushed to the combat edge. Only time will tell, hopefully not in the form of another failure preventable with the retention of the best qualified officers. The inability of Cox to get a solid performance out of its personnel apparatus means likely no one could have done so. Lacking resources, the service resorted in its desperation to political hackery and budgetary maneuvering in an effort to affirm what it sees as its institutional interests over the long term. Aside from its addiction to corporate perks, there are other indications supporting this hypothesis, such as the seeming inability of commanders to reverse bad decisions for fear of losing political face, and the boldness with which generals disparage other officers , unapologetically betraying a long-cherished custom of military decorum in the process. It should have ignited a high-level discussion about leader development and institutional climate, but whether it did so remains to be seen in the year ahead.

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