Ley lines new york

This is pretty much a ley lines new york of mouth legend, but it is mentioned in passing in print see Shadows of the Western Door, for one. The major roads are spokes that lead off of downtown. The energy channeled by this alignment makes everything in the city…weird. It should probably be stated that I thought that this may have been the stupidest thing that I had heard in months…and completely fabricated, until I started hearing rumblings and hints at this story in different sources.

Listen to the episode here or anywhere you listen to podcasts. Note: Sorry about the radiator noise on this one. I did my best to reduce it, but it ended up sounding a lot louder on the recording than it did in real life. There are also some things that may differ between the final episode and this draft script. Please treat the episode audio as the final product. See sources page for the full source list for the series. The quick and dirty definition of a ley line is: A straight line drawn between important historic structures and landmarks that supposedly have connections to paranormal phenomena, earth energy, etc.

Ley lines new york

The idea was developed in early 20th-century Europe, with ley line believers arguing that these alignments were recognised by ancient societies that deliberately erected structures along them. Since the s, members of the Earth Mysteries movement and other esoteric traditions have commonly believed that such ley lines demarcate " earth energies " and serve as guides for alien spacecraft. Archaeologists and scientists regard ley lines as an example of pseudoarchaeology and pseudoscience. The idea of "leys" as straight tracks across the landscape was put forward by the English antiquarian Alfred Watkins in the s, particularly in his book The Old Straight Track. He argued that straight lines could be drawn between various historic structures and that these represented trade routes created by ancient British societies. Although he gained a small following, Watkins' ideas were never accepted by the British archaeological establishment, a fact that frustrated him. His critics noted that his ideas relied on drawing lines between sites established at different periods of the past. They also argued that in prehistory, as in the present, it was impractical to travel in a straight line across hilly or mountainous areas of Britain, rendering his leys unlikely as trade routes. Independently of Watkins' ideas, a similar notion—that of Heilige Linien 'holy lines' —was raised in s Germany. During the s, Watkins' ideas were revived in altered form by British proponents of the countercultural Earth Mysteries movement. In , Tony Wedd put forward the belief that leys were established by prehistoric communities to guide alien spacecraft. This view was promoted to a wider audience in the books of John Michell , particularly his work The View Over Atlantis. Michell's publications were accompanied by the launch of the Ley Hunter magazine and the appearance of a ley hunter community keen to identify ley lines across the British landscape.

Williamson and Bellamy characterised ley lines as "one of the biggest red herrings in the history of popular thought".


I n , Alfred Watkins — coined the term "ley lines" when explaining his theory that such ancient sites around Britain as various stone circles, stone groupings, burial mounds, and places of worship had been deliberately constructed to form certain alignments between and across the landscape. Except for a few isolated cases, most ley claims did not match the criteria of straight alignment, and often incorporated structures from different eras. Neverthless, the belief that many megaliths erected by neolithic peoples were placed along energy lines persists. Others take a more practical view: such alignments could have served as signaling devices where watchers could provide advance alert miles away about approaching armies. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. March 21, Retrieved March 21, from Encyclopedia. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia. Ley Lines and Energy Alignments gale.

Ley lines new york

The idea was developed in early 20th-century Europe, with ley line believers arguing that these alignments were recognised by ancient societies that deliberately erected structures along them. Since the s, members of the Earth Mysteries movement and other esoteric traditions have commonly believed that such ley lines demarcate " earth energies " and serve as guides for alien spacecraft. Archaeologists and scientists regard ley lines as an example of pseudoarchaeology and pseudoscience. The idea of "leys" as straight tracks across the landscape was put forward by the English antiquarian Alfred Watkins in the s, particularly in his book The Old Straight Track. He argued that straight lines could be drawn between various historic structures and that these represented trade routes created by ancient British societies. Although he gained a small following, Watkins' ideas were never accepted by the British archaeological establishment, a fact that frustrated him. His critics noted that his ideas relied on drawing lines between sites established at different periods of the past.

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Hundreds of smaller windows lie inside that circle. In , Tony Wedd put forward the belief that leys were established by prehistoric communities to guide alien spacecraft. Loading Comments Hauser, Kitty Williamson and Bellamy's book brought two different responses from the ley hunter community. Images of dead malls, empty school hallways, fluorescent-lit office corridors, and playgrounds at night might come to mind. Stout, Adam Skeptics have also stressed that the esoteric idea of earth energies running through ley lines has not been scientifically verified, remaining an article of faith for its believers. Not to be confused with Lay line. Independently of Watkins' ideas, a similar notion—that of Heilige Linien 'holy lines' —was raised in s Germany. Indeed, should a storm as intense as that of May occur today, its impact on electricity networks might exceed that realized in March

Wiki User. Ley Lines - album - was created in There aren't any.

Williamson and Bellamy's book brought two different responses from the ley hunter community. The May storm was one of the most intense ever recorded by ground-level magnetometers. Watkins, Alfred The idea in paranormal circles is that the paranormal appears more often during liminal times, and in liminal places. It was when I was reading about the Hammonasset Line, which starts in Montauk, LI, that the bad feeling I was starting to get about ley lines was confirmed: I pretty quickly ended up on the website of Graham Hancock, whose name set up some big alarm bells for me. ISBN Wedd's ideas were taken up by the writer John Michell , who promoted them to a wider audience in his book The Flying Saucer Vision. In the U. Like Loading In his book Skyways and Landmarks , Tony Wedd published his idea that Watkins' leys were both real and served as ancient markers to guide alien spacecraft that were visiting Earth. However, again, it should be stressed that the original concept has nothing to do whatsoever with power and everything to do with traveling through the English countryside.

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