katharine mcphee hot

Katharine mcphee hot

One hot mama! After turning 38 in MarchKatharine McPhee still looks as gorgeous katharine mcphee hot ever. The American Idol alum, who welcomed her first child in Februaryhas shared many bikini photos that will make your jaw drop!

Katharine McPhee is not taking criticism of her husband David Foster lying down The year-old gave birth less than a year ago, and that inspired David to post a pic of his wife a few days back, with the caption, "what baby! Of course, David got dragged on social media by people who somehow thought complimenting his wife on losing the weight is somehow a slight on other women who did not Katherine pounced on David's critics with another pic of her I've struggled with weight my whole 20s and I've gone up and down 10 times over. Does that make you feel better?

Katharine mcphee hot


The American Idol alum, who welcomed her first child in Februarykatharine mcphee hot, has shared many bikini photos that will make your jaw drop! Sign up now!


Katharine McPhee is rocking a bikini mere weeks after giving birth to her first child with husband David Foster. The Smash alum took to her Instagram Story on March 31 to share a pic of herself in a brown bikini. On the photo, Katharine wrote, "Loving my curves because my baby gave them to me. The former American Idol star, who welcomed her son Rennie David Foster last month, previously talked about struggling with body image issues during her pregnancy. The actress, who has spoken in the past about battling eating disorders , told Dr. Berlin's Informed Pregnancy Podcast earlier this month, "I have felt really stable in my life in the last four or five years, and my weight has been sort of like more consistent. But feeling like there was a relapse after getting pregnant was really shocking and upsetting and concerning for me, because I was suddenly so obsessed with food, starting from this first trimester. However, Katharine recently shared that lately she hasn't felt any "pressure" to return to a certain size. Recently, Katharine has been all about celebrating the good stuff in life. Earlier this week, she shared photos from her 37th birthday party to Instagram.

Katharine mcphee hot

Katharine McPhee is rocking a bikini mere weeks after giving birth to her first child with husband David Foster. The Smash alum took to her Instagram Story on March 31 to share a pic of herself in a brown bikini. On the photo, Katharine wrote, "Loving my curves because my baby gave them to me. The former American Idol star, who welcomed her son Rennie David Foster last month, previously talked about struggling with body image issues during her pregnancy. The actress, who has spoken in the past about battling eating disorders , told Dr. Berlin's Informed Pregnancy Podcast earlier this month, "I have felt really stable in my life in the last four or five years, and my weight has been sort of like more consistent. But feeling like there was a relapse after getting pregnant was really shocking and upsetting and concerning for me, because I was suddenly so obsessed with food, starting from this first trimester. However, Katharine recently shared that lately she hasn't felt any "pressure" to return to a certain size. Recently, Katharine has been all about celebrating the good stuff in life.

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Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media. Forgot your password? Bikini Season! Weight Loss! Does that make you feel better? There is nothing wrong with that — most people do. Sign Up. Katharine-McPhee-December Katharine looked as lovely as ever in this red one-piece swimsuit. Need an account? Maybe you should have more of an attitude of like, let's say, 'Oh that's nice he thinks his wife is hot. App Store. Sign up now!

Katharine McPhee is a triple threat with a smart fashion sense to boots. Celebrate her birthday with a look at her best outfits here.

Share on Facebook Share on X. She wasn't done Gallery Launch Gallery. Email Password. Need an account? Maybe you should have more of an attitude of like, let's say, 'Oh that's nice he thinks his wife is hot. I've gone up and down 10 times over. Relationship Update. Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media. Outside of her workouts, Katharine spends time with her husband, Canadian composer David Foster , whom she met during season 5 of American Idol when she was a contestant back in The American Idol alum, who welcomed her first child in February , has shared many bikini photos that will make your jaw drop! But, as Taylor Swift said haters gonna hate.

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