kuran 53 sayfa

Kuran 53 sayfa

As you remember in our previous lesson the topic was about the behaviour patterns of hypocrites during the Tabuk Expedition.

More truly, we processed the first half of the verse ands deliberately left the second half to this lesson. The reason fort his is the establish the connection between 44, 45 and 47th verses as a complete verdict. Those who follow the Gospel should judge with the creeds in the Gospel revealed by Allah. Whoever does not judge with the creeds revealed by Allah, they are the corrupters! Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath revealed therein.

Kuran 53 sayfa


How shall we take this sentence? You will see most of them leaning towards offence against Allah and hastening to consume what has been forbidden… How wretched is what they do!


Cuz Sayfa 3. Sure Ali imran Suresi Ayet Sooft Zacharias zu ihr in den Tempel hineintrat, fand er Speise bei ihr. Da sagte er: ""O Maria, woher kommt dir dies zu? Mohsin : 10px - 15px - 25px - 30px Al-E-Imran On the Day when every person will be confronted with all the good he has done, and all the evil he has done, he will wish that there were a great distance between him and his evil. I have vowed to You what the child that is in my womb to be dedicated for Your services free from all worldly work; to serve Your Place of worship , so accept this, from me. He said: "O Maryam Mary!

Kuran 53 sayfa


Farya faraji

As in Rasulallah made judgement calls for a jewish man and woman who were guilty of fornication with their books. The truth will come from Allah. All because of our sins. Very, very important principle, a universal principle. Your only Waliyy is Allah, the Rasul of HU, and the believers; they establish salat and give alms bowing down. The laws of ignorance. So how can we really determine the vicinity of these verses. If I wished to create excuses I could have created many good ones than these lot. Usurpers, destroyers of values. As in you are in dispute over one thing. Abone ol. This verse, 42th has a notion about specifically the judgement calls of humanity but right after this verse we encounter quite the opposite message. The main thing is your actions. This may come by the form of economical fall, also political fall. This is the crucial part.


This whole sentence can be taken as this. Jews, Christians, heathens. This is indecency. Which then is best? This is the book of truth and it offers you to compete to make good deeds. Just like the Joseph chapter. But even there we see the problem of ifrat and tefrit. The restriction meaning at the beginning of the verse takes another meaning, it becomes a must for all situations. The method of carrying life on the path of sheria is called minhac. Or do they have partners in religion who validate for them the things that Allah forbids?

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