linkin libraries

Linkin libraries

Rapid delivery of library materials. This service offers convenient access to the collections of the partner libraries when materials are not available at Gail Borden Public Library. Patrons are able to request materials from our LINKin partners via a click-thru from our online catalog or with staff assistance. Materials requested from LINKin libraries can be expected to linkin libraries within 1 week on average, and patrons will be notified by phone or email when the item is ready for linkin libraries.

I am using the esy-packaged tree-sitter. At compilation time, there are two environment variables already set up :. When I try to load my library in utop, i get Fatal error: exception Dl. I have a libtree-sitter. See here and here. Mentioning the archive directly on the cli might also work.

Linkin libraries


See here and here. If a partner library has the item, the LINKin catalog will display a catalog record for the item, linkin libraries number of libraries that own it, and a Request this Item link, linkin libraries. Select Gail Borden from the drop-down menu and then click the Submit above information button.


Today's Hours: Wed: 9 am — 9 pm. LINKin is the group of 11 large north suburban libraries we partner with to share items quickly and easily:. You will be notified by phone or email when the item is ready for pickup. Most LINKin items may be renewed once for an additional 4 weeks. Movies and video games may be renewed once for one additional week. Please contact the Adult Services Desk at x, if you need further assistance.

Linkin libraries

Rapid delivery of library materials. This service offers convenient access to the collections of the partner libraries when materials are not available at Gail Borden Public Library. Patrons are able to request materials from our LINKin partners via a click-thru from our online catalog or with staff assistance. Materials requested from LINKin libraries can be expected to arrive within 1 week on average, and patrons will be notified by phone or email when the item is ready for pickup. Please contact the Information desk at for assistance with incomplete transactions or general questions about the LINKin service.

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No copies are available at this time. If the item is not available, click on the Search other resources link then select Search Partner Libraries to pass your search on to the LINKin catalog. Related Topics Topic Replies Views Activity Writing ctypes bindings to system shared libraries for bytecode targets via the dune ctypes stanza Ecosystem dune. Search the Gail Borden Public Library catalog to see if the item is available for checkout. Gail Borden Public Library will notify you when the item is ready for pickup. Rapid delivery of library materials. If the item is not available for borrowing from one of the LINKin partner libraries, the catalog will display an explanation. This service offers convenient access to the collections of the partner libraries when materials are not available at Gail Borden Public Library. Related Links. May not be the best idea if multiple libs do that for the same lib but your problem should remain solvable by passing the archive directly on the cli to have them in the stub library that is used by ocamlrun. Materials requested from LINKin libraries can be expected to arrive within 1 week on average, and patrons will be notified by phone or email when the item is ready for pickup. If a partner library has the item, the LINKin catalog will display a catalog record for the item, the number of libraries that own it, and a Request this Item link. But trying to make it first work on an executable rather than in the toplevel is a good idea. Ok, so I simply added the -static flag, and ended up with the ld: library not found for -lcrt0. When I try to load my library in utop, i get Fatal error: exception Dl.

The new catalog is up and running! If you bookmarked links from the old catalog, here are the new links:.

Please check with your local library. How does LINKin work? May not be the best idea if multiple libs do that for the same lib but your problem should remain solvable by passing the archive directly on the cli to have them in the stub library that is used by ocamlrun. No copies are available at this time. Click on the Request this Item link. At compilation time, there are two environment variables already set up :. If your request is successful, the catalog will display "your request was successful" and the transaction is complete. But trying to make it first work on an executable rather than in the toplevel is a good idea. If a partner library has the item, the LINKin catalog will display a catalog record for the item, the number of libraries that own it, and a Request this Item link. Gail Borden Public Library will notify you when the item is ready for pickup. Ok, so I simply added the -static flag, and ended up with the ld: library not found for -lcrt0. Writing ctypes bindings to system shared libraries for bytecode targets via the dune ctypes stanza Ecosystem dune. This service offers convenient access to the collections of the partner libraries when materials are not available at Gail Borden Public Library. Ecosystem build. Search the Gail Borden Public Library catalog to see if the item is available for checkout.

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