jon cartwright twitter

Jon cartwright twitter

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He used to work for the publication Nintendo Life , but currently creates videos with Good Vibes Gaming. Scott Wozniak appeared in two of Cartwright's videos on his personal channel before the channel was transformed into the Good Vibes Gaming channel, and has appeared in the Good Vibes Gaming reboot of What's That Track, as hosted by Cartwright. In addition, Cartwright and Wozniak frequently interact on Twitter. Nitro Rad! YouTube to his YouTube channel. The video featured Wozniak alongside other creators playing hide and seek within Cartwright's Animal Crossing: New Horizons island.

Jon cartwright twitter


Oct 25, 84, Houston, TX. Whatever the case I wish him luck, but it'd be cool to know. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.


He made a name for himself as a valuable member at GameXplain back in The mystery has been unveiled now as Jon has officially joined his ex GameXplain colleagues over at Good Vibes Gaming. This may not come as a huge surprise to some of us as it is perhaps the most logical step and a lot of us had probably suspect that it would have happened eventually, but it is most joyous to see the old GX gang back together. In a way, it is very much like Jon is returning home and between the four of them, they will all run the channel as equal partners. If you are reading this Jon, we wish you all the best and it brings us great joy to see you reunited with Ash, Derrick, and Steve.

Jon cartwright twitter

You might recognise Jon's lovely face and smooth voice from the YouTube channel GameXplain , as well as his consistently hilarious Twitter account, JonComms. Jon will be joining Alex and Zion as they continue to make the Nintendo Life YouTube channel one of the most popular of its kind on the web, and his timing couldn't be better — we've just passed , subscribers on the platform, and last week we held the inaugural Nintendo Life Indie Spotlight , a landmark event in the site's video-related history. Damien has been writing professionally about tech and video games since and oversees all of Hookshot Media's sites from an editorial perspective. He's also the editor of Time Extension, the network's newest site, which — paradoxically — is all about gaming's past glories. Glad the youtube channel is getting more love. Hope this means more content, still need my Alex fix often haha. Was not expecting Jon to go from one Nintendo channel to another just like that but this is a nice surprise! Hey there, Jon. Glad you could join us today. I've got some candy and popcorn while you settle in.

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Trending Threads. Jon brings a calming, friendly and thoughtful presence to every GameXplain discussion he partakes in. You must log in or register to reply here. I'm not familiar with this fellow or the channel, so I want to thank you for providing all this context. Def check them out. I don't see a reason why's he leaving, so I'm wondering what he plans to do next? He has such a nice voiceover and generally seems like a good guy. It may not display this or other websites correctly. He will be missed, and I wish him the best of luck on his endeavors. HustleBun Member. Oct 27, 8,


Sounds like he's moving onto something better or trying up figure out what he wants to do long term for a career. This is not how I expected Game Club's Danganronpa playthrough to end. Makes sense, he's about to be a dad and probably wants to spend as much time as he can with his family. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Too bad. Best of luck to you, hope you'll continue to do what you do best. Seems like he's leaving on good terms to the surprise of nobody given how the other GameXplain members are reacting, but here's to the best on Jon's future endeavors. Jon Cartwright leaving GameXplain. Is he trying to start up his own channel? Gaming Forum. It's also great that they are expanding to more news other than just Nintendo. King Dodongo Member. Oct 25, 23, Aaronrules Avenger.

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