lesbian drink pee

Lesbian drink pee

Craniophagus Parasiticus Records Toronto, Ontario. Contact Craniophagus Parasiticus Records. Streaming and Download help.

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Lesbian drink pee


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Research suggests it can introduce bacteria, toxins, and other harmful substances into your blood, as well as stress your kidneys. Whatever you want to call it, the practice of drinking urine goes back millennia. Known today as urine therapy, urophagia, or urotherapy, the medicinal use of urine is still practiced in some parts of the world. Reports dating back to ancient Rome, Greece, and Egypt suggest that urine therapy has been used to treat everything from acne to cancer. There was a time when doctors tested for diabetes in urine by taste. So, should you be mixing your morning pee into your morning smoothie? Probably not. Your kidneys work as filters, removing excess water and cellular byproducts from the bloodstream.

Lesbian drink pee

All products are independently selected by our editors. If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here's the lowdown on how to subscribe to Allure's print edition for more beauty routines, recommendations, and features. It's Kink Month at Allure, and we're talking all about fetishes and kinks. Read more on our landing page here. While to some, golden showers are the butt of a Donald Trump joke, to others, they are an extremely erotic experience. Golden showers are one form of piss play , which is exactly what it sounds like: sexual play involving piss. Though they may seem easy to make fun of because most of us grew up with bathroom humor, we should probably be nicer when it comes to the topic of golden showers because a lot of people are into them, and kink-shaming isn't cool. Some people engage in golden showers as part of BDSM. BDSM involves a power exchange in which one partner is submissive and the other partner is dominant.

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Last night news trickled in of an unconfirmed report accusing president-elect Donald Trump of indulging in what the security services call a 'perversion' — paying women to urinate on a hotel bed Obama had slept in while in Russia. Although Trump denied it , the story has got people talking and joking about watersports, and as a dabbler I felt compelled to offer an insight into this kink — why do people like it? What exactly is the appeal of either giving or getting a 'golden shower'?

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