ksi rape face

Ksi rape face

Posted by Alicia Gonzalez Sep 15, Parenting 5. Well, not exactly. He copied it from KSIon the internet.

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Ksi rape face


In other words, the ksi rape face, teens, and young adults. I am all for free speech and internet, but this is not freedom of anything but being vile. Description Discussions 0 Comments 0 Change Notes.


KSI vs. Logan Paul: an insult to pro boxing or a PPV masterstroke? MrBeast: benevolent YouTuber facing monster backlash. The British rapper turned boxer, who co-owns the Prime energy drink with influencer Logan Paul, was playing a game of Countdown with his YouTube collective, the Sidemen. The video sparked widespread outrage on social media over the weekend, particularly from the South Asian community. Escape your echo chamber. Get the facts behind the news, plus analysis from multiple perspectives.

Ksi rape face

KSI recently hit the headlines again after being embroiled in a racism storm that has seen him take a social media break. The British rapper, real name Olajide William Olatunji , made the slur during a video with his YouTube group, where they were playing a Countdown challenge. From his selection of letters, KSI caused outrage by creating a four-letter derogatory word for people of South Asian origin. However, fans have criticised the year-old despite his apology, claiming he should have known better. And this isn't the first time the popular YouTuber has found himself in hot water, having courted headlines for a number of wrong reasons over the years. KSI was accused of trivialising rape by making what was referred to as "rape faces" in a series of his online videos. The clips show the star in a variety of settings, turning to camera with a menacing expression and making sexually suggestive gestures. Many said pulling his "rape face", which would regularly appear in his videos, trivialised sexual assault. He apologised for his past content in after a backlash from women's charities and social media users.

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First, WOW that he thinks I might be able to do that! Add to Collection. It is old, Jessie. Install Steam. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. This item has been added to your Favorites. Sign In Create an Account Cancel. We still had a discussion about. Share to your Steam activity feed. File Size. Change language. I may have mentioned a punch in the face if I ever saw someone doing it in public. Please see the instructions page for reasons why this item might not work within Wallpaper Engine.

KSI recently hit the headlines again after being embroiled in a racism storm that has seen him take a social media break.

There are many adult comedians, even some I would go to see personally, who have very explicit language and content. Honestly, I had enough. This item is incompatible with Wallpaper Engine. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Genre: Relaxing. About The Author. I had no idea. I am all for free speech and internet, but this is not freedom of anything but being vile. He said Oh that is old. It is disturbing, Jess! Description Discussions Comments Change Notes. Disgusting, going to Net Nanny now and blocking this channel. Description Discussions 0 Comments 0 Change Notes.

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