lightsaber combat forms

Lightsaber combat forms

Master Qui-Gonmore to say, have you?

Some are very offensive, some have an unbreakable defense, while others focus on agility and precision. Those fighting styles come from different lightsaber combat forms that evolved over centuries to overpower the menacing danger of rising Sith lords and Dark Jedis. As learned from Star Wars Saga, lightsaber combat has seven forms. All the forms are different from each other in approach and tactics. It can take several years to master one form of lightsaber combat. Every Jedi or Sith was seen using at least one lightsaber combat form throughout the series, except for a few who learned multiple forms. Form I is the first lightsaber combat form, also known as the determination form and way of the Sarlacc.

Lightsaber combat forms

Every Jedi and Sith in the galaxy must be skilled in lightsaber combat to survive. Although the Jedi are known to rely on peaceful negotiations, that does not mean they do not understand the importance of lightsaber combat. Within The Saber Legion, every form of lightsaber combat is recognized, but as fighting techniques have evolved, some methods of combat have become outdated. When learning lightsaber techniques, a Jedi or Sith apprentice is trained to recognize all seven forms of combat. Shii-Cho, also known as Form I, is the oldest and most elementary form of lightsaber combat developed by the Jedi Order. Shii-Cho is still taught to youngling Jedis because it is the most basic. This style is known to be used when all other forms of combat have failed. Because this form has such early origins, Shii-Cho is not optimized for a lightsaber to lightsaber combat and is used predominantly for defense. Once the Dark Jedi and Sith Lords emerged, Form I became outdated and the Jedi needed a combative form that was both offensive and defense, something more equipped for a lightsaber to lightsaber contact. This form is both graceful and calculated, relying on balance and complicated footwork to outsmart their opponent. In the Makashi form, opponents use only one hand and with this form, the user is usually able to disarm their opponent without killing them. As intergalactic combat changed and blasters became more relevant, the Makashi form of fighting soon became obsolete.

Like many lightsaber forms, this one is used by both Sith and Jedi alike although some Jedi felt that the aggression used in this form was not faithful to the Jedi way, lightsaber combat forms.

Star Wars ' lightsaber is the traditional weapon of the Jedi and the Sith, and there are seven different lightsaber forms in canon. When Luke Skywalker first saw his father's lightsaber, he was fascinated by it. An elegant weapon for a more civilized time. During the prequel era, Padawans were encouraged to experiment with all lightsaber forms in order to find the one that suited them the most just as Apprentices favored different lightsaber colors in Star Wars canon. Some forms are better suited to combat, while other forms rely on defense. The Clone Wars saw many Jedi switch to combative forms while the galaxy was at war, whereas characters like Luke and Leia use Vader's form since it's what they have experience with.

Every Jedi and Sith in the galaxy must be skilled in lightsaber combat to survive. Although the Jedi are known to rely on peaceful negotiations, that does not mean they do not understand the importance of lightsaber combat. Within The Saber Legion, every form of lightsaber combat is recognized, but as fighting techniques have evolved, some methods of combat have become outdated. When learning lightsaber techniques, a Jedi or Sith apprentice is trained to recognize all seven forms of combat. Shii-Cho, also known as Form I, is the oldest and most elementary form of lightsaber combat developed by the Jedi Order. Shii-Cho is still taught to youngling Jedis because it is the most basic. This style is known to be used when all other forms of combat have failed.

Lightsaber combat forms

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Lightsaber combat , also known as Jedi combat , referred to several schools of martial arts specialized in, though not limited to, fighting with a lightsaber. Such fighting forms were required to compensate for or take advantage of the unique attributes of lightsabers, notably the odd balance of the weapon, all of the weight being in the hilt, and the omni-directional cutting edge. The various combat forms owed their unique focuses and methods to the eras in which they were created, as they were oftentimes developed to answer a new generation of weapons technology. For example, the dueling-centric Makashi form was created during a time when Dark Jedi and rogue Force-sensitives ran rampant through the galaxy, and lightsaber duels became a common occurrence, whereas Soresu was developed when such confrontations were rare, and Jedi were more likely to confront blaster -wielding opponents and gunslingers rather than lightsaber duelists. Throughout the millennia since the lightsaber's creation, the art of dueling with them developed into seven "classic" forms and numerous other styles. It was difficult to master for a number of reasons, one of them being that all of the weight a lightsaber had was in its hilt. It had been said that only a Force-sensitive individual could completely master lightsaber combat, though there have been some great non-force sensitive duelists, such as Pre Vizsla, or General Grievous.

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Interestingly, many Jedi felt that Shien and Djem So were not faithful to the Jedi way as it came perilously close to using the Force for offense rather than defense. Shii-Cho is generally regarded as the oldest and most elementary lightsaber form; as a result, almost every Jedi begins by learning Shii-Cho, and will often fall back on this fighting style in the case that all other techniques have failed. With the rise of the Empire, the Jedi religion fell into myth in the minds of most of the galaxy's everyday citizens. When the seven forms of the original order were rediscovered, Katarn went on to master Djem So as well. But dangerous it is, for its master as well as its opponent. Windu developed Vaapad to control his inner darkness and channel it into goals worthy of the Jedi, bridging the gap between light and dark. Palpatine's advanced combat skills and Dark side powers allowed him to strike down Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin instantly. In each of Vo'ren Faalo's cadences, the primary practice is to stand in a circle of candles with ball bearings atop them, and attempt to strike the ball bearings without hitting the candles. Trispzest, which meant heart palpitation in the S'kytric language, would allow the combatant to utilize the advantages of flying in battle against grounded units—whom the S'kytri would derogatively refer to as "walkers". As Lumiya noted, Luke's Jedi training only prepared him for a weapon that was either energy or solid, not one that was both. One-handed fighting methods resembling European rapier fencing came to be included. An elegant weapon for a more civilized time. As the duelist would have a height advantage over the opponent, attacks while mounted typically consisted of low lunges and diagonal slashes and arcs. Lucas wanted the earliest lightsaber duels to feature a very oriental style of fencing, reminiscent of Japanese fighting styles, which involved a great deal of honor and spirituality. In the blending, much of the individuality is lost, but the strengths are spread evenly, and there is little weakness in it.

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you?

Limitations Indeed, Makashi was extremely effective in close lightsaber combats and was useful for quite a long time only until the new threats started to rise again. However, it was common that both blades be used for offensive purposes, keeping up a continuous wave-front assault. The primary purpose of the double-bladed lightsaber was to allow for a faster rate of attack, unleashing a rapid assault with only a minimum of movement, "more slaughter per swing" as some put it. Giving in to the dark side, the younger Jedi Knight severed Dooku's hands and decapitated the Count at the urging of Chancellor Palpatine, [6] fulfilling Sidious's long fostered hope that Skywalker could best the Count and prove himself powerful enough to become a Sith Lord. Safety First — Start with Shii-Cho When joining groups like the Saber Legion and other worldwide lightsaber combat groups, certain protocols must be followed to ensure the safety of everyone in the group. It was an expression of the idea that a Jedi should know when to use their lightsabers, and when to withhold from resorting to force and instead find an alternative means of solving a problem. Tutorials Editing sandbox Things to do Status article nominations Featured article nominations Good article nominations Comprehensive article nominations. Niman was the most commonly used lightsaber combat form. Makashi is the most dueling-centric of the seven forms, developed during an era where engagements with Darksiders and rogue Jedi became an almost routine activity. Want to be able to dual wield? The guard positions all featured the blade being held at right angles, with the upper and lower guards being horizontal, while the left and right positions being vertical. Those who use Form IV can move at high speeds and rain strong blows, jumping and attacking through the air. While Sith learn Shii-Cho, they usually abandon it in favor of more aggressive forms. However, it was not as reckless in nature.

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