Lisa hartman

Clint Black and Lisa Hartman Black first met in before marrying in Clint Black and Lisa Hartman Black have been together for over three decades, lisa hartman. The long-standing country music couple met backstage after lisa hartman of Clint's concerts on New Year's Eve in

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Play trailer Where the Boys Are Lisa Hartman is an American actress and singer from Houston, Texas.

Lisa hartman

Hartman gained prominence after her role in the prime time drama Knots Landing from to She recorded four solo albums between and , with her most notable song being "If Love Must Go". They have lived in Nashville, Tennessee, since After some minor television appearances, Hartman starred on the short-lived Bewitched spin-off, Tabitha during — Hartman's breakthrough as an actress came in when she began appearing on the prime time drama Knots Landing , playing rock singer Ciji Dunne. Her character engaged in romances with the characters played by Ted Shackelford and Michael Sabatino. Hartman was popular with audiences, and when Ciji was murdered off-screen in , there was a public uproar. As a solution, Hartman was brought back on the show as Cathy Geary , also a singer, who later marries an unbalanced televangelist played by a young Alec Baldwin. Hartman remained with the show until , when she was released due to budget cuts and because the show's writers felt there were no further storylines for her character. During her time on the series, she appeared in the film Where the Boys Are '84 produced by Allan Carr.

Family Focus Blog. Jonni Hartman.


Clint Black and Lisa Hartman met on New Year's Eve in , when the actress attended one of Black's concerts in Houston, the city where they were both raised. It was the country artist's first headline show back home following a record year that had made him a household name. At the time, Black was sick, fighting a cold. He found the crowds of people who had gathered backstage to greet him exciting but overwhelming. He was not looking for love. I had been dealing with that out on the road but it wasn't natural for me. It's not natural for anybody.

Lisa hartman

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The song reached the top of the U. Clint told PEOPLE the tour was an opportunity to "keep creating something out in front of us that we have to be ready for and go do and enjoy. Country Music Television. The couple started to date and made it work with their busy schedules. As a solution, Hartman was brought back on the show as Cathy Geary , also a singer, who later marries an unbalanced televangelist played by a young Alec Baldwin. Knots Landing. Previous American actress and singer. Soundtrack 8 Self 72 Archive Footage 2. Create profiles to personalise content. She portrayed the retired prostitute Jade O'Keefe, who had moved to a private beach house, along with 3 other women who were trying to rebuild their lives. Trailer Hartman's breakthrough as an actress came in when she began appearing on the prime time drama Knots Landing , playing rock singer Ciji Dunne. During her time on the series, she appeared in the film Where the Boys Are '84 produced by Allan Carr.

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Add demo reel with IMDbPro. See the full list. Where was Lisa Hartman born? The couple started to date and made it work with their busy schedules. Where does it come from? Out of Nowhere 5. Emily J. Hartman also performed the song "Where the Boys Are" for the film's soundtrack album. Her version of the song was also released as a single, but failed to chart. Police Woman. See the gallery.

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