karman karma

Karman karma

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See all related overviews in Oxford Reference ». For Hindus and Jains, karman karma is the nominative Sanskrit form originally referred to proper ritual actions, but the term has come to denote past actions that will affect what View all related items in Oxford Reference ». All Rights Reserved. Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single entry from a reference work in OR for personal use for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice. Personal Profile.

Karman karma


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Karma [alt. The term is used within the Buddhist tradition in two senses:. In the Buddhist view, developing a genuine, experiential understanding of karmic action and fruition —how all of one's actions are like planting seeds that will eventually bear fruit—is an essential aspect of the Buddhist path. Karmic actions are considered to be the engine which drives the cycle of uncontrolled rebirth samsara ; correspondingly, a complete understanding of karmic action and fruition enables beings to free themselves from samsara and attain liberation. Within Buddhism, the theory of karmic action and fruition karmaphala is identified as part of the broader doctrine of dependent origination pratityasamutpada , which states that all phenomena arise in dependence upon multiple causes and conditions.

Karman karma

Those intentions are considered to be the determining factor in the kind of rebirth in samsara , the cycle of rebirth. Karmaphala Tib. A similar term is karmavipaka , the "maturation" [9] or "cooking" [10] of karma :.

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