Lol lulu masteries

Lulu support has a The best Lulu players have a Analyzing 3, games played by the top Lulu players worldwide over the last 7 days, lol lulu masteries. The average rank of these top Lulu players was Diamond I.

Learn more about Lulu's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! If you're looking for the best rune build for Lulu we've got you covered. If you are already familiar with how to play Lulu this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch However, if you are a new Lulu player we highly recommend reading through some of the guides above to learn why this build is strong on Lulu! Learn Lulu's counters and discover matchups where they have an advantage! When you're starting a game of League of Legends you should always keep in mind if you'll be at an advantage or disadvantage against your opponent, so you can know whether to bully them or play safe.

Lol lulu masteries

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Lulu Support. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths. All Roles. All regions All. All champions. Directly export those runes into your LoL client. Download the Porofessor app. Aery cannot be sent out again until she returns to you.

Lulu - Utility Support By Mystral 9 days ago. How important is it for supports to have a "full build" of support items like Locket etc?

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Lulu Support. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths.

Learn more about Lulu's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community! If you're looking for the best rune build for Lulu we've got you covered. If you are already familiar with how to play Lulu this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch However, if you are a new Lulu player we highly recommend reading through some of the guides above to learn why this build is strong on Lulu! Learn Lulu's counters and discover matchups where they have an advantage! When you're starting a game of League of Legends you should always keep in mind if you'll be at an advantage or disadvantage against your opponent, so you can know whether to bully them or play safe. You can find detailed breakdowns of each matchup on CounterStats, and you can also check out some Lulu guides to see how to build and play against other champions you may find yourself up against! The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Lulu.

Lol lulu masteries

Lulu support has a The best Lulu players have a Analyzing 3, games played by the top Lulu players worldwide over the last 7 days. The average rank of these top Lulu players was Diamond I. Taking into account win rate and summoner rank Lulu is ranked amongst all champions in the hands of an expert.

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Lulu Support. Delta 2? Popularity: 5. Asked on June 1, Boots 1 2 3. Our Stats Powered By. Grants 1. When you've absorbed monsters or enemy minions, gain an additional 3. Primary Runes. Popularity: 2. Strong Strong Against. Lulu's Luxury Items. Highest Win Rune Page.


All rights reserved. If cast on an enemy, commands Pix to jump to an enemy and damage them. Exact Exact Item Count? Watch game. Earn progress toward Legend stacks for every champion takedown, epic monster takedown, large monster kill, and minion kill. Item 5. Cooldown: 60s Popularity: 0. Increase the gold gained by 20 gold for each Bounty Hunter stack, up to gold. Cooldown: 10s Popularity: Mobalytics Quality alternative Lulu build stats and more from our friends at Mobalytics. For each takedown you acquire the boots 45s sooner. Download the Porofessor app. Early Items 10 min. Guide to Lulu Diamond 2 2 mil mastery points S

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