krystal reyes sexy

Krystal reyes sexy

It premiered on March 5, on the network's Afternoon Prime line up replacing Kokak. The series concluded on July 6, with a total of 88 episodes. It was replaced by Hindi Ka na Mag-iisa krystal reyes sexy its timeslot.

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Krystal reyes sexy


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Krystal reyes sexy

She became famous for her role as the young Kristal in the teledrama Bakekang , a role where she would eventually gain her current screen name. After the show ended, she landed her first starring role as Princess, one of the two title characters in Princess Charming , another Philippine drama. Her biggest break came when she landed the role of Anghelita in Mga Mata ni Anghelita , a remake of the Philippine movie of the same title without the letter H on it which made famous the late Julie Vega. After Healing Hearts, she became semi-active in showbiz to focus on her studies. She's currently a freelancer, though she occasionally appears on GMA. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools.

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