linda c. black astrology

Linda c. black astrology

Take charge of personal dreams this year.

Linda C. Black, a Libra, wrote a daily syndicated horoscopes column that since has appeared in newspapers including the Chicago Tribune. Black, 65, died of ovarian cancer Monday, Aug. Black was both a devout Catholic and a devoted follower of astrology, which holds that the position of the stars and planets has a direct effect on human affairs and personalities. The horoscope for Libra published on the day Ms. Show you understand by your actions. This works well for all.

Linda c. black astrology

Aries March April 19 — Today is an 8 — Get private time with an associate with a bright idea. This could change your entire future, so consider it carefully before you act. Taurus April May 20 — Today is a 7 — With each encounter you discover alternatives that get your work done. In the process, you find ways to enjoy yourself and support others. Gemini May June 21 — Today is a 7 — Allow luck to take you where the wind blows. Now you create your own experience by sharing this with another. Capture it on video. How will you express them? You may need assistance in getting your thoughts on paper. Accept help from others. Leo July Aug. Sensitivity prevents breakage. Virgo Aug. Provide visual cues and language that appeals to emotions.

A sense of humor pays off. You can find the resources you need.

Planning, organization and routine practices can achieve personal dreams. Creativity feeds winter productivity, developing into a lucrative springtime. Summer adventures take a new direction after changes, leading to profitable collaborative efforts next autumn. Communication is your superpower. Aries March April 19 Today is an 8 -- Adapt to a surprise with your partner.

Benefits flow through communication this year. Dedication to regular self-care energizes high performance. Support shared accounts for increasing springtime profits, before adapting personal finances around summer shortfalls. Autumn victories and glory inspire a winter shift with shared financial strategies. Creativity, diplomacy and charm open doors. Aries March April 19 — Today is an 8 — Take advantage of a lucrative opportunity. Make plans and prepare. Polish your presentation.

Linda c. black astrology

Disciplined actions realize personal dreams. A lucrative springtime rewards shared ventures, before financial challenges require adaptation this summer. Savor personal autumn victories, and then solve shared financial puzzles next winter. Use your persuasive powers for powerful contribution. Creative ideas abound.

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Research leads to unusual insights concerning forces and uses for money. Compassion and shared support provide resolution. Adapt physical routines around a change or challenge. Leo July Aug. Facebook Twitter Show more sharing options Share Close extra sharing options. Figure costs and benefits. Enjoy the view. Make adjustments. Make upgrades before things break down. Focus on love.


In the beginning, she was writing words for each of the 12 astrological signs every day. Pull together for a common dream. Tribune Content Agency. Cancer June July 22 Today is a 7 -- The love that you put into your home returns three-fold. Disciplined actions can realize dreams. Scorpio Oct. Stick to practical routines and soothing rituals. Gemini May June 20 Today is an 8 -- Make a creative change. Aquarius Jan. Get help building a professional dream. Most Read Stories Seattle, prepare for a 'topsy turvy' week of weather Money in college savings accounts can now go toward retirement Why health care has become a top target for cybercriminals Former Seahawk Richard Sherman arrested for suspicion of DUI How Scott Servais helped stabilize a turbulent Mariners offseason.

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