kareem rosser wife

Kareem rosser wife

Kareem Anthony Rosser was born in West Philadelphia and spent his free time out of school on the polo field with his brothers and other inner-city children who partook in the Work to Ride program founded by Lezlie Hiner, kareem rosser wife. His family always loved animals and he and his siblings would often catch snapping turtles and frogs from a nearby pond and hide them at their house from their mother. There was also a rich kareem rosser wife urban cowboy community that was also prevalent in West Philadelphia.

At the age of eight, Kareem began riding horses and playing polo through the local non-profit, Work to Ride after his brothers discovered a barn full of horses riding their bicycles through Fairmount Park. Founded by Lezlie Hiner, Work to Ride empowers inner city youth through horsemanship, equine sports, and education programs. In , Kareem received an academic scholarship to Valley Forge Military Academy where the structure, discipline, and diversity of military school impacted his life for the better. He made history in when he led the Work to Ride team, featuring his brother Daymar Rosser and Brandon Rease to a National Interscholastic Polo Championship, becoming the first ever African American polo team to do so. After graduation, he returned to Philadelphia to work as a financial analyst. Kareem is also a board member and treasurer of the Work to Ride program.

Kareem rosser wife

It has been a good feeder program, especially for a lot of high-goal organizations, as it inspires kids to reach the next level. I would like to inspire people who come from a similar background as I do, there is a door open for them. Not just black folks, but everyone. Right now I'm working more than playing polo, but I hope one day very soon I can be playing polo again. Spending time in the office and learning, hoping someday I make enough money to be able to afford my own team. Team USPA is a USPA program designed to enhance and grow the sport of polo in the United States by identifying young, talented American players and providing mentored training and playing opportunities leading to a pool of higher rated amateur and pro players and the resultant giveback to the sport of polo. The suspension of USPA Tournaments and Events will be lifted for USPA Member Clubs in locales where hosting polo matches and tournaments is permitted under applicable state and local laws, executive orders and similar decrees. The USPA Member Clubs in these locales are encouraged to follow all such requirements of their state and local authorities with respect to polo operations. We will continue to monitor the COVID situation closely and will notify you if we determine a different course of action is necessary.

Work to Ride is currently raising funds to expand its operations in Philadelphia. In I won my first national high school championship, kareem rosser wife on that day me and my teammates made history.

Kareem Rosser's brothers stumbled upon a barn one day while riding their bicycles. The accidental discovery led to a transformational journey. She provides an opportunity for youth from the city to engage with the horses and nature in exchange for working in the stalls. Work to Ride also teaches the children how to play polo. The Work to Ride team repeated as champions the following year. Polo Association's Intercollegiate Player of the Year.

Now 28, he shares his path in a new memoir, Crossing the Line. MLT: When were you first introduced to horses? Some of my neighbors even had horses in their backyards. MLT: How old were you when you learned to ride? My first pony was named Aja. I was a timid rider—I was terrified of falling off. I got my first polo lesson when I was 9 or When I first hit the polo ball, I was hooked. MLT: What was your biggest challenge as a beginner? Some had trouble stopping or turning.

Kareem rosser wife

At the age of eight, Kareem began riding horses and playing polo through the local non-profit, Work to Ride after his brothers discovered a barn full of horses riding their bicycles through Fairmount Park. Founded by Lezlie Hiner, Work to Ride empowers inner city youth through horsemanship, equine sports, and education programs. In , Kareem received an academic scholarship to Valley Forge Military Academy where the structure, discipline, and diversity of military school impacted his life for the better. He made history in when he led the Work to Ride team, featuring his brother Daymar Rosser and Brandon Rease to a National Interscholastic Polo Championship, becoming the first ever African American polo team to do so. After graduation, he returned to Philadelphia to work as a financial analyst. Kareem is also a board member and treasurer of the Work to Ride program. Since , he has led development efforts for Work to Ride, helping to raise millions to support the program and their state-of-the-art barn renovation. In , Kareem released his ALA award-winning memoir. He has also been featured as a model in campaigns for Ralph Lauren Polo. Courtesy of Ralph Lauren Polo.

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Although Work to Ride had provided them with many incredible opportunities, they realized they were at a distinct disadvantage after matchups with opponents from outside their barn. I really hope whoever is reading this has some sort of positive impact on our lives whether that's just them willing to want to give back or get involved, more than just reading something to get their day started. I saw people on top of a horse running around looking crazy. Despite their busy schedules, Kareem and Daymar will be returning to the Middleburg area soon. In exchange for helping out around the barn, kids from some of the most impoverished communities in Philadelphia participate in riding lessons free of charge. After only seeing horses from afar, Kareem began riding when he was 8 years old once his older brothers became involved with the Work to Ride program in Fairmount Park. Just one year later, Daymar captained the team to victory in the Intercollegiate National Polo Championship, earning them the national title. Some of the kids at Work to Ride sought out the program after the urban cowboys piqued their interest in riding. In the future, Daymar hopes to open a therapeutic riding facility to spread these positive benefits to people in need. This will allow them to extend their programming year-round, increase participation, and host local, regional, and national polo matches. Thankfully, they were up to good and after begging his mother to allow him to visit the stables with his brothers he was mesmerized. My heart was pounding.


The following browsers are supported: Chrome, Edge v80 and later , Firefox and Safari. Q: How did you learn to engage with the different social circles through the opportunities that polo provided? This article first appeared in the July Issue. Their equipment and practice facilities were not up to date, and unlike other teams with indoor arenas, they could only play when the weather was nice. I think just all the obstacles and everything that we had to overcome to be able to be in a position to play the sport was a big accomplishment for us, but then to go on and have meaningful success is something that I cherish forever. Tucked away in Fair- mount Park, just outside of downtown Philadelphia, the stables are home to the c 3 non-profit Work to Ride. Interested in donating to Work to Ride and learning more about their mission and programs? After watching my older brothers and the other kids, I built up the courage to do it myself. He emphasized that while it is a very different type of riding than polo, a good run in the field can be a refreshing change because instead of strategizing about how to score a goal, you can focus on holding on and having fun. Email Required Name Required Website. It means the world to me! KR: "Even as an adult now, I'll admit that I miss mucking stalls, but at the time, believe it or not, I frickin' needed mucking stalls. Kareem will teach a polo clinic in mid-July on behalf of the Windy Hill Foundation, a program that provides safe and affordable housing to low-income families in Fauquier and Loudoun Counties. The opportunity and the door that Work to Ride opened for Kareem and his brothers was the catalyst for the men they are today. Why does it work so well?

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