lol jungle route

Lol jungle route

Jungle Pathing is one of the most dynamic aspects in League of Legends.

A lot of your initial route depends on your Champion. Some characters spike at level 3 and want to be really active within the early game, while other characters want to farm a bit more. This is a very aggressive pathway that often lends itself to those early spiking Champions. This route can be switched depending on sides and definitely accelerates your progress towards the opposite side of the map. You can do this kind of route on any Jungler, but early game Junglers like Xin Zhao benefit from this since they duel harder at level 3. Aggressive Junglers, like those mentioned above, love this route for their early impact. But, many Junglers at this time prefer some of our later clearing routes.

Lol jungle route

League of Legends has five uniquely designed roles varying in both early and mid to late game responsibilities, map rotations, and farming methods. Once mastered, the jungler role is highly rewarding that can definitely increase your solo queue win rate. On top of that, with proper jungle pathing, you will be able to set up the deciding plays that can result in your team taking the best map objectives like Baron Nashor. Jungle pathing, or jungle routing, simply entails the route you take as a jungler , including the order of camp clearing, ganks, and even invades. Largely because of this, they are able to predict their rotations and warn their teammates about potential ganks. So, you can always attempt to throw off the enemy team as a jungler by taking more spontaneous paths, but you still run the risk of slowing your clear speed, and, therefore, potentially lowering your impact on the game. If the enemy jungler, on the other hand, effectively tracks you down and invades your jungle, your best defense will be map awareness. Since you stayed mindful of enemy rotations, or if you have vision over your jungle camps, you can simply rotate to other map areas where your lead is not at threat. Full clear jungle pathing is recommended for beginners. Players will be able to clear all three of the jungle camps and move on to the next quadrant to destroy the next three camps. The full clearing is normally recommended for power-farming and scaling junglers like Evelyn, Master Yi, Karthus, Lillia, and Viego. The best pathing for the blue side includes starting with the red buff and killing your blue buff before ganking either mid lane or top lane. For the red side, the best start would be killing the blue buff, then red. Vertical jungling commonly refers to clearing the enemy jungle on the exact opposite side of yours.

A bit of info about the top routes in the game right now!


Most of the time, they are hidden in the bushes between the lanes of the map, preying on neutral monsters, obtaining buffs, and waiting for the ideal chance to gank the enemy players. Many people also consider jungle the most important position since it usually determines the outcome of the game. Therefore, newcomers to the role should become familiar with all the intricacies that will help them improve their skills. The first thing you need to do as a jungler is to determine your role. Figure out which of the following three roles suits you best:. Next, you need to select appropriate runes in the pre-game lobby. Most junglers rely on ganking enemy champions to give their teammate and themselves an advantage.

Lol jungle route

League of Legends has five uniquely designed roles varying in both early and mid to late game responsibilities, map rotations, and farming methods. Once mastered, the jungler role is highly rewarding that can definitely increase your solo queue win rate. On top of that, with proper jungle pathing, you will be able to set up the deciding plays that can result in your team taking the best map objectives like Baron Nashor. Jungle pathing, or jungle routing, simply entails the route you take as a jungler , including the order of camp clearing, ganks, and even invades. Largely because of this, they are able to predict their rotations and warn their teammates about potential ganks. So, you can always attempt to throw off the enemy team as a jungler by taking more spontaneous paths, but you still run the risk of slowing your clear speed, and, therefore, potentially lowering your impact on the game. If the enemy jungler, on the other hand, effectively tracks you down and invades your jungle, your best defense will be map awareness. Since you stayed mindful of enemy rotations, or if you have vision over your jungle camps, you can simply rotate to other map areas where your lead is not at threat. Full clear jungle pathing is recommended for beginners.

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Skarner, Evelynn, Rengar, Nocturne, for example all have massive spikes and their methods of approach diversify come level six. LoL fans want Riot to make Galio into a lore-accurate anti-magic goliath. Go again. How it really works The colors are simple enough, but a lot goes into defining them. On top of that, with proper jungle pathing, you will be able to set up the deciding plays that can result in your team taking the best map objectives like Baron Nashor. Ganking is, besides invading, the best means for a jungler to take the game into their own hands. Hayley Andrews Hayley Andrews Mar 14, Talk to our team on:. Largely because of this, they are able to predict their rotations and warn their teammates about potential ganks. Dominique' McClain. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent.

In League of Legends, the Jungler is tasked with roaming between lanes, securing neutral objectives and assisting their Top, Mid, and Bottom lanes.

On top of that, with proper jungle pathing, you will be able to set up the deciding plays that can result in your team taking the best map objectives like Baron Nashor. Leona, on Bot Side, offers a ton of early game CC from level three to six, taking advantage of what she provides can really get the tempo going for you. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This is probably your most standard route. Keep an eye on the lane and look for opportunities. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Hayley Andrews Hayley Andrews Mar 14, This is why we set out to make the tool — to not only help Junglers hone their pathings, but to also help players in the other roles understand where the action is likely to happen. The tool also looks at the mobility options that are involved in a potential gank — champions that have dashes, blinks, and leaps are much more difficult to lock down in comparison to champs that are immobile or slow. Connect with us:. Izabela Tomakic. If you notice that the enemy jungler is repeatedly ganking your top lane , rethink your strategy and consider pathing the top side to counter-gank the imminent gank. Since you have access to neutral objectives like drakes and the Rift Herald, you should look to take them down as often as possible. So, you can always attempt to throw off the enemy team as a jungler by taking more spontaneous paths, but you still run the risk of slowing your clear speed, and, therefore, potentially lowering your impact on the game. Dominique' McClain.

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