josephus antiquities of the jews

Josephus antiquities of the jews

Containing the interval of Years.

Best known for writing The Jewish War , he was born in Jerusalem —then part of the Roman province of Judea —to a father of priestly descent and a mother who claimed royal ancestry. He initially fought against the Roman Empire during the First Jewish—Roman War as general of the Jewish forces in Galilee , until surrendering in AD 67 to the Roman army led by military commander Vespasian after the six-week siege of Yodfat. Josephus claimed the Jewish messianic prophecies that initiated the First Jewish—Roman War made reference to Vespasian becoming Roman emperor. In response, Vespasian decided to keep Josephus as a slave and presumably interpreter. After Vespasian became emperor in AD 69, he granted Josephus his freedom , at which time Josephus assumed the Emperor's family name of Flavius. Flavius Josephus fully defected to the Roman side and was granted Roman citizenship. He became an advisor and friend of Vespasian's son Titus , serving as his translator when Titus led the siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

Josephus antiquities of the jews

Containing the Interval of 32 Years. From the banishment of Archelaus to the departure of the Jews from Babylon. How Cyrenius was sent by Cesar to make a taxation of Syria and Judea ; and how Coponius was sent to be procurator of Judea. Concerning Judas of Galilee ; and concerning the sects that were among the Jews. Coponius also, a man of the equestrian order, was sent together with him: to have the supreme power over the Jews. But the Jews, although at the beginning they took the report of a taxation heinously; yet did they leave off any farther opposition to it, by the persuasion of Joazar, who was the son of Boethus, and High Priest. Yet was there one Judas, a Gaulonite; 1 of a city whose name was Gamala; who, taking with him Saddouk, a Pharisee, 2 became zealous to draw them to a revolt: who both said that this taxation was no better than an introduction to slavery: and exhorted the nation to assert their liberty. As if they could procure them happiness, and security for what they possessed; and an assured enjoyment of a still greater good; which was that of the honour and glory they would thereby acquire for magnanimity. They also said that God would not otherwise be assisting to them, than upon their joining with one another in such counsels as might be successful, and for their own advantage: and this especially if they would set about great exploits; and not grow weary in executing the same. So men received what they said with pleasure: and this bold attempt proceeded to a great height.

Concerning The Death Of Solomon. He then, out of fear, asked Sarai who she was, and who it was that she brought along with her.

Concerning The Death Of Abraham. Concerning The Death Of Solomon. Concerning The Death. Concerning The Death Of Demetrius. Concerning The Death Of Onias. Concerning Pollio And Sameas. Antony Beheads Antigonus.

Account Options Ieiet. The Antiquities of the Jews. Flavius Josephus. DigiCat , The Antiquities of the Jews is a volume historiographical work composed by Flavius Josephus in the 13th year of the reign of Roman emperor Flavius Domitian. The book contains an account of history of the Jewish people, written in Greek for Josephus' gentile patrons. In the first ten volumes, Josephus follows the events of the historical books of the Hebrew Bible beginning with the creation of Adam and Eve. The second ten volumes continue the history of the Jewish people beyond the biblical text and up to the Jewish War. This work provides valuable background material to historians wishing to understand 1st-century AD Judaism and the early Christian period. After Vespasian became Emperor in 69 CE, he granted Josephus his freedom, at which time Josephus assumed the emperor's family name of Flavius.

Josephus antiquities of the jews

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This Malaleel, having lived eight hundred and ninety-five years, died, leaving his son Jared, whom he begat when he was in his hundred and sixty-fifth year. Now this remains in the land of Siriad to this day. But she, as pleased, after the custom of children, with Jacob's coming, asked him who he was, and whence he came to them, and what it was he lacked that he came thither. Decius Mundus fell in love with this woman: who was a man very high in the equestrian order. And when they were so agreed, they both knew that the great design of such their union would be their common hatred to the Jews. Accordingly he commanded him to carry him to the mountain Moriah, and to build an altar, and offer him for a burnt-offering upon it for that this would best manifest his religious disposition towards him, if he preferred what was pleasing to God, before the preservation of his own son. He also sent such presents to those that were there as were in esteem, on account that that they either rarely or never were seen in that country, The servant got thither not under a considerable time; for it requires much time to pass through Meopotamia, in which it is tedious traveling, both in the winter for the depth of the clay, and in summer for want of water; and, besides this, for the robberies there committed, which are not to be avoided by travelers but by caution beforehand. But God allotted him punishment, because he weakly submitted to the counsel of his wife; and said, the ground should not henceforth yield its fruits of its own accord, but that when it should be harassed by their labour, it should bring forth some of its fruits, and refuse to bring forth others. For she put to bed to him her own hand-maid. How Vitellius went up to Jerusalem : together with some account of Agrippa , and of the posterity of Herod the Great. And when Abram gave him the tenth part of his prey, he accepted of the gift. But they are able to do almost nothing of themselves. It was against this background that Josephus wrote his War. However, there did not many days pass ere he sent for him to his house, and had him shaved, and made him change his raiment. He built it in the best part of Galilee, at the lake of Gennesareth.

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For he was afraid of Abimelech, the King of that country; who did also himself fall in love with Sarah, and was disposed to corrupt her. The child also endeared himself to his parents still more, by the exercise of every virtue, and adhering to his duty to his parents, and being zealous in the worship of God. But now she began to come to the sense of the grossness of what she had done: and rent her garments, and told her husband of the horrid nature of this wicked contrivance, and prayed him not to neglect to assist her in this case. The same things were continued to be done by his sons, and by their sons after them. And when he was afraid that in wandering about he should fall among Wild beasts, and by that means perish, God bid him not to entertain such a melancholy suspicion, and to go over all the earth without fear of what mischief he might suffer from wild beasts; and setting a mark upon him, that he might be known, he commanded him to depart. And that the seventh day was a rest, and a release from the labour of such operations. The works of Josephus include useful material for historians about individuals, groups, customs, and geographical places. Adam and Eve had two sons: the elder of them was named Cain ; which name, when it is interpreted, signifies a Possession. And as he died childless, Aristobulus, the son of Herod, the brother of Agrippa, married her. Of which matter see the Note on XI. Lamech was also the father of a daughter, whose name was Naamah. But seeing they did not yield to him, but were slaves to their wicked pleasures, he was afraid they would kill him, together with his wife and children, and those they had married.

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